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By: Various

Book cover Atlantic Narratives: Modern Short Stories

This book, published in 1918 by the Atlantic Monthly Press, is a collection of 23 "modern short stories", written by various authors as follows: Cornelia A. P. Comer, Amy Wentworth Stone, Elizabeth Ashe, Dallas Lore Sharp, H. G. Dwight, Mary Lerner, Charles Caldwell Dobie, Henry Seidel Canby, Zephine Humphrey, Katharine Fullerton Gerould, Katharine Butler, Madeleine Z. Doty, F. J. Louriet, Ernest Starr, C. A. Mercer, Margaret Sherwood, E. Nesbit, E. V. Lucas, Margaret Lynn, Margaret Prescott Montague, and Arthur Russell Taylor...

Book cover Short Poetry Collection 123

This is a collection of poems read by LibriVox volunteers for August 2013.

Book cover Fireside Christmas Short Stories

A collection of Christmas-themed short stories, intended to warm the heart and share with the family. Each story or poem in this collection is unique: some make us pause to consider the meaning of Christmas, others entertain and make us smile. So curl up in front of a blazing fire and be transported back to Christmases past.

Book cover Short Ghost and Horror Collection 023

A collection of twenty stories featuring ghoulies, ghosties, long-leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night. Expect shivers up your spine, the stench of human flesh, and the occasional touch of wonder.

Book cover Short Poetry Collection 138

This is a collection of 25 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for November 2014.

Book cover Short Poetry Collection 125

This is a collection of 29 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for October 2013.

Book cover National Geographic Magazine Vol. 02 No. 3-5

National Geographic Magazine Volume 2 Number 3: The Arctic Cruise of the U.S.S. Thetis in the Summer and Autumn of 1889. The Law of Storms, considered with special reference to the North Atlantic. The Irrigation Problem in Montana. National Geographic Magazine Volume 2 Number 4: Korea and the Koreans. The Ordnance Survey of Great Britain - its history and object. Geographic Nomenclature. National Geographic Magazine Volume 2 Number 5: Announcement. Summary of Reports on the Mt. St. Elias Expedition. By-Laws and Rules of the National Geographic Society.

Book cover Short Poetry Collection 126

This is a collection of 20 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for November 2013.

Book cover Grandma Knight's Tales

Grandma Knight's Tales* includes stories that provide entertainment and, hopefully, some moral learning to small listeners. A special dedication goes out to the narrators own grandchildren, by whom this book was inspired. "Merry Christmas to my Bucket, Stuff, Jo-Jo, Buster Brown Eyes, and little Curly...grandma loves you! And a very Merry Christmas to children all over the world! Enjoy!" (Deborah Knight, December 2013) Created to inspire an early love for reading, writing, and literary works it includes the following stories...

Book cover Short Science Fiction Collection 050

Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is possible. The only rules are those set forth by the author. The speculative nature of the genre inspires thought, and plants seeds that have led to advances in science. The genre can spark an interest in the science and is cited as the impetus for the career choice of many scientists. It is a playing field to explore social perspectives, predictions of the future, and engage in adventures unbound into the richness of the human mind.

Book cover Pan-American Poems: an anthology

In this anthology, Agnes Blake Poor introduces to the American public a collection of Latin American poets in translation. The poems are organized by country of origin, and present a variety of subjects and meters, aptly translated into English verse by Agnes Poor herself.

Book cover Short Poetry Collection 132

This is a collection of 19 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for May 2014.

Book cover Short Story Collection Vol. 058

LibriVox’s Short Story Collection 058: a collection of 20 short works of fiction in the public domain read by a group of LibriVox members.

Book cover Sea Stories

Most of us have passed through a period of life during which we have ardently longed to be, if not actually a rover, a buccaneer, or a pirate, at least and really a sailor! To run away to sea has been the misdirected ambition of many a youngster, and some lads there are who have realized their desire to their sorrow. The boy who has not cherished in his heart and exhibited in his actions at sometime or other during his youthful days, a love of ships and salt water, is fit for—well, he is fit for the shore, and that is the worst thing a sailor could say about him! (From the introduction, by Cyrus Townsend Brady)

Book cover Presidential Farewell and Last Addresses

This collection will put in one place, all the Farewell (or last) Addresses made by each of the 43 ex-US presidents. The first, George Washington's "Farewell Address", issued as a public letter in 1796, was one of the most influential statements of republicanism. Drafted primarily by Washington himself, with help from Hamilton, it gives advice on the necessity and importance of national union, the value of the Constitution and the rule of law, the evils of political parties, and the proper virtues of a republican people...

