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By: (1846-1930)

"Papallona" by Narcís Oller is a captivating novel that explores the complexities of social class and identity in late 19th-century Catalonia. The story follows the lives of two young women from different backgrounds, one a wealthy and privileged aristocrat and the other a poor factory worker, whose paths become intertwined through a series of unexpected events.

Oller does an excellent job of painting a vivid portrait of the stark contrasts between the two women's lives, highlighting the disparities in their opportunities and challenges. Through their personal struggles and triumphs, the author sheds light on the harsh realities of the time, such as the exploitation of the working class and the rigid social hierarchies that dictated people's fates.

The character development in the novel is particularly well-done, with both protagonists evolving and growing in response to the events they face. The plot is engaging and keeps the reader hooked until the very end, as the two women navigate their way through love, betrayal, and societal expectations.

Overall, "Papallona" is a thought-provoking and poignant read that offers a glimpse into a tumultuous period in history. Oller's beautiful prose and skillful storytelling make this novel a literary gem that is sure to resonate with readers long after they have turned the final page.

Book Description:
Seguint la vocació naturalista de l’escriptor, la novel·la emprèn una anàlisi del procés d’enamorament de la seva protagonista, Toneta, una jove modista de caràcter angelical, amb en Lluís, un estudiant de dret del Ripollès. La relació esta marcada per les diferències de classe entre els protagonistes. Els ambients en què es desenvolupa la història ens mostren el barri històric, la Rambla i la Boqueria de Barcelona, alhora que es presenta la vida quotidiana de les diverses classes socials urbanes, des de la burgesia fins als treballadors que viuen en condicions molt precàries.
Following the writer’s naturalistic vocation, the novel undertakes an analysis of the process of falling in love of its protagonist, Toneta, an angelic young seamstress, with Lluís, a law student from the Ripollès area. The relationship is marked by the class differences between the protagonists. The environments in which the story unfolds show us the historic district, the Rambla and the Boqueria of Barcelona, while presenting the daily life of the various urban social classes, from the bourgeoisie to the workers who live in very precarious conditions. - Summary by Joan Pujolar

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