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An Egyptian Princess   By: (1837-1898)

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An Egyptian Princess by Georg Ebers is a captivating historical novel set in ancient Egypt. The story revolves around the love affair between an Egyptian princess named Amasis and an exiled young prince named Rameri. Ebers skillfully weaves together romance, politics, and adventure, creating a rich tapestry of ancient Egyptian society.

What makes this novel particularly unique is Ebers' attention to historical accuracy and his incorporation of real events and figures from Egyptian history. Through meticulous research, the author brings the ancient world to life, immersing readers in the opulent palaces, bustling marketplaces, and majestic temples of ancient Egypt. The vivid descriptions not only evoke a visual image but also provide a closer understanding of the culture and customs of the era.

In terms of characterization, Ebers presents a diverse cast of well-developed characters. Amasis, the spirited princess, embodies the complexity of a woman torn between her duty to her family and her deep love for Rameri. Her character is strong-willed and dynamic, making her journey throughout the book all the more compelling. Rameri, on the other hand, is a relatable character who finds himself navigating the challenges of exile while wrestling with his emotions for Amasis.

The plot of An Egyptian Princess is intricately constructed, filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep readers engaged until the very end. Ebers masterfully balances political intrigue, romantic tension, and moments of adventure, enticing readers to delve deeper into the story. The pacing is well-paced, with moments of respite skillfully interspersed between the more action-packed sequences.

Furthermore, Ebers' writing style is eloquent and descriptive, exuding a sense of grandeur that befits the ancient Egyptian setting. Though the prose can feel dense at times, it is a testament to the author's commitment to historical authenticity. It is evident that Ebers poured his heart into the meticulous research and dedication required to create such a vivid portrayal of ancient Egypt.

In conclusion, An Egyptian Princess is a highly immersive and well-crafted historical novel that seamlessly blends romance, politics, and adventure. Georg Ebers' attention to historical accuracy, rich characterization, and expert storytelling makes this book a must-read for fans of ancient history and historical fiction alike. Whether one is already fascinated by Egypt or simply searching for an enthralling tale, this novel is certain to transport readers to a captivating world of ancient intrigue and romance.

First Page:


By Georg Ebers

Translated from the German by Eleanor Grove


Aut prodesse volunt ant delectare poetae, Aut simul et jucunda et idonea dicere vitae. Horat. De arte poetica v. 333.

It is now four years since this book first appeared before the public, and I feel it my duty not to let a second edition go forth into the world without a few words of accompaniment. It hardly seems necessary to assure my readers that I have endeavored to earn for the following pages the title of a "corrected edition." An author is the father of his book, and what father could see his child preparing to set out on a new and dangerous road, even if it were not for the first time, without endeavoring to supply him with every good that it lay in his power to bestow, and to free him from every fault or infirmity on which the world could look unfavorably? The assurance therefore that I have repeatedly bestowed the greatest possible care on the correction of my Egyptian Princess seems to me superfluous, but at the same time I think it advisable to mention briefly where and in what manner I have found it necessary to make these emendations. The notes have been revised, altered, and enriched with all those results of antiquarian research (more especially in reference to the language and monuments of ancient Egypt) which have come to our knowledge since the year 1864, and which my limited space allowed me to lay before a general public... Continue reading book >>

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