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日知錄   By: (1613-1682)

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"日知錄" by Yanwu Gu is a captivating and thought-provoking book that delves deep into the philosophies and teachings of ancient Chinese scholars. The author skillfully weaves together historical anecdotes, personal reflections, and profound insights to create a comprehensive guide to living a fulfilling life.

Throughout the book, Gu imparts valuable advice on self-improvement, mindfulness, and cultivating inner peace. His writing is both lyrical and practical, making it accessible to readers of all backgrounds. The book's message is universal and timeless, urging readers to reflect on their own values and beliefs in order to lead a more meaningful existence.

I found "日知錄" to be a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration. It is a book that can be revisited time and time again, each reading offering new insights and perspectives. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking guidance on personal growth and spiritual development. It is a true gem in the realm of self-help literature.

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愚自少读书,有所得辄记之。其有不合,时复改定。或古人先我而有者,则遂削之。 积三十余年,乃成一编,取子夏之言,名曰《日知录》,以正后之君子。东吴顾炎武

●卷一 ○三易 夫子言包羲氏始画八卦,不言作《易》,而曰:“《易》之兴也,其于中古乎?”又曰 :“《易》之兴也,其当殷之末世,周之盛德邪?当文王与纣之事邪?”是文王所作之 辞始名为《易》。而《周官》大卜掌《三易》之法:一曰《连也》,二曰《归藏》, 三《易》之名以名之也。犹之墨子书言“周之《春来》,燕之《春秋》,宋之《春秋》 ,齐之《春秋》”。周、燕、宋、齐之史,非必皆“春秋”也,而云“春秋”者,因鲁 史之名以名之也。《左传•僖十五年》:战于韩,卜徙父筮之曰吉,其卦遇《蛊》,曰 :“千乘三去,三去之馀,获其雄狐。”《成•十六年》:战于鄢陵。公之,史曰吉, 其卦遇《复》,曰:“南国戚,射其元王中厥目。”此皆不用《周易》,而别有引据之 辞,即所谓《三易》之法也。 ○重卦不始文王 大卜裳《三易》之法,其经卦皆八,其别皆... Continue reading book >>

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