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易經   By:

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The "Yi Jing," or Book of Changes, is a classical Chinese text that has been revered for thousands of years as a guide to understanding the patterns and changes of the natural world. Written by an anonymous author, this ancient text provides deep insight into the principles of yin and yang and the cycles of change that govern all aspects of life.

What sets the "Yi Jing" apart from other philosophical texts is its emphasis on the importance of adaptation and flexibility in the face of life's uncertainties. The book teaches readers how to find harmony and balance in their lives by following the natural flow of energy and embracing change as a constant and inevitable part of existence.

While the "Yi Jing" may seem daunting at first, with its complex system of hexagrams and multiple layers of interpretation, it is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves and the world around them. By studying this timeless text, readers can learn how to navigate life's challenges with grace and wisdom, and ultimately find inner peace and harmony.

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第 一 卦


初九:潛龍,勿用。 九二:見龍在田,利見大人。 九三:君子終日乾乾,夕惕,若厲,無咎。 九四:或躍在淵,無咎。 九五:飛龍在天,利見大人。 上九:亢龍有悔。 用九:見群龍無首,吉。

彖曰:大哉乾元,萬物資始,乃統天。雲行雨施,品物流形。    大明終始,六位時成,時乘六龍以御天。    乾道變化,各正性命,保合太和,乃利貞。首出庶物,萬國咸寧。

象曰:天行健,君子以自強不息。    潛龍勿用,陽在下也。    見龍在田,德施普也。    終日乾乾,反復道也。    或躍在淵,進無咎也。    飛龍在天,大人造也。    亢龍有悔,盈不可久也。    用九,天德不可為首也。

文言曰:「元者,善之長也,亨者,嘉之會也,利者,義之和也,貞者,事之幹也。      君子體仁,足以長人;嘉會,足以合禮;利物,足以和義;貞固,足以幹事。      君子行此四德,故曰:乾:元亨利貞。」

初九曰:「潛龍勿用。」何謂也? 子曰:「龍德而隱者也。不易乎世,不成乎名;遯... Continue reading book >>

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