Smoke is a captivating novel that delves into the lives and loves of a group of Russian aristocrats living in a small country town. The story revolves around the arrival of a charming and enigmatic outsider, Grigory Litvinov, who becomes entangled in the complicated social dynamics of the community.
Turgenev's prose is elegant and evocative, painting a vivid portrait of the Russian countryside and its inhabitants. The characters are richly drawn, each with their own desires, flaws, and secrets. The novel explores themes of love, betrayal, and the struggle for personal and moral integrity in a society plagued by hypocrisy and narrow-mindedness.
What sets Smoke apart is its keen insight into human nature and its ability to capture the complexities of human relationships. Turgenev's exploration of the tension between individual desires and societal expectations makes for a thought-provoking and emotionally engaging read. Smoke is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers today.
Book Description:
Smoke is an 1867 novel by the highly acclaimed Russian writer Ivan Turgenev that tells the gripping story of a secret love affair between a young betrothed Russian man and a young married Russian woman, while also delivering in the opening chapters the author's criticism of Russia and Russians of the period. The story takes place largely in the German resort town of Baden-Baden. -- Adapted from Wikipedia: