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By: Allan Pinkerton (1819-1884)

The Expressman and the Detective by Allan Pinkerton The Expressman and the Detective

Allan Pinkerton (1819-1884), a Scotsman by birth and a barrel-maker by trade, settled in Chicago in its infancy and founded the Pinkertons, the world's first detective agency. Though events associated with the agency after his death have tarnished the name, Pinkerton himself was one of the original human rights advocates. He was a dear friend to John Brown, an advisor to Abraham Lincoln, and 80 years ahead of his time in hiring female detectives. He was also stubborn, irascible, and an egomaniac...

Book cover The Burglar's Fate And The Detectives
The Spiritualists and the Detectives by Allan Pinkerton The Spiritualists and the Detectives
The Somnambulist and the Detective The Murderer and the Fortune Teller by Allan Pinkerton The Somnambulist and the Detective The Murderer and the Fortune Teller
Book cover The Spy of the Rebellion Being a True History of the Spy System of the United States Army during the Late Rebellion,
Book cover Bucholz and the Detectives
Mississippi Outlaws and the Detectives Don Pedro and the Detectives; Poisoner and the Detectives by Allan Pinkerton Mississippi Outlaws and the Detectives Don Pedro and the Detectives; Poisoner and the Detectives

By: Allan Ramsay (1866-1932)

Book cover Told in the Coffee House

In the course of a number of visits to Constantinople, I became much interested in the tales that are told in the coffee houses. These are usually little more than rooms, with walls made of small panes of glass. The furniture consists of a tripod with a contrivance for holding the kettle, and a fire to keep the coffee boiling. A carpeted bench traverses the entire length of the room. This is occupied by turbaned Turks, their legs folded under them, smoking nargilehs or chibooks or cigarettes, and sipping coffee...

By: Allen Chaffee

Book cover Unexplored!
The Adventures of Fleetfoot and Her Fawns by Allen Chaffee The Adventures of Fleetfoot and Her Fawns
Book cover Chinook the Cinnamon Cub

Allen Chaffee is author of numerous children's books including the Fuzz Wuzz series and a popular rendition of Hiawatha as well as The World of Oz. Here we join the adventures of a the mischievous cub bear, Cinnamon. - Summary by Larry Wilson

By: Allen Chapman

Book cover The Radio Boys' First Wireless Or Winning the Ferberton Prize
Book cover The Radio Boys at the Sending Station Or, Making Good in the Wireless Room
Book cover Fred Fenton Marathon Runner The Great Race at Riverport School
The Radio Boys at Ocean Point by Allen Chapman The Radio Boys at Ocean Point
Book cover Fred Fenton on the Track or, The Athletes of Riverport School
Book cover Fred Fenton on the Crew or, The Young Oarsmen of Riverport School
Book cover Bart Stirling's Road to Success Or, The Young Express Agent
Book cover Ralph on the Engine The Young Fireman of the Limited Mail
Book cover Ralph on the Overland Express The Trials and Triumphs of a Young Engineer
The Heroes of the School or, The Darewell Chums Through Thick and Thin by Allen Chapman The Heroes of the School or, The Darewell Chums Through Thick and Thin
Book cover Tom Fairfield's Pluck and Luck
Book cover Frank Roscoe's Secret Or, the Darewell Chums in the Woods

By: Allen French (1870-1946)

Book cover The Siege of Boston
Book cover At Plattsburg
Book cover Story of Rolf and the Viking's Bow

Rolf, a youth in early Christian Iceland, loses first his father, then his property, and finally his freedom to the schemes of a greedy neighbor. Outlawed from Iceland, Rolf travels abroad, meeting with shipwreck, enslavement, Viking berserkers, and many other dangers and adventures. All the while, Rolf searches for a way to prove his father was killed unjustly and win back his own property and freedom. Even more difficult, Rolf must end the cycle of enmity, vengeance, and pride that hangs like a curse over his family. - Summary by Erin Schellhase

By: Allen Glasser (1908-1971)

Book cover Martian

The water was evaporated by the ever-shining sun until there was none left for the thirsty plants. Every year more workers died in misery. A stranger from another world comes and experiences the attempts by two different cultures with different languages to understand what the other wants. Not all educated cultures are cordial or sympathetic to new arrivals. This book explores one potential outcome of the meeting of alien races. - Summary by Paul Harvey

By: Allen H. Godbey (1864-1948)

Book cover Great Disasters and Horrors in the World's History

"Mankind is constantly astonished by reports of mishaps and disasters of manifold character, when there is seldom room for astonishment. A large proportion of the calamities reported from day to day are directly due to the haste, greed, and heedlessness of man himself, and need no comment. But there is a large class of disasters, due solely to meteorological or geological conditions, which surpass all others in magnitude and appalling destruction. In such cases men insist on prating about “mysterious visitations,” as though these occurrences were subject to the dominion of no law. To an examination of such is this book devoted." From the preface.

By: Allen Johnson (1870-1931)

Book cover Union and Democracy
Book cover Stephen A. Douglas A Study in American Politics

By: Allen Kelly (1855-1916)

Book cover Bears I Have Met—and Others

By: Allen Kim Lang (1928-)

Book cover Blind Man's Lantern

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