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Modern French Philosophy: a Study of the Development Since Comte   By: (1896-1975)

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In "Modern French Philosophy: a Study of the Development Since Comte" by John Alexander Gunn, readers are treated to a detailed exploration of the significant contributors and key ideas that have shaped French philosophy in the modern era.

Gunn's book offers both an informative overview and an in-depth analysis of the main philosophical movements and thinkers that emerged since the time of Auguste Comte, spanning the late 19th and 20th centuries. One of the notable strengths of this work is its comprehensive coverage, providing readers with a robust understanding of a wide range of philosophical schools and their interconnections.

One of the book's highlights is Gunn's thoughtful analysis of existentialism, which he presents as a core component of modern French philosophy. By examining the works of influential philosophers such as Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, and Simone de Beauvoir, Gunn effectively demonstrates the growth and evolution of existentialist thought throughout the period.

Gunn's writing style is clear and concise, making the complex subject matter accessible to readers. He skillfully avoids excessive jargon and provides sufficient historical context to aid comprehension. Additionally, his inclusion of key philosophical texts and excerpts allows readers to engage directly with the primary sources, further enhancing their understanding of the different ideas discussed.

Furthermore, Gunn's book distinguishes itself by highlighting the social, political, and cultural context within which these philosophical movements emerged. By examining the intellectual climate in France during this time, he sheds light on how philosophical ideas were intricately intertwined with broader societal concerns. This contextual approach adds depth and richness to the analysis, making it a valuable resource for those seeking to understand the evolving landscape of French philosophy.

That said, a potential drawback of this book is its narrow focus on French philosophy, which could limit its appeal to a general audience. While it provides a thorough exploration of the subject matter, readers without a specific interest in French philosophy might find themselves looking for more diverse perspectives outside of this geographical boundary.

Overall, "Modern French Philosophy: a Study of the Development Since Comte" stands as a commendable academic work that delves into the intricacies of French philosophical thought from the late 19th to the 20th century. Gunn's comprehensive analysis, insightful contextualization, and accessible writing style make this book a valuable resource for students, scholars, and anyone interested in the evolution of philosophical ideas in modern France.

First Page:


A study of the Development since Comte. By J. ALEXANDER GUNN, M.A., PH.D.

Fellow of the University of Liverpool; Lecturer in Psychology to the Liverpool University Extension Board


de l'Academie francaise et de l'Academie des Sciences morales et politiques T. FISHER UNWIN, LTD. LONDON: ADELPHI TERRACE

"MAIS il n'y a pas que cette France, que cette France glorieuse, que cette France révolutionnaire, cette France émancipatrice et initiatrice du genre humain, que cette France d'une activité merveilleuse et comme on l'a dit, cette France nourrie des idées générales du monde, il y a une autre France que je n'aime pas moins, une autre France qui m'est encore plus chère, c'est la France misérable, c'est la France vaincue et humiliée, c'est la France qui est accablée, c'est la France qui traîne son boulet depuis quatorze siècles, la France qui crie, suppliante vers la justice et vers la liberté, la France que les despotes poussent constamment sur les champs de bataille, sous prétexte de liberté, pour lui faire verser son sang par toutes les artères et par toutes les veines, oh! cette France là, je l'aime."—GAMBETTA, Discours, 29 September, 1872.

"Les jeunes gens de tous les pays du monde qui sont venus dans les campagnes de France combattre pour la civilisation et le droit seront sans doute plus disposés à y revenir, apres la guerre chercher la nourriture intellectuelle... Continue reading book >>

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