The Children's Six Minutes by Bruce S. Wright is a heartwarming story that follows the lives of six children who are forced to come together and rely on each other during a time of crisis. The author does a fantastic job of drawing the reader into the world of these children, creating characters that are relatable and multi-dimensional.
The story is fast-paced and engaging, with plenty of suspense and action to keep the reader hooked until the very end. The children face various challenges and obstacles throughout the book, but their resilience and determination shine through in the face of adversity.
Wright's writing is descriptive and vivid, painting a clear picture of the setting and emotions of the characters. The dialogue is natural and authentic, capturing the unique voices of each child.
Overall, The Children's Six Minutes is a captivating read that will appeal to both children and adults alike. It is a story of friendship, courage, and the power of teamwork, making it a must-read for anyone looking for a heartwarming and inspiring tale.
Book Description:
This is a nice collection of 52 kid-aimed sermons by missionary Wright while he served in the Philippines in the World War I era. Each offers a slice-of-life reference point, an appropriate Bible verse, and hymn.