Book cover Short Poetry Collection 148

This is a collection of 27 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for September 2015.

Book cover Dramatic Reading Scene and Story Collection, Volume 001

readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author’s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes Anne's Confession from Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery, Coming Home from Mates of Billabong by Mary Grant Bruce [not PD in Australia or Europe], Scandal in Bohemia from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Tunnel Under the...

Book cover Benjamin Britten: Source Stories of Twelve Operas

Britten's operas are firmly established in the international repertoire: according to Operabase, they are performed worldwide more than those of any other composer born in the 20th century, and only Puccini and Richard Strauss come ahead of him if the list is extended to all operas composed after 1900. Britten went to various sources for his stories from the Bible to Japanese noh plays. This is a collection of twelve of the source stories. All but one are the original texts; the one exception is A Midsummer Night’s Dream which the reader took from Charles Lamb’s telling of the story. Some operas are omitted because no public domain texts could be found for their sources.

Book cover Short Story Collection Vol. 059

LibriVox readers bring you 20 short stories including lesser known works by Thomas Hardy, Robert Louis Stevenson and Edgar Allan Poe, an early story by Dorothy Parker, and stories in various genres by authors including L. M. Montgomery, Leo Tolstoy, Arthur Conan Doyle, Franz Kafka and Algernon Blackwood.

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 035

Eighteen short nonfiction works in the public domain, independently chosen by the readers. Topics include how to swim, Navajo silversmithing, the sun, begonias and ferns, Martin Luther, U.S. Presidents Eisenhower and Nixon, Captain Cook's exploration of Botany Bay, General James Wolfe, and Moravian missionaries in Labrador.

Book cover National Geographic Magazine Vol. 04

The National Geographic Magazine Volume 4, articles published in 1892 and 1893. The Evolution of Commerce: Annual Address by the President, Gardiner G. Hubbard Studies of Muir Glacier, Alaska Geography of the Air: Annual Report by Vice-President General A. W. Greely The Mother Maps of the United States An Expedition through the Yukon District The North American Deserts The Alaskan Boundary Survey Collinson's Arctic Journey Notes: Topographic Survey of Canada Lieutenant Peary's Crossing of northern Greenland Geographic Prizes

Book cover Short Poetry Collection 135

This is a collection of 13 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for August 2014.

Book cover Forbidden Gospels and Epistles

This is a compilation of ancient books attributed to the writings of the apostles of Jesus Christ and their disciples. These books were once regarded with reverence by the early Christian Church during the first four centuries. After violent disputations by the Bishops of the Nicene Council, these books were forbidden and omitted from the Catholic and Protestant Editions of the New Testament in the reign of the Emperor Constantine. The "Forbidden Books" have been translated from the original tongues, with historical references to their authenticity, BY ARCHBISHOP WAKE AND OTHER LEARNED DIVINES.

Book cover Short Poetry Collection 137

This is a collection of 26 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for October 2014.

Book cover Short Story Collection Vol. 060

LibriVox readers bring you 20 short stories in various genres by authors including Edna Ferber, Charlotte Brontë, Stephan Crane, W. Somerset Maugham, Lord Dunsany, Saki and Honoré de Balzac.

Book cover Short Science Fiction Collection 052

Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is possible. The only rules are those set forth by the author. The speculative nature of the genre inspires thought and plants seeds that have led to advances in science. The genre can spark an interest in the science and is cited as the impetus for the career choice of many scientists. It is a playing field to explore social perspectives, predictions of the future, and engage in adventures unbound into the richness of the human mind.

Book cover Birds and All Nature, Vol. IV, No 1, July 1898

"Birds and All Nature" was a monthly publication of the Nature Study Publishing Company of Chicago. It includes short poems and articles describing birds, animals and other natural subjects with accompanying color plates. The magazine was published from 1897-1907 under the various titles, "Birds," "Birds and all Nature," "Nature and Art" and "Birds and Nature." These short pieces are perfect for a first recording or for anyone with a love of nature.

