En Route is a thought-provoking novel that follows the spiritual journey of Des Esseintes, a disillusioned young man who seeks solace and meaning in religion. As he embarks on a pilgrimage to a monastery, Des grapples with questions of faith, morality, and the purpose of his existence.
Huysmans' writing is both poetic and philosophical, delving deep into Des's internal struggles and inner turmoil. The descriptions of the monastery and the monks are vivid and immersive, painting a stark contrast to Des's urban, decadent lifestyle.
The novel is a compelling exploration of the search for spiritual enlightenment in a modern, materialistic world. It raises important questions about the nature of belief, the significance of rituals, and the value of introspection.
Overall, En Route is a thought-provoking and engaging read that will leave readers pondering the nature of faith and the complexities of the human soul.
Book Description:
The second book by Huysmans concerning the religious development of the novelist Durtal, who in the first book experienced depravity and Satanism. In this book he struggles desperately to find a foothold in the Catholic faith. He is aided by his aesthetic sensitivities and the support of an understanding priest. But it is not until he undertakes a retreat in a Trappist monastery that he achieves depth of spiritual transformation.