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Dom Casmurro

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By: (1839-1908)

Dom Casmurro by Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that delves deep into the complexities of love, jealousy, and betrayal. The story follows the protagonist, Bento Santiago, as he recounts his life and the events leading up to his suspicions of his wife's infidelity.

Machado de Assis’ writing is masterful, seamlessly blending elements of satire, drama, and psychological insight. The novel is filled with richly drawn characters and intricate relationships that keep the reader engaged from start to finish.

One of the standout aspects of Dom Casmurro is the unreliable narrator, Bento Santiago, whose skewed perspective adds an intriguing layer of mystery to the narrative. As the reader unravels the truth behind Bento's suspicions, they are forced to question their own assumptions and biases.

Overall, Dom Casmurro is a timeless classic that explores timeless themes with nuance and depth. Machado de Assis' skillful storytelling and profound observations make this novel a must-read for anyone interested in literature that challenges and provokes thought.

Book Description:
Dom Casmurro é um dos mais famosos romances escritos por Machado de Assis, publicado em 1899. Ele conta a história de Bento Santiago, o narrador da história que, como em uma autobiografia, se compõe de relatos desde sua mocidade até os dias em que está escrevendo o livro. Entre esses dois momentos, Bento escreve sobre suas reminiscências da juventude, sua vida no seminário, seu caso com Capitu e o ciúme desse relacionamento, que se torna o enredo central da trama. - Resumo escrito por Leni

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