Book cover Short Poetry Collection 140

This is a collection of 32 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for January 2015.

Book cover Coffee Break Collection 011 - Science

This is the eleventh collection of our "coffee break" series, involving public domain works that are between 3 and 15 minutes in length. These are great for study breaks, commutes, workouts, or any time you'd like to hear a whole story and only have a few minutes to devote to listening. The theme for this collection is Science - The fascination with research, discovery, and experimentation has contributed to humanity's greatest feats.

Book cover San Francisco Earthquake and Fire

During the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 1906, newspaper reporters in the stricken city made a heroic effort to keep the public informed. Despite the destruction of their offices and presses, they managed to track down news and write stories even as the city burned around them, to locate printing facilities across the bay, and to put newspapers into the hands of readers desperate for a correct picture of what was happening. This selection from the articles they produced in the midst of a city in flames gives a glimpse of how the event was experienced by those who were there...

Book cover American Far West: Seven Mid-Nineteenth Century Views From Abroad

Charles Dickens started and edited a magazine called All The Year Round, a weekly collection of articles on a wide variety of topics. An anonymous correspondent in 1868-69 sent in these seven articles about life in the far West of the United States.

Book cover Short Story Collection Vol. 061

LibriVox readers bring you 20 short works of fiction in the public domain. This collection includes stories by a variety of authors, including Anton Chekhov, Edgar Allan Poe, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Rebecca West, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Richard Harding Davis, Harriet Beecher Stowe and G. A. Henty.

Book cover Short Poetry Collection 143

This is a collection of 29 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for April 2015.

Book cover Fantasy, Faeries and Ghosts

In this collection three of the original titans in the field of fantasy literature (Edgar Allan Poe, George MacDonald, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu) take you on a magical guided tour of fairyland and adjoining countries and introduce you to whimsical, strange and even scary encounters and adventures with inhabitants such as good and bad fairies, ghosts and even the Devil. The stories included are “Cross Purposes” “The Carasoyn” “Bon-Bon” “The Child That Went With The Fairies” “Madam Crowl’s Ghost” and as an added bonus the beautiful (and cautionary) fairy poem “Queen Mab” by Thomas Hood.

Book cover Birds and All Nature, Vol. IV, No 5, November 1898

"Birds and All Nature" was a monthly publication of the Nature Study Publishing Company of Chicago. It includes short poems and brief descriptions of birds, animals and other natural subjects with accompanying color plates. The magazine was published from 1897-1907 under the various titles, "Birds," "Birds and all Nature," "Nature and Art" and "Birds and Nature."

Book cover Negro Problem

This is a collection of essays, edited by Booker T. Washington, representative of what historians have characterized as "racial uplift ideology." These and other similar narratives of the time were a reaction to the gradual erosion of the African-American's civil rights across the United States that began during Reconstruction.

Book cover Birds and All Nature, Vol. IV, No 6, December 1898

"Birds and All Nature" was a monthly publication of the Nature Study Publishing Company of Chicago. It includes short poems and brief descriptions of birds, animals and other natural subjects with accompanying color plates. The magazine was published from 1897-1907 under the various titles, "Birds," "Birds and all Nature," "Nature and Art" and "Birds and Nature."

Book cover National Geographic Magazine Vol. 06

National Geographic Magazine Volume 6, articles published from January, 1894, to May, 1895. Geographic Progress of Civilization - Annual Address by the President Honorable Gardiner G. Hubbard Shawangunk Mountain, by N. H. Darton Weather Making, Ancient and Modern, by Mark W. Harrington Geomorphology of the Southern Appalachians, by Charles Willard Hayes and Marius R. Campbell The Battle of the Forest, by B. E. Fernow Surveys and Maps of the District of Columbia, by Marcus Baker The first Landfall of Columbus, by Jacques W...

Book cover Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor Vol 2

Volume 2 of a ten volume collection of amusing tales, observations and anecdotes by America's greatest wordsmiths. This work includes selections by such household favorites as Ambrose Bierce, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Mark Twain and Bret Harte.

