By: Herbert George Jenkins (1876-1923)
Herbert George Jenkins' "Night Club" is a thrilling tale set in the world of 1920s London nightlife. The story follows protagonist Jimmy, a young man who stumbles upon a mysterious and glamorous nightclub that seems to defy all logic and reason. As Jimmy delves deeper into the world of the club, he becomes entangled in a web of deceit, danger, and intrigue.
Jenkins' writing is fast-paced and gripping, drawing the reader in from the very first page. The characters are vividly drawn and the setting of the nightclub is vividly portrayed, making the reader feel as though they are right there alongside Jimmy as he navigates the dangers of this strange and captivating world.
Overall, "Night Club" is a compelling read that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very last page. Jenkins has crafted a truly unique and engaging story that will appeal to fans of mystery, suspense, and historical fiction. Book Description: This work of fiction by Herbert Jenkins features one of his best-loved comic characters, the affable Cockney, Joseph Bindle. It was Bindle who conceived the idea of forming ”The Night Club”, where people from different walks of London life would gather on Sunday evenings "for a smoke, a drink and a yarn" to socialize, reflect on their lives, and share tales and reminiscences. It was improbably chaired by Bindle and faithfully reported to us by a member of the club. --Lee Smalley