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By: Charles Francis Adams, Sr. (1807-1886)

Letters of Mrs. Adams, the Wife of John Adams, Vol. 1 by Charles Francis Adams, Sr. Letters of Mrs. Adams, the Wife of John Adams, Vol. 1

Abigail Adams lived the American Revolution as the wife of one of its central figures--John Adams. Her family correspondence, published along with a memoir by her grandson, Charles Francis Adams, brings that era into eloquent focus. What was it like to hear the cannon's roar from your window? to face pestilence? food shortages? rampant inflation? devalued coinage? to raise four children alone--and earn the money to keep your household afloat, while your husband was engaged in politics and diplomacy miles and oceans away ...

By: Charles Franklin Carter

Book cover Old Mission Stories of California

By: Charles Godfrey Leland (1824-1903)

Book cover The English Gipsies and Their Language
Book cover The Gypsies
Book cover Algonquin Legends of New England

By: Charles Greville (1794-1865)

Book cover The Greville Memoirs (Second Part) A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1852 (Volume 1 of 3)
Book cover The Greville Memoirs A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William IV, Vol. I
Book cover The Greville Memoirs A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William IV, Vol. III
Book cover The Greville Memoirs A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William IV, Vol. II

By: Charles H. Clarke

Book cover History of Company F, 1st Regiment, R.I. Volunteers, during the Spring and Summer of 1861

By: Charles Harrison (-1943)

Book cover A Humorous History of England

By: Charles Haven Ladd Johnston (1877-1943)

Book cover Famous Privateersmen and Adventurers of the Sea Their rovings, cruises, escapades, and fierce battling upon the ocean for patriotism and for treasure

By: Charles Hemstreet (1866-?)

The Story of Manhattan by Charles Hemstreet The Story of Manhattan

The history of New York City is told as a story, in few words. It begins with Henry Hudson's discovery of Manhattan in 1609. And it finishes in 1898 when the island of Manhattan becomes the Borough of Manhattan of Greater New York.

By: Charles Henry Eden (1839-1900)

Book cover Australian Search Party

By: Charles Hersey

Book cover Reminiscences of the Military Life and Sufferings of Col. Timothy Bigelow, Commander of the Fifteenth Regiment of the Massachusetts Line in the Continental Army, during the War of the Revolution

By: Charles Homer Haskins (1870-1937)

Book cover Normans in European History

Wherever their ships took them, the Normans (Northman) were ruthless conquerors but gifted governors. These eight lectures, given in Boston in 1915 by the eminent Harvard medievalist, Charles Homer Haskins, chronicle the achievements of these descendants of the Vikings, whose genius for assimilation transformed them into French, English, and Sicilian citizens of well-run states. Haskins discusses the great William the Conqueror and Henry II, the impetuous Richard the Lion-Hearted, and the hapless King John. The Normans founded the Kingdom of Sicily in which there was religious toleration and a Saracen bureaucracy, and left us a moving picture of themselves in the Bayeux Tapestry.

By: Charles Inman Barnard (1850-)

Book cover Paris War Days Diary of an American

By: Charles J. (Charles John) Abbey (1833-1919)

Book cover The English Church in the Eighteenth Century

By: Charles James Fox (1749-1806)

Book cover History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second

By: Charles Johnson

Book cover A General History of the Pyrates

A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates is a 1724 book containing biographies of contemporary pirates. It's author uses the name Captain Charles Johnson, generally considered a pseudonym. The real identity of the author was thought by some scholars to be Daniel Defoe, although this has since been disputed. The publisher Nathaniel Mist or somebody working for him are other suggested authors. In the first volume, "Johnson" sticks fairly close to the available sources, though he embellishes the stories somewhat...

Book cover Pirates

By: Charles K. (Charles Knapp) Dillaway (1804-1889)

Book cover Roman Antiquities, and Ancient Mythology For Classical Schools (2nd ed)

By: Charles Kent (1823-1902)

Book cover Charles Dickens as a Reader

By: Charles King (1844-1933)

Book cover A War-Time Wooing A Story
Book cover Ray's Daughter A Story of Manila
Book cover Waring's Peril

By: Charles Kingsley

Hypatia by Charles Kingsley Hypatia

Charles Kingsley (June 12 1819 - January 23 1875) was an English divine, university professor, historian, and novelist, particularly associated with the West Country and north-east Hampshire. As a novelist, his chief power lay in his descriptive faculties, which are evident in this novel as he pictures the Egyptian desert and the ancient city Alexandria. Hypatia, 1st published in 1853, is set in 5th Century A.D. Egypt. It centers upon a young orphan monk from a desert monastery who feels called to continue his religious life in the city...

Madam How and Lady Why by Charles Kingsley Madam How and Lady Why

Did you ever wish you knew how to explain natural phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanoes to your children? Search no more, this book has all the answers (at least all the ones that were known in 1869) and gives them in a pedagogical way. Listed on the Ambleside homeschooling list.

Book cover Westward Ho!, or, the voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the county of Devon, in the reign of her most glorious majesty Queen Elizabeth
Book cover Health and Education
Book cover Historical Lectures and Essays
Book cover Froude's History of England

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