Book cover Poems of American History, The Revolution

A history through poetry of the American Revolution, from the early days of unrest, through the Boston Tea Party, The Ride of Paul Revere, the campaign at Valley Forge, to the time of peace and the forming of the Nation, including works by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, William Cullen Bryant, Bret Harte, Alfred Tennyson, and many more. This is the second of 5 volumes that cover American History through poetry from the Vikings to WWI.

Book cover Short Poetry Collection 146

This is a collection of 29 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for July 2015.

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 039

Eighteen short nonfiction works in the public domain, independently chosen by the readers. Topics include literary figures--Alice Mangold Diehl, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Arthur Hugh Clough; philosophers--Hegel, Kierkegaard; religious thinkers--Martin Luther, Cotton Mather; political leaders--Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy; important documents--the Constitution of Japan (1946), the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom; moments in history--the Battle of the Crater, the Dred Scott Decision; historical figures--the Pseudo Dionysius and Xenophon; and, lastly, shopper's tips for watermelons and cantaloupes.

Book cover Travels in Lancashire

A collection of fiction, non-fiction and poetry on travels in Lancashire, England, with occasional sorties into adjacent counties.

Book cover Short Poetry Collection 150

This is a collection of 24 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for November 2015.

Book cover Short Poetry Collection 149

This is a collection of 38 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for October 2015.

Book cover Selection of 19th Century Scientific Verse

In the 18th and early 19th centuries, it was common for discoveries in branches of science such as botany, astronomy and medicine to be described in book-length treatises in verse. By the end of the 19th century this mode of popularising science was falling from favour as the studies of science and the humanities diverged and study became more specialised.This small selection of somewhat lighter-hearted verse written by distinguished scientists and mathematicians of the day includes poems by James Clerk Maxwell, William J. Macquorn Rankine and James Joseph Sylvester.

Book cover Christmas in Poetry - Carols and Poems

This is a volume of Christmas poems and carols, by various authors and from various times.

By: Vasco de Lobeira (-1403)

Book cover Amadis of Gaul

Amadis of Gaul (Amadís de Gaula, in Spanish) was not the first, but certainly one of the best known knight-errantry tales of the 16th century. Not only is its authorship doubtful, but even the language in which it was first written - Portuguese or Spanish. It is imagined to have been composed in the 14th century, but the known first printed edition came to light in Zaragoza in 1508, and the oldest extant version is in Spanish. The plot is the story of the brave knight Amadis, and starts with the forbidden love of his parents and his secret birth, followed by his abandonment near water...

By: Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)

Book cover Letters of a Post-Impressionist

“Being the Familiar Correspondence of Vincent Van Gogh ... [Van Gogh's] art was appreciated during his life only by a very few and it is but within recent years that it has found admirers who in many cases have been most ardently enthusiastic. Of the following letters, some were addressed to his brother and the remainder to his friend E. Bernard.

By: Virgil (70 BC - 19 BC)

Book cover Aeneid, prose translation

The Aeneid is the most famous Latin epic poem, written by Virgil in the 1st century BC. The story revolves around the legendary hero Aeneas, a Trojan prince who left behind the ruins of his city and led his fellow citizens to Italy, where he became the ancestor of the Romans. The first six of the poem’s twelve books tell the story of Aeneas’ wanderings from Troy to Italy, while the poem’s second half treats the Trojans’ victorious war upon the Latins. This is the recording of J.W.MacKail's prose translation.

By: Voltaire (1694-1778)

Book cover Essay on Crimes and Punishments

Beccaria's treatise On Crimes and Punishments, which condemns disproportionate and irrational penalties in general as well as torture and the death penalty, is said to mark the peak of Enlightenment in Milan. Its translations were widely read by statesmen and policy makers in Britain, America and France. This translation also features the anonymous commentary, attributed to Voltaire.

By: Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)

Book cover Public Opinion

Public Opinion (1922), by Walter Lippman, is a critical assessment of functional democratic government, especially the irrational, and often self-serving, social perceptions that influence individual behavior, and prevent optimal societal cohesion. (Introduction by author)

Book cover Preface to Politics

This is the first book in the bibliography of Walter Lippmann, written three years after emerging from Harvard where he studied under the pragmatists Santayana and James. Although the work is a century old, the reader of today may still find in it, with its focus on practical human needs, a refreshing view towards the fundamental purpose (and persistent flaws) of politics, and indeed government itself, just as relevant and meaningful today as when it was written.

