Cats: Their Points and Characteristics, with Curiosities of Cat Life, and a Chapter on Feline Ailments by W. Gordon Stables is a comprehensive guide to all things feline. The author delves deep into the various characteristics and points of different cat breeds, shedding light on their unique traits and distinguishing features.
Stables does not just stop at describing physical characteristics, but also delves into the behavior and habits of cats, offering readers a glimpse into the mysterious world of these enigmatic creatures. From their hunting skills to their affinity for grooming, the author covers all aspects of cat life with insight and expertise.
One of the most valuable sections of the book is the chapter on feline ailments, which provides practical advice on how to recognize and treat common health issues in cats. Stables’ expertise as a veterinarian shines through in his thorough explanations and practical tips for cat owners.
Overall, Cats: Their Points and Characteristics is a must-read for any cat lover or owner looking to deepen their understanding of these fascinating animals. Stables’ blend of science, storytelling, and practical advice makes this book an invaluable resource for cat enthusiasts of all levels.
Book Description:
How true is the old saw: "Dogs have families, but cats have staff"? Cats have been favorite domestic pets for thousands of years. This is a study of their history, characteristics and suitability as pets, together with some charming cat tales. A must-read for cat lovers of all ages.