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文心雕龍   By: (465?-522?)

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"文心雕龍" by Xie Liu is a masterpiece of classical Chinese literature that beautifully captures the essence of eloquence and wit. The author's unique writing style and profound insights into the art of language and rhetoric make this book a must-read for anyone interested in Chinese culture and literature.

The book covers a wide range of topics, from the importance of clarity and precision in writing to the use of metaphors and allusions to convey complex ideas. Xie Liu's deep understanding of language and his ability to manipulate words with precision and skill are truly impressive.

One of the most striking aspects of the book is the author's emphasis on the power of language to shape and influence thought. Xie Liu argues that a well-crafted piece of writing has the ability to move hearts and minds, making language a potent tool for persuasion and influence.

Overall, "文心雕龍" is a thought-provoking and insightful book that sheds light on the art of language and rhetoric. Xie Liu's lucid prose and profound insights make this book a valuable addition to any library.

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劉勰 著



文之為德也大矣,與天地并生者何哉?夫玄黃色雜,方圓體分,日月疊璧,以垂麗天之 象;山川煥綺,以鋪理地之形:此蓋道之文也。仰觀吐曜,俯察含章,高卑定位,故兩 儀既生矣。惟人參之,性靈所鍾,是謂三才。為五行之秀,實天地之心,心生而言立, 言立而文明,自然之道也。

傍及萬品,動植皆文︰龍鳳以藻繪呈瑞,虎豹以炳蔚凝姿;云霞雕色,有逾畫工之妙; 草木賁華,無待錦匠之奇。夫豈外飾,蓋自然耳。至于林籟結響,調如竽瑟;泉石激韻 ,和若球鍠:故形立則章成矣,聲發則文生矣。夫以無識之物,郁然有采,有心之器, 其無文歟?

人文之元,肇自太極,幽贊神明,《易》象惟先。庖犧畫其始,仲尼翼其終。而《乾》 、《坤》兩位,獨制《文言》。言之文也,天地之心哉!若乃《河圖》孕八卦,《洛書 》韞乎九疇,玉版金鏤之實,丹文綠牒之華,誰其尸之?亦神理而已。

自鳥跡代繩,文字始炳,炎皞遺事,紀在《三墳》,而年世渺邈,聲采靡追。唐虞文章 ,則煥乎始盛。元首載歌,既發吟詠之志;益稷陳謨,亦... Continue reading book >>

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