By: Walter Malone (1866-1915)

Book cover Opportunity

LibriVox volunteers bring you 19 recordings of Opportunity by Walter Malone. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for January 27, 2013.Walter Malone was born in DeSoto Count, Mississippi. He wrote 2 volumes of poetry before he was 20 years old. He joined his brother in law practice, but continued to publish several collections of his poems over the years.

By: Weymouth New Testament

Book cover Bible (WNT) NT 08: 2 Corinthians

This second letter from the Apostle Paul to the congregation of believers in the bustling port city of Corinth gives us a much more personal understanding of Paul's apostleship. He defends it rigorously, convincing his followers of his authority from God and his rights under that authority. His appeals to patience and understanding display a great emotional vulnerability in the seasoned preacher and missionary. He discusses the need to support the congregation in Jerusalem with their gifts, and reaffirms and vindicates his position as apostle to the Gentiles.

By: William Bennett Munro (1875-1957)

Book cover Chronicles of America Volume 04 - Crusaders of New France

The previous volumes in the Chronicles of America series placed Spain and England at the fore in the discovery and development of the New World. This book focuses on the role that France played in America's journey to becoming a world power. Group: Chronicles of America Series

By: William Blackstone (1723-1780)

Book cover Commentaries on the Laws of England. Book 2: Of the Rights of Things.

The Commentaries on the Laws of England by Sir William Blackstone, are a prominent and authoritative 18th century dissertation on the common law of England which not only pertains to that country, but is also at the foundation of the American legal system. They were widely read and a huge influence on America's Founding Fathers and, to this day, are occasionally quoted in U.S. Supreme Court decisions when expounding upon principals of universal and enduring human justice. The commentaries were divided into four books: On the Rights of Persons, On the Rights of Things, Of Private Wrongs, and Of Public Wrongs...

By: William Cooper Nell (1816-1874)

Book cover Colored Patriots of the American Revolution

A study of the black patriots of the American Revolution, with introductions by Harriet Beecher Stowe and Wendell Phillips.

By: William Davenant (1606-1668)

Book cover Law Against Lovers

The Law Against Lovers was a dramatic adaptation of Shakespeare, arranged by Sir William Davenant and staged by the Duke's Company in 1662. It was the first of the many Shakespearean adaptations staged during the Restoration era. Davenant was not shy about changing the Bard's work; he based his text on Measure for Measure, but also added Beatrice and Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing — "resulting in a bizarre and fascinating combination." He made Angelo from the former play, and Benedick from the latter, into brothers.

By: William Sanger (1819-1872)

Book cover History of Prostitution

Common sense asks for a full investigation of all the evils attending prostitution. In the every-day affairs of life, any man who feels the pressure of a particular evil looks at once for its cause. He may be neither a philosopher nor a logician, and may never have heard of or read any of the luminous treatises which professedly simplify science, yet he knows very well that for every effect there must be some adequate cause, and for this he generally searches diligently till he can find and remove it...

By: William Wood (1864-1947)

Book cover Chronicles of Canada Volume 31 - All Afloat: A Chronicle of Craft and Waterways

No exhaustive Canadian 'water history' can possibly be attempted here. That would require a series of its own. But at least a first attempt will be made to give some general idea of what such a history would contain in fuller detail: of the kayaks and canoes the Eskimos and Indians used before the white man came, and use today; of the small craft moved by oar and sail that slowly displaced those moved only by the paddle; of the sailing vessels proper, and how they plied along Canadian waterways,...

Book cover Chronicles of America Volume 03 - Elizabethan Sea-Dogs

Citizen, colonist, pioneer! These three words carry the history of the United States back to its earliest form in 'the New World called America.' But who prepared the way for the pioneers from the Old World and what assured their safety in the New? The title of the present volume, Elizabethan Sea-Dogs gives the only answer. It was during the reign of Elizabeth, the last of the Tudor sovereigns of England, that Elizabethans won the command of the sea under the consummate leadership of Sir Francis Drake, the first of the modern admirals...

