Christmas Honeymoon by Frances Aymar Mathews is a charming and heartwarming story that captures the magic of the holiday season. The story follows newlyweds Jack and Madge as they embark on their honeymoon during Christmas time. As they travel to different destinations, they encounter various colorful characters and experience both joy and challenges along the way.
The author's writing style is engaging and the descriptions of the different settings are vivid, allowing readers to easily picture themselves in the various locations that the characters visit. The characters are well-developed and relatable, making it easy for readers to root for their happiness and success.
What sets this book apart is the strong sense of Christmas spirit that permeates the pages. From tree lighting ceremonies to festive decorations, the holiday season is ever-present in the story, adding a special warmth and coziness to the narrative.
Overall, Christmas Honeymoon is a delightful read that is perfect for those looking for a heartwarming story to get them into the holiday spirit. With its engaging plot, well-developed characters, and cozy Christmas atmosphere, this book is sure to bring a smile to readers' faces.
Book Description:
Newlyweds Betty Revere and Peter Van Zandt are completely smitten with each other. Their wedding is said to have been one of the most beautiful ever seen in New York. A conflict between the couple causes a series of events to take place which isn’t rectified till years later by a special little boy looking for Christmas happiness. - Summary by Jenn Broda