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By: Jarrold and Sons [Editor] | |
Pictures in Colour of the Isle of Wight |
By: Jasper Danckaerts (1639-) | |
Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, 1679-1680 |
By: Jasper Leonidas McBrien (1867-) | |
America First Patriotic Readings | |
By: Jean François Paul de Gondi de Retz (1613-1679) | |
The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz |
By: Jean J. Jusserand (1855-1932) | |
A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance | |
The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare |
By: Jean McKishnie Blewett (1862-1934) | |
Christy and The Pipers
volunteers bring you 9 recordings of Christy and The Pipers by Jean McKishnie Blewett. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for November 4, 2018. ------ This poem, set in Scotland, tells of a woman's reaction to the Pipes . |
By: Jean Thomas (1881-) | |
Blue Ridge Country |
By: Jean Toomer (1894-1967) | |
Reading this book, I had a vision of a land, heretofore sunk in the mists of muteness, suddenly rising up into the eminence of song. Innumerable books have been written about the South; some good books have been written in the South. This book is the South. . . . . Part One is the primitive and evanescent world of Georgia. Part Two is the threshing and suffering brown world of Washington. . . . Part Three is Georgia again . . . this black womb of the ferment seed: the neurotic, educated, spiritually stirring Negro. From the Forward by Waldo Frank |
By: Jean-Baptiste-Antoine-Marcelin Marbot (1782-1854) | |
The Memoirs of General Baron De Marbot |
By: Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigné (1794-1872) | |
History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 1
The History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, by Jean-Henri Merle d’Aubigné, is a classic work on the great events that re-opened the Christian gospel to a needy world. It tells of how the twenty-year-old Martin Luther, browsing through books in the library at the University of Erfurt, takes down from the shelf a particular volume that has caught his interest. He has never seen anything like it. It is a Bible! He is astonished to find in this volume so much more than the fragments of gospels and epistles that were selected for public reading in churches... | |
History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 2
The History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, by Jean-Henri Merle d’Aubigné, is a classic work on the great events that re-opened the Christian gospel to a needy world. The author was a Swiss Protestant pastor. He was also a historian with a great understanding of the Bible, along with a broad and deep knowledge of the Reformation.D’Aubigné tells the story of outstanding people who had a love for God and his word, and who dared to present biblical truths which had been obscured for centuries... |
By: Jeanie Gould Lincoln (1846-1921) | |
An Unwilling Maid Being the History of Certain Episodes during the American Revolution in the Early Life of Mistress Betty Yorke, born Wolcott |
By: Jeanie Lang | |
The Story of General Gordon |
By: Jefferson Davis (1808-1889) | |
Speeches of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi |
By: Jeffery Farnol (1878-1952) | |
Great Britain at War | |
The Honourable Mr. Tawnish |
By: Jeronimo Lobo (1596-1678) | |
A Voyage to Abyssinia |
By: Jesse James, Jr. (1875-1951) | |
Jesse James, My Father
A biography of Jesse James as told by his son, Jesse James, Jr. We are treated to inside tales of Jesse's childhood and home life; what drove him to become a Confederate guerrilla during the Civil War; his life after the war and how he became a wanted man. Since it was written by his son, it is a little biased and we are not told anything about any crimes Jesse and his gang committed. Some of the stories of Jesse's war adventures are a little hard to believe, but a good read nonetheless. |
By: Jesse Macy (1842-1919) | |
An Anti-Slavery Crusade; a chronicle of the gathering storm |
By: Jesse Walter Fewkes (1850-1930) | |
Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895 | |
Contribution to Passamaquoddy Folk-Lore |
By: Jessie Benton Frémont | |
The Will and the Way Stories
Simply put, this is a book of 9 short vignettes each of which describes a different scenario which demonstrates the age old adage: 'where there's a will, there's a way'. |
By: Joanna E. Wood (1867-1927) | |
Untempered Wind
Upon publication of “The Untempered Wind” in 1894, Joanna Wood quickly rose to international prominence, becoming in the next few years the most highly paid fiction-writer in Canada. In this novel, we find a detailed picture of village life. The narrative weaves through a variety of character types: the refined and the coarse, the humble and the self-righteous, the virtuous and the vicious. All these types are measured according to their treatment of Myron Holder, a young unwed mother — a “fallen woman” in the eyes of this “spiteful, narrow-minded village... |
By: Joannes de Sacro Bosco (fl. 1230) | |
The Earliest Arithmetics in English |
By: Joe Mills (1880-1935) | |
A Mountain Boyhood |
By: Joel Chandler Harris (1848-1908) | |
Stories Of Georgia | |
A Little Union Scout |
By: Joel Cook (1842-1910) | |
England, Picturesque and Descriptive A Reminiscence of Foreign Travel |
By: Joel Tyler Headley (1813-1897) | |
The Great Riots of New York, 1712 to 1873 |
By: Johan Huizinga (1872-1945) | |
waning of the middle ages: a study of the forms of life, thought and art in France and the Netherlands in the XIVth and XVth centuries
The Waning of the Middle Ages , subtitled A study of the forms of life, thought and art in France and the Netherlands in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, is Johan Huizinga's most famous work. It was published in 1919 as Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen and first translated into English in 1924. Huizinga defends the idea that the exaggerated formality and romanticism of late medieval court society was a defense mechanism against the constantly increasing violence and brutality of life. The break off between Middle Ages and Renaissance was, according to him, a period of pessimism, cultural exhaustion, and nostalgia... |