By: Willis George Emerson (1856-1918)

Book cover Smoky God or a Voyage to the Inner World

The Smoky God, or A Voyage Journey to the Inner Earth is the narrative of an aged Norwegian sailor compelled before he dies to tell the story of how he found a passageway to the center of the earth and discovered a world peopled with giants.

By: Young's Literal Translation

Book cover Bible (YLT) 22: Song of Solomon

The Song of Songs, also known as the Song of Solomon, the Canticle of Canticles, or simply Canticles, is one of the books of the Ketuvim (the "Writings", the last section of the Hebrew Bible), and the fifth of the "wisdom" books of the Christian Old Testament. Scripturally, the Song of Songs is unique in that it makes no reference to "Law" or "Covenant", nor does it teach or explore "wisdom" in the manner of Proverbs or Ecclesiastes. Instead, it celebrates sexual love. It gives "the voices of two lovers, praising each other, yearning for each other, proffering invitations to enjoy"...

Book cover Bible (YLT) 17: Esther

Esther (/ˈɛstər/; Hebrew: אֶסְתֵּר, Modern Ester, Tiberian ʼEstēr), born Hadassah, is the eponymous heroine of the Book of Esther. According to the Hebrew Bible, Esther was a Jewish queen of the Persian king Ahasuerus. Ahasuerus is traditionally identified with Xerxes I during the time of the Achaemenid empire. Her story is the basis for the celebration of Purim in Jewish tradition.

By: 'Abdu’l-Bahá ‘Abbás (1844-1921)

The Mysterious Forces of Civilization by 'Abdu’l-Bahá ‘Abbás The Mysterious Forces of Civilization

The Mysterious Forces of Civilization (Persian: Risálih-i-Madaníyyih) is a work written before 1875 by ‘Abbás Effendí, known as ‘Abdu’l-Bahá (the Servant of Bahá) (1844-1921). The Persian text was first lithographed in Bombay in 1882 and printed in Cairo in 1911. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá was the eldest son and appointed successor of Bahá’u’lláh, the Founder of the Bahá’í Faith. The original text of this work was written and published anonymously, and the first English translation (by Johanna Dawud) was published in London in 1910 and Chicago in 1918, under the title ‘Mysterious Forces of Civilization’ written by "an Eminent Bahai Philosopher...

By: (William) Winwood Reade (1838-1875)

Book cover Martyrdom of Man

William Winwood Reade (1838 - 1875) was a British historian, explorer, and philosopher. His most famous work, the Martyrdom of Man (1872)—whose summary running head reads "From Nebula to Nation"—is a secular, "universal" history of the Western world. Structurally, it is divided into four "chapters" of approximately 150 pages each: the first chapter, "War", discusses the imprisonment of men's bodies, the second, "Religion", that of their minds, the third, "Liberty", is the closest thing to a...

Book cover Outcast

For many nineteenth-century Christians, the new biological and geological discoveries of that era brought on severe crises of faith. Winwood Reade’s small epistolary novel “The Outcast” tells the story of a young man who sacrifices love and family and property for the sake of his conscience, which tells him that his lifelong beliefs cannot stand up to the heady revelations of the new science. Interestingly, the most crushing discovery for the anonymous letter-writer of this story is not simply that the Bible is not what he thought it was...

By: A Bushman

Book cover A Love Story

By: A Gentleman of Elvas [pseud.]

Book cover A Narrative of the expedition of Hernando de Soto into Florida published at Evora in 1557

By: A Militiaman

Book cover Eleven days in the militia during the war of the rebellion A journal of the 'Emergency' campaign of 1862

By: A Religious of the Ursuline Community

Book cover The Life of the Venerable Mother Mary of the Incarnation

By: A Sister of Notre Dame

First Communion Days by A Sister of Notre Dame First Communion Days

A collection of 12 true stories of young children during the time leading up to their First Holy Communion. Written by a Sister of Notre Dame, this is the companion volume to "True Stories For First Communicants"

True Stories for First Communicants by A Sister of Notre Dame True Stories for First Communicants

A charming collection of 12 true, simple stories of real life little boys and girls, written for little ones preparing for their First Holy Communion.

