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Wild Kitty   By: (1854-1914)

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Wild Kitty by L. T. Meade is an intriguing piece of children's fiction that captivates readers from start to finish. Set in a quaint English village, the story follows the adventures of Kitty, a young girl who possesses a wild spirit and an unwavering determination to protect her loved ones.

Right from the opening chapter, the author skillfully sets the tone of the story, painting vivid imagery of the rustic village and its inhabitants. Meade effortlessly creates a sense of nostalgia, evoking a bygone era where community ties and family values held great importance. This nostalgic backdrop forms the perfect setting for Kitty's coming-of-age journey.

Kitty herself is a marvelously crafted character. Her fiery personality and rebellious nature make her easy to root for, while her compassionate heart endears her to readers of all ages. Meade beautifully captures the internal struggles that Kitty faces as she learns to navigate the boundaries of her restless spirit. It is a pleasure to witness her personal growth throughout the narrative, as she becomes more self-aware and learns valuable life lessons.

One of the highlights of Wild Kitty is the author's exceptional ability to balance plot progression and character development. The story moves at a brisk pace, keeping readers engaged and eager to find out what lies ahead. Yet, Meade never sacrifices depth for momentum. Each character in the book, no matter how minor, is given a distinctive voice and purpose, enriching the overall narrative.

Furthermore, the book explores themes of family, friendship, and loyalty, resonating with readers on a deeper level. Meade skillfully weaves these themes into the fabric of the story, subtly imparting invaluable moral lessons without being heavy-handed or didactic.

While Wild Kitty primarily targets a younger audience, it is a delightful read for readers of all ages. Meade's prose is captivating, engaging, and accessible, making it a perfect choice for younger readers transitioning to intermediate-level books. The book also offers an ideal opportunity for parents and educators to spark meaningful conversations with children about important values such as courage, resilience, and the importance of staying true to oneself.

In conclusion, Wild Kitty by L. T. Meade is a charming, heartwarming tale that captivates readers with its endearing characters and beautifully crafted story. Meade's evocative writing transports readers to a simpler era, while simultaneously delivering important life lessons that will resonate long after the last page is turned. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a heartwarming and wholesome adventure suitable for the whole family.

First Page:




CHAPTER I. Bessie, Alice, Gwin, and Elma

CHAPTER II. The Blarney Stone

CHAPTER III. Is that the Girl?

CHAPTER IV. Tiffs all Round

CHAPTER V. Incorrigible Kitty

CHAPTER VI. The Tug of War


CHAPTER VIII. The Little House in Constantine Road

CHAPTER IX. The Head Mistress and the Cabbage Rose

CHAPTER X. Paddy Wheel About

CHAPTER XI. In Carrie's Bedroom

CHAPTER XII. The "Spotted Leopard"


CHAPTER XIV. The Lost Packet

CHAPTER XV. Gwin Harley's Scheme

CHAPTER XVI. Paddy Wheel About's Old Coat

CHAPTER XVII. "We Are Both in the Same Boat"

CHAPTER XVIII. "I Cannot Help You"

CHAPTER XIX. Kitty Tells the Truth

CHAPTER XX. An Eye Opener

CHAPTER XXI. The Lady from Buckinghamshire

CHAPTER XXII. Stunned and Cold

CHAPTER XXIII. Stars and Moon, and God Behind

CHAPTER XXIV. Sunshine Again

CHAPTER XXV. Kitty "Go Bragh" (Forever)



Bessie! Bessie!

"Yes, mother," replied Bessie Challoner. "You'll be late for school, child, if you are not quick."

"Bessie!" shouted her father at the top of his voice from below stairs. "Bessie; late as usual."

"I am really going, father; I am just ready," was the eager reply. Bessie caught up her sailor hat, shoved it carelessly over her mass of thick hair, and searched frantically round her untidy bedroom for the string bag which contained her schoolbooks... Continue reading book >>

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