Perfect World by Ella Scrymsour is a beautifully written and captivating novel that explores the complexities of human relationships and the choices we make in life. The story follows the lives of two main characters, Grace and Ben, as they navigate through the challenges of love, loss, and redemption.
Scrymsour does an excellent job of creating well-developed characters that readers can easily relate to and empathize with. Grace is a young woman struggling to come to terms with a tragic accident that changed her life forever, while Ben is a mysterious stranger who enters Grace's life when she least expects it.
The author's prose is elegant and lyrical, drawing readers into the world she has created with vivid descriptions and evocative imagery. The emotional depth of the story is palpable, as Grace and Ben grapple with their pasts and strive to find a sense of peace and fulfillment in their lives.
Overall, Perfect World is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that will linger in readers' minds long after they have finished the last page. Scrymsour's storytelling prowess and powerful exploration of human nature make this book a must-read for anyone who enjoys contemporary fiction with a touch of romance and drama.
Book Description:
Almost certainly the merging of two separate magazine novellas, where Scrymsour attempted to weave together the plots. In this fantasy/ science fiction novel, the two young gentlemen protagonists are transported from a company town dominated by their family coalmine into an underground cave system where an oligarchic exiled race of dwarf Israelites has lived for 3000 years and grown horns. More space and time travel follow bringing our heroes to Jupiter, where romance follows. - Summary by Lynne Thompson