By: A. (Ada) Goodrich-Freer (1865-1931)

Book cover The Alleged Haunting of B—— House Including a Journal Kept During the Tenancy of Colonel Lemesurier Taylor

By: A. (Alonzo) Cooper (1830-1919)

Book cover In and Out of Rebel Prisons

By: A. (Alphonse) Loisette

Book cover Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget

By: A. (Alvan) McAllister

Book cover A Dissertation on the Medical Properties and Injurious Effects of the Habitual Use of Tobacco

By: A. A. (Andrew Archibald) Paton (1811-1874)

Book cover Servia, Youngest Member of the European Family or, A Residence in Belgrade and Travels in the Highlands and Woodlands of the Interior, during the years 1843 and 1844.

By: A. A. (Arthur Alger) Crozier (1856-1899)

Book cover The Cauliflower

By: A. A. (Arthur Aston) Luce (1882-1977)

Book cover Monophysitism Past and Present A Study in Christology

By: A. A. Milne (1882-1956)

The Red House Mystery by A. A. Milne The Red House Mystery

The Red House Mystery is a novel by A. A. Milne about the mysterious death of Robert Ablett inside the house of his brother, Mark Ablett while there was a party taking place. It’s a whodunit novel with a simple story that's skilfully told. Milne is best known for his works about Winnie the Pooh, but before he became famous for telling stories about this teddy bear, he also garnered praise for “The Red House Mystery.” The novel was set during a house party in the mansion home of Mark Ablett known as the “red house...

Once on a Time by A. A. Milne Once on a Time

This version of the book is done as a Dramatic Reading with various people speaking each characters part.When the King of Barodia receives a pair of seven-league boots as a birthday present, his habit of flying over the King of Euralia's castle during breakfast provokes a series of incidents which escalate into war. While the King of Euralia is away, his daughter Hyacinth tries to rule in his stead and counter the machiavellian ambitions of the king's favourite, the Countess Belvane. Ostensibly a typical fairytale, it tells the story of the war between the kingdoms of Euralia and Barodia and the political shenanigans which take place in Euralia in the king's absence...

Book cover The Sunny Side

The Sunny Side is a collection of short stories and essays by A. A. Milne. Though Milne is best known for his classic children's books, especially Winnie The Pooh, he also wrote extensively for adults, most notably in Punch, to which he was a contributor and later Assistant Editor. The Sunny Side collects his columns for Punch, which include poems, essays and short stories, from 1912 to 1920. Wry, often satirical and always amusingly written, these pieces poke fun at topics from writing plays to lying about birdwatching. They vary greatly in length so there is something for everyone.

Book cover Once a Week

A collection of short stories by famed Winnie the Pooh author, A.A. Milne. This charmingly humorous work from Milne's earlier writing period was first published in Punch magazine.

Book cover Not That It Matters

More of the witty, wry, and deliciously wicked essays and articles written by Milne. Most people know him as the creator of Winnie The Pooh, but he worked for many years as editor of Punch Magazine and these are some of his best. Not That It Matters is a collection of over 40 of these short stories and articles. Not That It Matters collects his columns for Punch, which include poems, essays and short stories, from 1912 to 1920. Most of his writing pokes fun, both gentle and not so gentle at a variety of topics...

Book cover First Plays
Book cover Happy Days

Although best known for his Winnie the Pooh stories, A.A. Milne spent years as an editor at the English humor magazine Punch. These sprightly essays were chosen from the hundreds he wrote during that period. As usual, they are funny, wry, and poke fun at almost all of our human foibles. There are 6 short one act plays that he wrote to demonstrate the 6 allowable plots for amateur playwrights and they are absolutely hilarious. The other topics run the gamut from dogs to dates.

Book cover Mr. Pim Passes By
Book cover Second Plays
Book cover When We Were Very Young (version 2)

This best-selling book of poetry by A. A. Milne was first published in 1924. The poems describe the adventures of Christopher Robin. In it we are introduced to Mr. Edward Bear later known as Winnie-the-Pooh. The poems are timeless and capture the joy and wonder of being a young child. - Summary by AnnaLisa Bodtker

Book cover When We Were Very Young

A.A. Milne wrote many poems to entertain his young son, Christopher Robin Milne, who appears to have been about three when "When We Were Very Young" was published. The book is a collection of 45 poems that celebrate a world and a point of view that a very young person could understand and enjoy. It became a best-seller. Christopher Robin is introduced as a character in some of the poems. We first meet him in the Preface, "Just Before We Begin." In it we learn of a swan which he feeds upon a lake and who he has named "Pooh...

