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Cathedrals of Spain   By:

Cathedrals of Spain by John Allyne Gade

Cathedrals of Spain by John Allyne Gade takes readers on a mesmerizing journey through the rich architectural heritage of Spain's cathedrals. Gade's extensive research and profound knowledge of the subject matter shines through in this beautifully written book.

One of the book's standout features is Gade's ability to transport readers to each cathedral, providing vivid descriptions that make one feel as if they are standing amidst the awe-inspiring structures themselves. From the grandeur of the Santiago de Compostela to the intricate details of the Seville Cathedral, Gade's words paint a captivating picture that captures the essence of these majestic edifices.

Gade's meticulous attention to detail is truly commendable. Each cathedral is meticulously dissected, from its architectural components to the historical significance behind its construction. This book is not merely a collection of photographs; it delves deeper into the stories and anecdotes that surround these marvels of engineering and art, allowing readers to understand and appreciate the true magnitude of their existence.

Furthermore, Gade's passion for the subject matter is contagious. His enthusiasm and reverence for each cathedral shine through in every page, making it impossible for readers not to share in his excitement. One cannot help but embark on a virtual pilgrimage alongside Gade as he unearths the secrets and treasures hidden within these sacred spaces.

The book also offers a comprehensive overview of the historical, cultural, and religious contexts in which these cathedrals were constructed. Gade seamlessly weaves together facts, legends, and personal observations, providing readers with a well-rounded understanding of the cathedrals' significance in Spanish history and society.

However, one minor drawback is the occasional technicality that arises when discussing the architectural aspects of these cathedrals. While Gade's expertise is evident, readers with little to no background in architecture may find certain passages more challenging to follow. Nonetheless, these moments are few and far between, and they do not detract from the overall engrossing experience of the book.

Cathedrals of Spain is undoubtedly a must-read for anyone with an appreciation for architecture, history, or travel. John Allyne Gade's eloquent prose and unwavering passion for his subject matter fuel an immersive journey through the heart and soul of Spain's most remarkable cathedrals. This book is an invitation to venture beyond the mere physical aspects of these structures and uncover the stories that have shaped the Spanish cultural tapestry for centuries.

First Page:


[Illustration: Photo by J. Lacoste, Madrid


[Illustration: SALAMANCA]




Fully Illustrated


Boston and New York Houghton Mifflin Company The Riverside Press Cambridge 1911

Copyright, 1911, by John A. Gade All Rights Reserved

Published February 1911




In the last dozen years many English books on Spain have appeared. They have dealt with their subject from the point of view of the artist or the historian, the archæologist, the politician, or the mere sight seer. The student of architecture, or the traveler, desiring a more intimate or serious knowledge of the great cathedrals, has had nothing to consult since Street published his remarkable book some forty years ago. There have been artistic impressions, as well as guide book recitations, by the score. Some have been excellent, though few have surpassed the older ones of Dumas, père, and Gautier, or Baedeker's later guide book. A year ago appeared the second and last volume of Señor Lamperez y Romea's "Historia de la Arquitectura Cristiana Española en la Edad Media," a work so comprehensive and scholarly that it practically stands alone... Continue reading book >>

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