Black Cat Vol. 02 No. 11 August 1897 is a captivating collection of short stories and poems that will transport readers to a different time and place. The various authors featured in this issue have created a diverse array of tales that range from the whimsical to the mysterious.
One standout piece is a spine-tingling tale of a haunted mansion that is sure to send shivers down readers' spines. The author's vivid descriptions and ability to build suspense make this story a standout in the collection.
In addition to the captivating prose, readers will also be treated to a selection of thought-provoking poems that explore themes of love, loss, and the beauty of the natural world.
Overall, Black Cat Vol. 02 No. 11 August 1897 is a must-read for fans of classic literature and those looking for a captivating escape into the past. Each story and poem is expertly crafted and will leave readers eagerly anticipating the next issue.
Book Description:
The Black Cat was a monthly literary magazine, publishing original short stories, often about uncanny or fantastical topics. Many writers were largely unknown, but some famous authors also wrote original material for this magazine.
The eleventh issue of volume 2 comprises the following five short stories:
"Her Bare Foot", by William C. Hudson: what is the mystery behind the continued warnings about her bare foot ?
"Miss Phoebe and Mr. Lorton", by Charles Sloan Reid: a long-lost letter is finally found to change the fate of two people
"A No Quorum Night", by L. A. Leonard: listen to the first court-recorded ghost story in America
"Tim Halliday's Baby", by Erskine M. Hamilton: by which mysterious means did the baby get into possession of the silver dollars ?
"Ezra Collingford's Figure 4 Trap", by William Maynadier Browne: to save his honour, a desperate man invents an ingenious plot
- Summary by Sonia