"Kouyahijiri" is a mesmerizing and haunting tale filled with intricate details and a compelling storyline. Kyōka Izumi showcases his exceptional storytelling skills as he weaves together elements of mystery, folklore, and psychological horror seamlessly.
The characters are complex and multi-dimensional, each with their own secrets and desires that add layers of depth to the narrative. The author's prose is beautifully lyrical and evocative, painting vivid scenes that linger in the reader's mind long after the book is finished.
Izumi's exploration of themes such as obsession, madness, and the darker aspects of human nature is both chilling and thought-provoking. The intricate plot twists and turns, keeping the reader on edge until the very last page. Overall, "Kouyahijiri" is a captivating and unsettling read that will leave a lasting impression on fans of gothic literature and psychological thrillers.
Book Description:
A bonze walks from Hida to Matsumoto. On a mountain pass he encounters strange things.