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玉支机   By:

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"玉支机" by Tianhuazangzhuren is a thought-provoking and beautifully written novel that explores complex themes such as identity, memory, and the passage of time. The author’s lyrical prose draws readers in from the very first page, painting vivid images of the characters and their surroundings.

The story follows the journey of a young woman named 玉支机 as she navigates her way through a world filled with mystery and intrigue. As she delves deeper into her past, she uncovers dark secrets and hidden truths that challenge her perception of reality.

The novel is filled with twists and turns that keep readers on the edge of their seats, eager to unravel the mysteries that lie within the pages. Throughout the book, 玉支机’s emotional journey is expertly portrayed, making her a relatable and compelling protagonist.

Overall, "玉支机" is a captivating and engaging read that will leave readers pondering the deeper questions of life long after they have finished the book. With its rich storytelling and memorable characters, this novel is sure to be a favorite among fans of literary fiction.

First Page:

第一回 老侍郎兔鶻題詩童子笑 村先生龍蛇染翰美人 驚

  詞曰:     白面書生,紅顏女子,灼灼翩翩非不美。若無   彩筆附高名,一朝草木隨流水。     江夢生花,謝庭絮起,千秋始得垂青史。閑將   人品細評論,果然獨有才難耳。                右調《踏莎行》   話說浙江處州府,有一個青田縣。這縣為何叫做青田? 蓋因昔人有一個葉法善仙師,曾棲此學道,道法成時,忽田 中生出許多青芝來獻瑞,故一時驚美其事,遂相傳叫做青田。 這青田縣,峰巒高峙,十分秀美,內有一個石門洞,更是幽 奇,書中稱為玄鶴洞天者,即是此地。洞之西南懸崖上,飛 下一道瀑布來,冬夏不竭,甚為奇觀勝賞。只因地脈靈異, 往往生出高人。在國初,已生過一個劉伯溫先生,做了一番 事業,享了一個大名。   只道山川秀气泄發無余,不期天地精華,生生不盡,後 又生出一個高人來。這高人姓管名灰,表字春吹,乃宋仁宗 時管師復的子孫。這管灰生來天資出類,才美過人,二十外, 便中了明成化年間的進士,歷官中外,大有賢聲。還未及... Continue reading book >>

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