In the third installment of Victor Hugo's Les Misérables, we continue to follow the story of the character Marius Pontmercy as he navigates the tumultuous political landscape of 19th-century France. The novel delves deeper into the themes of love, redemption, and sacrifice as Marius grapples with his own personal struggles while becoming entwined in the larger revolution sweeping the country.
Hugo's rich and evocative prose brings the streets of Paris to vivid life, painting a portrait of a society on the brink of change. The characters are complex and well-developed, each grappling with their own demons and desires.
One of the most striking aspects of this novel is Hugo's exploration of the dichotomy between duty and desire, as Marius must choose between his love for the enigmatic Cosette and his commitment to the cause of liberty. The tension between personal happiness and societal responsibility is palpable throughout the story, creating a sense of urgency and depth to the narrative.
Overall, Marius is a compelling and thought-provoking read that delves into the complexities of human nature and the power of love and sacrifice. Hugo's timeless themes and vivid characters make this novel a must-read for fans of historical fiction and classic literature.
Book Description:
De Ellendigen is een vertaling van Les Miserables, een sociale roman, met een sterke moraal. Hugo neemt het in zijn werk op voor de paria’s in de 19e-eeuwse maatschappij en richt in een vlammende aanklacht tegen de samenleving en haar ‘meedogenloze’ wetten. Valjean is de incarnatie van het lijdende proletariaat, die een reeks eindeloze beproevingen moet ondergaan alvorens loutering en dood te vinden. Dit is het derde van de vijf delen. Genoemd naar een van de hoofdpersonen: Marius een rechtenstudent. ( Marcel Coenders)