The Goody-Naughty Book is a charming collection of children's stories that follows the adventures of two siblings, Tommy and Betty. Each story showcases the contrasting personalities of the siblings, one being good and one being mischievous. The stories are written in a simple and engaging way that is perfect for young readers.
I enjoyed the variety of tales in this book, each one offering a different lesson or moral for children to ponder. The illustrations are also delightful and add to the overall appeal of the book. I found myself smiling and chuckling at the antics of Tommy and Betty as they navigate their way through various situations.
Overall, The Goody-Naughty Book is a delightful read that will entertain and educate young readers. It is a classic collection of stories that will surely stand the test of time and be enjoyed by generations to come.
Book Description:
The Goody-Naughty Book was originally published as two books back to back. Opening the book from one end, the reader experiences “The Goody Side” where the children are polite and thoughtful. However, turning the book over and beginning from the other side, one reads “The Naughty Side” where the children are lazy and irritable. These short, moral stories teach children the proper way to behave and that there are consequences if they don’t.