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山水情   By:

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山水情 is a beautifully written novel that transports readers to a mystical world where nature plays a central role in the lives of the characters. The author's vivid descriptions of the landscape create a sense of place that is both enchanting and beguiling. Through the protagonist's journey, readers are taken on a thought-provoking exploration of love, loss, and the intricate connections between human emotions and the natural world.

The characters are well-developed and relatable, each grappling with their own inner turmoil and seeking solace in the serene beauty of the mountains and rivers that surround them. The author skillfully weaves together themes of self-discovery, redemption, and the power of forgiveness, making for a compelling and emotionally resonant read.

Overall, 山水情 is a captivating and moving novel that will linger in the reader's mind long after the final page is turned. It is a testament to the enduring power of nature to heal and inspire, and a reminder of the deep interconnection between humanity and the world around us. Highly recommended for fans of literary fiction and those who appreciate a story that celebrates the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

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第一回 俏書生春遊逢麗質

    上巳踏青佳節,紅芳著處爭妍。行春遊子厭喧填,覓靜寒山逢豔。借意千金淑媛,賺成雲雨連連。蜂狂蝶鬧樂無邊,惹得芳心轉燄。    右調寄《西江月》   話說人生夫婦一倫,乃是五倫中第一件。假如沒有夫婦,那裡有父子?沒有父子,那裡有兄弟?沒有父子兄弟,那裡有君臣朋友?所以古人說得好,道是:天地,大夫婦也;夫婦,小天地也。以天地比夫婦,夫婦豈不是人生第一件?後面許多姻親眷屬,都在這裡起頭的。所以人生在世,無論極大的事,即如小小遇合,那一件不是姻緣?而獨是夫婦叫做姻緣?姻緣者,有所緣而方始成姻也。姻緣一事,平平常常,稀稀奇奇,古古怪怪,那裡說得盡也!有以所見為緣的,也有以所聞為緣的,也有以所想為緣的,也有以所夢為緣的,也有以有緣為緣的,也有以無緣為緣的。緣之所在,使人可以合,使人可以離;使人可以生而死,死而生。總之,不出小子所說「平平常常,稀稀奇奇,古古怪怪」十二個字中。   我如今說一樁姻緣故事:郎才女貌,兩下相當,娶的願娶,嫁的願嫁,中間又有... Continue reading book >>

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