Book cover Gallery of Children

A collection of 12 fantasy stories for children. Clever little tales that mothers can smile over and children enjoy. The illustrations for this book were originally Colgate ads, and who but a master such as Mr. Milne could have taken those charming pictures and made them come alive.

Book cover Sunny Side (Version 2)

A. A. Milne is best known for his creation of the perennially popular Winnie the Pooh, though he was and is highly acclaimed for hundreds of gently humorous essays and poems published in, among other famous venues, Punch Magazine, most of which have been collected and published as books. The Sunny Side is his last collection of articles and verses because, as he wrote in the American Introduction to the volume, “this sort of writing depends largely upon the irresponsibility and high spirits...

Book cover Not That it Matters (Version 2)

A. A. MILNE: …was best known for the perennially popular Pooh , arguably one of his lesser contributions to the literature of his day. He was highly acclaimed for dozens of popular plays. Moreover, he was both a contributor to and editor of Britain’s famous Punch Magazine; and for Punch, The Atlantic Monthly and dozens of other internationally acclaimed journals he wrote hundreds of essay, sketches and poems. THE WORLD WARS: Milne argued aggressively against the many enemy atrocities characterizing both World Wars, and also fought in both...

Book cover Red House Mystery (Version 2)

Author A. A. Milne is best known to the world as the creator of Winnie-the-Pooh. Yet Milne was versatile, having written dozens of plays, humorous articles, books and – The Red House Mystery. In which… Mark Ablett is the massively narcissistic owner of The Red House, a beautiful English country mansion. The estate is managed mostly by Mark’s side-kick and younger cousin, Cayley. As a wealthy artiste, Mark has chosen his handful of guests both to pander to his self-image and to allow him near-total control of virtually all aspects of his luxurious country house “show,” as it were...

Book cover If I May (Version 2)

A. A. Milne, best known as the creator of Winnie the Pooh, was a prolific author of books, plays, essays and articles. He also spent a number of years editing for Punch Magazine. He even wrote a good detective story -- The Red House Mystery ! In this collection he addresses a vast range of issues, including: the essence of melodrama; the lingering effects of World War I; knowing geography versus owning an atlas; a new kind of haunted house; the inexplicable nature of high finance; the trouble with "experts;" how the life of bees suggests the social importance of artists; the bad influence of theatre critics on good theatre...

Book cover Once A Week (Version 2)

Once A Week is a collection of short stories and slightly longer vignettes which were written for Milne's solid British Audience, including regular readers of Punch -- between1903, when he graduated from Cambridge and 1906, when he began also to edit Punch, on and through to 1909. They are humorous verses, essays and stories with what he deemed a peculiarly British flavor, focusing on the antics and adventures of a small recurring group of friends and acquaintances. The breadth of Milne's oeuvre is illustrated by his publication, in the mean time, of 18 plays, 3 novels, collections of children's poems, screen plays for popular British films, and a detective story. -- among other things.

Book cover Winnie-the-Pooh (Version 3)

Winnie-the-Pooh is a children’s book by English author A. A. Milne, illustrated by E. H. Shepard. Published in 1926, it is a collection of short stories about an anthropomorphic teddy bear, Winnie-the-Pooh, and his friends Christopher Robin, Piglet, Eeyore, Owl, Rabbit, Kanga, and Roo. It is the first of two story collections by Milne about Winnie-the-Pooh, the second being The House at Pooh Corner . - Summary by Wikipedia

Book cover Winnie-the-Pooh

Winnie the Pooh, the loveable little bear with a great big heart , has fun and adventures in this book. All of the other residents of the 100 acre wood join in to help this happen. Rabbit, Piglet, Owl, Kanga and Roo and of course the every depressed Eeyore who manages to lose his tail somehow. But what more needs to be said except that it Christopher Robin and Pooh are here? Listen and enjoy. - Summary by phil chenevert

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