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The Natural History of Selborne

The Natural History of Selborne by Gilbert White
By: (1720-1793)

"The Natural History of Selborne" by Gilbert White is a classic work of natural history that remains relevant and engaging even centuries after its initial publication. White's detailed observations of the flora and fauna of Selborne, a small village in Hampshire, are presented in a warm and accessible style that makes the reader feel as if they are accompanying the author on his walks through the countryside.

Through White's keen eye and thoughtful reflections, we gain a deeper appreciation for the rhythms of the natural world and the interconnectedness of all living things. His observations are not just scientific in nature, but also reveal a deep sense of wonder and reverence for the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

While some of the information in the book may be outdated by modern standards, the charm and insight of White's writing make it a valuable read for anyone interested in natural history, ecology, or simply the wonders of the natural world. I highly recommend "The Natural History of Selborne" for anyone looking to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the world around them.

Book Description:

The Reverend Gilbert White was the curate of the village of Selborne, a village in Hampshire, from 1784 to his death in 1793, living most of his life in the village. The book is in the form of a collection of letters to two friends, discussing the natural history of the areas that he knew, and natural history in general. White’s intense curiosity and his love for the world about him flow through his simple, straightforward style, and a gentle sense of humour colours many of his anecdotes.

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