Gulliver of Mars by Edwin L. Arnold is a thrilling and imaginative sci-fi novel that takes readers on a journey to the mysterious planet of Mars. The story follows the protagonist, Lieutenant Gulliver Jones, as he finds himself transported to a fantastical world where he encounters strange creatures and strange cultures.
As Gulliver explores the planet and interacts with its inhabitants, he must navigate political intrigue, battles, and treacherous landscapes in order to survive and find his way back home. The novel is full of action and adventure, with plenty of twists and turns to keep readers engaged until the very end.
Arnold’s writing is engaging and descriptive, painting a vivid picture of the alien world of Mars and bringing its inhabitants to life. The world-building is intricate and detailed, creating a rich and immersive reading experience.
Overall, Gulliver of Mars is a captivating and entertaining read that will appeal to fans of classic science fiction and adventure stories. Arnold’s imaginative storytelling and unique take on Mars make this novel a must-read for anyone looking for an exciting escape to a distant and mysterious world.
Book Description:
This escapist novel, first published in 1905 as Lieutenant Gullivar Jones: His Vacation, follows the exploits of American Navy Lieutenant Gulliver Jones, a bold, if slightly hapless, hero who is magically transported to Mars; where he almost outwits his enemies, almost gets the girl, and almost saves the day.
Somewhat of a literary and chronological bridge between H.G. Wells and Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jones’ adventures provide an evocative mix of satire and sword-and-planet adventure.