Prisoner of the Mill by Harry Hazelton is a gripping and intense tale of a young boy named Sam who finds himself trapped in a dangerous and oppressive world. The author does a fantastic job of creating a sense of tension and suspense throughout the story, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat.
The character development in this book is truly exceptional. Sam is a relatable and complex protagonist who undergoes a great deal of growth and development throughout the course of the story. The supporting characters are also well-developed and add depth to the overall narrative.
Hazelton's writing style is both engaging and evocative, drawing the reader in from the very first page. The pacing of the novel is well-executed, with plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader guessing. The themes of power, oppression, and resilience are expertly woven throughout the narrative, adding layers of depth to the story.
Overall, Prisoner of the Mill is a captivating and thought-provoking read that will appeal to fans of historical fiction and suspenseful thrillers. Harry Hazelton has crafted a masterful and compelling tale that will stay with readers long after they have finished the book. Highly recommended.
Book Description:
Subtitled "Captain Hayward's Body Guard”. An adventure story for boys.