Fräulein Minna und der Reitknecht is a captivating novel set in 19th century Germany, written by the talented author Wilkie Collins. The story follows the life of young Fräulein Minna, a headstrong and independent woman who defies societal expectations and pursues her own dreams.
The characters in the novel are richly developed and complex, each facing their own challenges and struggles. Fräulein Minna is a particularly compelling protagonist, as she navigates the constraints placed on her by her gender and class, while also grappling with the pressures of love and duty.
The plot is full of unexpected twists and turns, keeping the reader engaged from beginning to end. The relationships between the characters are beautifully portrayed, showcasing the power of love and friendship in the face of adversity.
Overall, Fräulein Minna und der Reitknecht is a beautifully written novel that delves deep into the complexities of human nature and relationships. Wilkie Collins has crafted a remarkable story that is sure to stay with readers long after they have finished the last page. A must-read for fans of historical fiction and classic literature.
Book Description:
Minnas neuer Reitknecht Michael kennt weder seine Mutter noch seinen Vater. Sie ist fasziniert von dem Mann, der versucht, das Beste aus seiner Situation zu machen und fühlt sich mehr zu ihm hingezogen, als es ihrem Stand entspricht. Sehr sonderbar ist das Benehmen von Minnas Tante Claudia gegenüber dem Reitknecht. Welches Geheimnis verbirgt sich hinter der Abneigung, die sie Michael gegenüber offensichtlich hegt?