Molly, The Drummer Boy by Harriet Theresa Comstock is a heartwarming and inspiring story about a young girl named Molly who defies gender norms to pursue her passion for drumming during the Civil War. The author does a wonderful job of capturing the struggles and triumphs of Molly as she faces discrimination and prejudice but continues to persevere with courage and determination.
The characters in the book are well-developed and relatable, especially Molly who is a strong and independent protagonist. The historical setting adds depth to the story, providing readers with a glimpse into the challenges faced by women and children during a tumultuous time in American history.
Overall, Molly, The Drummer Boy is a beautifully written and thought-provoking tale that highlights the importance of following your dreams and standing up for what you believe in. It is a story that will resonate with readers of all ages and leave a lasting impression.
Book Description:
Molly, The Drummer Boy is the tale of a brave drummer, who, during the war of the Revolution, passed like a gleam of brightness, fun—and alas! sadness through the scenes of war and bloodshed; winning the friendship of all, the esteem and consideration of General Washington himself, and lastly a page or so in history. - Summary by Harriet Theresa Comstock