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Floor Games

Floor Games by H. G. Wells
By: (1866-1946)

Floor Games is a delightful book that takes readers into the imaginative world of H. G. Wells' childhood. Written in a playful and engaging style, Wells shares his memories of playing with miniature soldiers on the floor of his family home.

The book is full of nostalgic anecdotes and practical advice for how to create and play with your own miniature figures. Wells' passion for imaginative play shines through in his descriptions of the elaborate scenarios and battles he would create on the floor.

While the book may be short, it packs a punch with its charming storytelling and heartfelt nostalgia. Readers of all ages will be inspired to dust off their own toy soldiers and embark on their own creative adventures after reading Floor Games. Overall, this is a delightful read that celebrates the joy and value of imaginative play.

Book Description:

H.G. Wells had so much fun playing with his children on the floor of their playroom, he decided to write a jovial little book to inspire other parents in their pursuit of quality time with the kids. While the raw materials available from hobby stores of his day were woefully short of the variety and quality of what can be bought easily now, he and his sons created their own worlds to rule. This short work describes two games of imagination played out upon the floor of his home – an archipelago of islands, and a thoroughly integrated city, conveniently organized with two mayoral positions for his sons “G.P.W.” and “F.R.W.” While the toy people appearing in their worlds were often of martial nature, Wells decided to leave decription of military games to a later book: “Little Wars.”

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