Centaurians is a captivating science fiction novel that explores the concept of a dystopian future where humans have evolved into two distinct races: the powerful Centaurians and the oppressed Humans. The author, L. D. Biagi, does a fantastic job of creating a rich and detailed world filled with complex characters and thought-provoking ideas.
The story follows a young Human named Alex who becomes increasingly disillusioned with the oppressive society he lives in. As he begins to question the status quo, he is introduced to the Centaurians and discovers a whole new world filled with advanced technology and cultural differences.
The author does a great job of weaving together themes of identity, power, and morality throughout the novel. The characters are well-developed and engaging, making it easy for readers to become invested in their struggles and triumphs. The pacing of the story is excellent, with plenty of action and suspense to keep readers on the edge of their seats.
Overall, Centaurians is a thought-provoking and compelling read that will appeal to fans of science fiction and dystopian literature. L. D. Biagi has created a fascinating world that will leave readers eager for more.
Book Description:
Published in 1911, 15 years before the first verified discovery of the North Pole and in the same year when F. Cook published a memoir claiming his own discovery of the Pole, this short SciFi about the discovery of the Pole and the civilisation on the other side which is supposedly 6 centuries in advance compared to our own, was doomed to sink in the unknown from the beginning on. But reading it a century later, this SciFi shows its own charm by conveying the general sentiment in the society short before the big discovery and the motivation behind the continued exploration despite the associated hardships. Some predictions, such as the manmade diamonds, even came true very recently, while some others are overtaken by the real advancement in science already. - Summary by gyllila