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列女傳   By: (77? BC - 6? BC)

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"列女傳" by Xiang Liu is a remarkable piece of historical literature that chronicles the lives of extraordinary women from ancient China. The author skillfully weaves together narratives of strong and influential women, showcasing their roles in shaping society and their impact on the world around them. Through detailed storytelling and vivid descriptions, Xiang Liu brings to life the courage, resilience, and intelligence of these women, providing a glimpse into a world where gender norms were often challenged and redefined.

The book offers a fresh perspective on Chinese history, shedding light on the oft-overlooked contributions of these incredible individuals. Each chapter delves into the personal experiences and struggles of the women featured, offering readers a deeper understanding of the complexities of their lives and the challenges they faced. From empresses and scholars to warriors and poets, the women in "列女傳" defy traditional gender roles and leave a lasting impact on the course of history.

Overall, "列女傳" is a captivating read that combines historical accuracy with engaging storytelling. Xiang Liu's meticulous research and compelling narrative make this book a must-read for anyone interested in the history of women in ancient China. It is a powerful testament to the strength and resilience of women throughout the ages, and a reminder of the importance of recognizing and celebrating their contributions.

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有虞二妃者,帝堯之二女也。長娥皇,次女英。舜父頑母嚚。父號瞽叟,弟曰象,敖游 於嫚,舜能諧柔之,承事瞽叟以孝。母憎舜而愛象,舜猶內治,靡有姦意。四嶽薦之於 堯,堯乃妻以二女以觀厥內。二女承事舜於畎畝之中,不以天子之女故而驕盈怠嫚,猶 謙謙恭儉,思盡婦道。瞽叟與象謀殺舜。使塗廩,舜歸告二女曰:「父母使我塗廩,我 其往。」二女曰:「往哉!」舜既治廩,乃捐階,瞽叟焚廩,舜往飛出。象復與父母謀 ,使舜浚井。舜乃告二女,二女曰:「俞,往哉!」舜往浚井,格其出入,從掩,舜潛 出。時既不能殺舜,瞽叟又速舜飲酒,醉將殺之,舜告二女,二女乃與舜藥浴汪,遂往 ,舜終日飲酒不醉。舜之女弟繫憐之,與二嫂諧。父母欲殺舜,舜猶不怨,怒之不已。 舜往于田號泣,日呼旻天,呼父母。惟害若茲,思慕不已。不怨其弟,篤厚不怠。既納 於百揆,賓於四門,選於林木,入於大麓,堯試之百方,每事常謀於二女。舜既嗣位, 升為天子,娥皇為后,女英為妃。封象於有庳,事瞽叟猶若初焉。天下稱二妃聰明貞仁 。舜陟方,死於蒼梧,號曰重華。二妃死於江湘之間,俗謂之湘君。君子曰:「二妃德 純而行篤。詩云:「不顯惟德,百辟其刑之。」此之謂也。

頌曰:元始二妃,帝堯之女,嬪列有虞,承舜於下,以尊事卑,終能勞苦,瞽叟和寧, 卒享福祜。

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