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Mother Earth Land Grants in Virginia 1607-1699   By:

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Mother Earth Land Grants in Virginia 1607-1699 by Walter Stitt Robinson is an exceptionally detailed and informative work that delves deep into the historical aspects of land grants in Virginia during the seventeenth century. Robinson's book provides a comprehensive analysis of this integral part of American history, focusing specifically on the period between 1607 and 1699.

One of the most notable features of this book is its meticulous research. Robinson demonstrates an impressive command of the subject matter, as he carefully examines numerous primary sources, including land patents, court records, and other relevant documents. By diligently cross-referencing these sources, the author presents a well-rounded and accurate narrative that sheds light on the complexities of land ownership during this time period.

Robinson's writing style is clear, concise, and easily accessible. Despite the inherently intricate subject matter, the author presents the information in a manner that is approachable for readers with various levels of familiarity with Virginia's history. Additionally, he provides ample historical context, ensuring a deeper understanding of the socioeconomic and political factors influencing land grants in the region.

Furthermore, the organization of the book is well-structured, following a logical progression that guides readers through each stage of land ownership, from initial grants to settlement patterns and subsequent transfer of lands. The inclusion of maps, tables, and charts enhances the clarity of the content. These visual aids not only help readers visualize the spatial dynamics of land distribution but also facilitate the comprehension of statistical data.

One particularly valuable aspect of Robinson's research is his exploration of the individuals involved in land grants. The author offers insights into the lives of both early settlers and influential figures in Virginia, highlighting their roles in the acquisition and disposal of properties. This personalized approach enhances the book's appeal by humanizing the historical figures and connecting readers emotionally to the subject matter.

Despite the book's overall excellence, a potential drawback lies in the depth of analysis. While Robinson extensively covers land grant patterns and transactions, the book does not delve deeply into the social, cultural, or ecological implications of these grants. While this narrow focus aligns with the book's main objective, readers seeking a broader understanding of the era may find themselves wanting more contextual information.

In conclusion, Mother Earth Land Grants in Virginia 1607-1699 is a commendable scholarly work that brings to light a crucial aspect of Virginia's early history. Walter Stitt Robinson's exhaustive research and engaging writing make this book a valuable resource for historians, scholars, and enthusiasts seeking a comprehensive understanding of the land grant system in seventeenth-century Virginia.

First Page:

Transcriber's Note: Extensive research indicates the copyright on this book was not renewed.

Mother Earth


1607 1699


W. STITT ROBINSON, JR. Associate Professor of History University of Kansas



Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklet, Number 12


The Land and the Indian

Among the motives for English colonization of America in the seventeenth century, the desire for free land occupied a prominent place. The availability of land in the New World appealed to all classes and ranks in Europe, particularly to the small landholder who sought to increase his landed estate and to the artisans and tenants who longed to enter the ranks of the freeholder.

The desire for land and the opportunity to provide a home for one's family, according to Professor C. M. Andrews, "probably influenced the largest number of those who settled in North America." Land also had its appeal as the gateway to freedom, contributing substantially to the shaping of the American character. When analyzing the factors that helped make this "new man, who acts upon new principles," De Crèvecoeur in 1782 emphasized the opportunity to "become a free man, invested with lands, to which every municipal blessing is annexed!"

Formulation of a land policy confronted the officials of all the colonies in early America... Continue reading book >>

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