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A Golden Venture The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 11.   By: (1863-1943)

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A Golden Venture The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 11 by W. W. Jacobs is a collection of intriguing short stories that will captivate readers with their diverse themes, vivid characters, and unexpected twists.

One of the standout narratives in this collection is "A Golden Venture," which follows a young couple who stumble upon a hidden treasure while visiting an old manor. This story expertly balances suspense and mystery, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as they eagerly anticipate the outcome. Jacobs demonstrates his skill in crafting captivating tales with this particular story.

Another gem in this collection is "The Lady of the Barge," a tragic love story that tugs at the heartstrings. The protagonist, Maisie, finds herself trapped in an unhappy marriage but discovers solace in the company of a mysterious lady who resides on a barge. This story explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the complexities of human relationships in a poignant and thought-provoking way.

The remaining stories in Part 11 of The Lady of the Barge and Others showcase Jacobs' versatility as a writer. From humorous anecdotes to chilling ghost stories, the author effortlessly captures the essence of each genre and infuses it with his unique style. Readers will find themselves laughing aloud at the amusing dialogue in some tales, while feeling a shiver down their spine during others.

What truly sets this collection apart is the author's ability to create vivid and memorable characters. Each protagonist possesses their own distinct voice, mannerisms, and quirks, making them feel like real individuals rather than mere figments of imagination. Jacobs' attention to detail in character development brings an added layer of depth to the stories and enhances the overall reading experience.

The writing style in A Golden Venture The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 11 is engrossing and accessible, making it an enjoyable read for both avid fans of classic literature and casual readers alike. Jacobs' mastery of storytelling shines through in every story, as he effortlessly draws readers into the worlds he creates with his words.

In conclusion, A Golden Venture The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 11 by W. W. Jacobs is a captivating collection of short stories that will leave readers wanting more. With its diverse themes, engaging characters, and expertly crafted narratives, this book is a testament to the author's skill and creativity. Whether you are a fan of mystery, romance, or comedy, this collection has something for everyone.

First Page:



By W. W. Jacobs


The elders of the Tidger family sat at breakfast Mrs. Tidger with knees wide apart and the youngest Tidger nestling in the valley of print dress which lay between, and Mr. Tidger bearing on one moleskin knee a small copy of himself in a red flannel frock and a slipper. The larger Tidger children took the solids of their breakfast up and down the stone flagged court outside, coming in occasionally to gulp draughts of very weak tea from a gallipot or two which stood on the table, and to wheedle Mr. Tidger out of any small piece of bloater which he felt generous enough to bestow.

"Peg away, Ann," said Mr. Tidger, heartily.

His wife's elder sister shook her head, and passing the remains of her slice to one of her small nephews, leaned back in her chair. "No appetite, Tidger," she said, slowly.

"You should go in for carpentering," said Mr. Tidger, in justification of the huge crust he was carving into mouthfuls with his pocket knife. "Seems to me I can't eat enough sometimes. Hullo, who's the letter for?"

He took it from the postman, who stood at the door amid a bevy of Tidgers who had followed him up the court, and slowly read the address.

"'Mrs. Ann Pullen,'" he said, handing it over to his sister in law; "nice writing, too... Continue reading book >>

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