"Dawn" by Margaret Steele Anderson is a beautifully written novel that explores the life of artist Michael Angelo. The author's vivid descriptions and attention to detail bring Renaissance Italy to life, making the reader feel as though they are right there alongside the characters. Anderson expertly weaves together art, history, and romance in a captivating story that keeps you turning the pages.
The character of Michael Angelo is complex and deeply drawn, with all his flaws and talents on full display. His passion for his work and the challenges he faces in pursuing his art are portrayed with both heartbreak and triumph. The supporting characters are equally well-developed, adding depth and emotion to the story.
One of the standout features of this novel is Anderson's ability to transport the reader to another time and place. The setting of Renaissance Italy is richly portrayed, from the bustling streets of Florence to the grand halls of the Vatican. The attention to historical detail is impressive and adds authenticity to the story.
Overall, "Dawn" is a compelling and engaging novel that will appeal to fans of historical fiction, art history, and romance. Margaret Steele Anderson has crafted a beautifully written story that is both educational and entertaining. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a captivating read.
Book Description:
volunteers bring you 18 recordings of Michael Angelo's "Dawn" by Margaret Steele Anderson.
This was the Weekly Poetry project for February 10, 2019.
Dawn is a sculpture by Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo, executed for the Medici Chapel in the area of the tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici in Florence, Italy.
It is part of a second pair , which followed Day and Night in his work on the Chapel. - Summary by Wikipedia