"Garden God: A Tale of Two Boys" by Forrest Reid is a beautifully written coming-of-age novel that explores the bonds of friendship and the complexities of adolescence. The story follows two young boys, Eustace and Hynam, as they navigate the challenges of growing up in early 20th century England.
Reid's prose is lyrical and full of rich, vivid descriptions that transport the reader to the lush Irish countryside where the boys spend their summers. The author expertly captures the innocence and wonder of childhood, while also delving into deeper themes such as loyalty, jealousy, and the complexities of identity.
The relationship between Eustace and Hynam is at the heart of the novel, and Reid skillfully portrays the deep connection between the two boys as they navigate the trials and tribulations of adolescence. The characters are well-developed and multi-dimensional, each with their own unique struggles and desires.
Overall, "Garden God: A Tale of Two Boys" is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that will resonate with readers of all ages. Reid's beautiful prose and insightful exploration of friendship make this a truly unforgettable read.
Book Description:
The Garden God: A Tale of Two Boys is Forrest Reid’s tender, bracingly tragic reflection on adolescence, pantheism, Platonism, and homoerotic desire. A classic of “Uranian” literature, it tells the story of Graham Iddesleigh, a fifteen year old boy whose early childhood is spent in cloistered seclusion. He idles his time roaming his family’s idyllic country estate, fantasizing about an imagined friendship with an ancient Greek god. But all this changes when his father sends him off to boarding school. Once there, Graham soon meets the ethereal Harold Brocklehurst, a fellow schoolboy who is an exact double of Graham’s imaginary friend. Thus begins an unforgettable love and friendship that shapes and reinvigorates both boys—but can their bond withstand the sudden and inexplicable strike of tragedy? - Summary by ChuckW