By: Johann Amos Comenius (1592-1670) | |
The Orbis Pictus |
By: Johann Jakob von Tschudi (1818-1889) | |
Travels in Peru, on the Coast, in the Sierra, Across the Cordilleras and the Andes, into the Primeval Forests |
By: Johanna Brandt (1876-1964) | |
The Petticoat Commando
In introducing the English version of this book I venture to bespeak a welcome for it, not only for the light which it throws on some little-known incidents of the South African war, but also because of the keen personal interest of the events recorded. It is more than a history. It is a dramatic picture of the hopes and fears, the devotion and bitterness with which some patriotic women in Pretoria watched and, as far as they could, took part in the war which was slowly drawing to its conclusion on the veld outside... |
By: Johanna Spyri (1827-1901) | |
Filled with descriptions of the magnificent Swiss Alps, the lives of the simple country folk who live in their picturesque peaks and valleys and the gentle and innocent days of childhood, Heidi by Johanna Spyri is a book that no child should miss reading. Since it first came out, it has captured the hearts of children (and adults) all over the world, been extensively filmed, televised and staged and translated from the original German into more than 60 languages. Heidiland, a theme park, is one of the big attractions in Zurich... | |
Heidi (version 2 dramatic reading)
"Heidi" takes us on a journey to the eventful childhood of a good-hearted girl from the Swiss Alps. A warm and loving story, full of touching moments, it reaches children and adults alike. It was written in 1880 and published in two parts: 1. Heidi's years of learning and travel. 2. Heidi makes use of what she has learned. This English translation from 1915 has "an especial flavor, that very quality of delight in mountain scenes, in mountain people and in child life generally, which is one of the chief merits of the German original... |
By: John A. (John Alexander) MacDonald (1846-1922) | |
Troublous Times in Canada A History of the Fenian Raids of 1866 and 1870 |
By: John A. Carpenter | |
The Star-Spangled Banner |
By: John A. Hobson (1858-1940) | |
The Evolution of Modern Capitalism A Study of Machine Production |
By: John A. J. (John Angel James) Creswell (1828-1891) | |
Oration on the Life and Character of Henry Winter Davis |
By: John Albee (1833-1915) | |
Confessions of Boyhood |
By: John Algernon Owens | |
Sword and Pen Ventures and Adventures of Willard Glazier |
By: John Allister Currie (1866-) | |
"The Red Watch" With the First Canadian Division in Flanders |
By: John Arthur Ransome Marriott (1859-1945) | |
England Since Waterloo
"England Since Waterloo" by Sir John Arthur Ransome Marriott was first published in 1913 and went through many editions. The author taught history at Worcester College, Oxford for thirty-six years and served as a Conservative member of Parliament for fifteen. "England Since Waterloo" begins with the defeat of Napoleon who, Marriott writes, was impotent "to assail English power at sea, foiled in his attempt to ruin her commerce...overwhelmed under Russian snows, and finally conquered by the genius of Wellington... |
By: John Ashton (1834-1911) | |
Gossip in the First Decade of Victoria's Reign | |
A Righte Merrie Christmasse The Story of Christ-Tide |
By: John Aubrey (1626-1697) | |
The Natural History of Wiltshire |
By: John Augustine Zahm (1851-1921) | |
Woman in Science
A history of woman's role in science through the ages and the many contributions she has made.Chapter Titles are:1. Woman's Long Struggle for Things of the Mind2. Woman's Capacity for Scientific Pursuits3. Women in Mathematics4. Women in Astronomy5. Women in Physics6. Women in Chemistry7. Women in the Natural Sciences8. Women in Medicine and Surgery9. Women in Archæology10. Women as Inventors11. Women as Inspirers and Collaborators in Science12. The Future of Women in Science: Summary and Epilogue |
By: John Auldjo (-1857) | |
Journal of a Visit to Constantinople and Some of the Greek Islands in the Spring and Summer of 1833 |
By: John Austin Stevens (1827-1910) | |
Albert Gallatin American Statesmen Series, Vol. XIII |
By: John B. (John Beach) Driggs (1854-) | |
Short Sketches from Oldest America |
By: John B. Bury | |
The Students' Roman Empire
The writings of J. B. Bury (1861-1927), on subjects ranging from ancient Greece to the 19th-century papacy, are at once scholarly and accessible to the layman. This work covers the period from the beginning of the Roman Empire until Gibbon begins; from Augustus through Marcus Aurelius and the Antoinine Emporers. | |
The Idea of Progress An inguiry into its origin and growth |
By: John Bach McMaster (1852-1932) | |
A School History of the United States | |
A Brief History of the United States |
By: John Bagnell Bury (1861-1927) | |
Cambridge Medieval History, Volume 01, The Christian Roman Empire and the Foundation of the Teutonic Kingdoms
Volume 1: The Christian Roman Empire and the Foundation of the Teutonic Kingdoms "The present work is intended as a comprehensive account of medieval times, drawn up on the same lines as The Cambridge Modern History but with a few improvements of detail suggested by experience. It is intended partly for the general reader, as a clear and, as far as possible, interesting narrative; partly for the student, as a summary of ascertained facts, with indications of disputed points; partly as a book of reference, containing all that can reasonably be required in a comprehensive work of general history." - Summary by KevinS | |
Idea of Progress: An Inquiry into Its Origin and Growth
John Bagnell Bury was Regius Professor of Modern History at Cambridge University in the early twentieth century. In The Idea of Progress, he assesses the concepts of history found in the classical period and then traces the historical development of the concept of political and social progress by looking at writers from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. It is interesting to consider what the history of the past hundred years would add to such an analysis. - Summary by Barry Ganong |
By: John Bates Clark (1847-1938) | |
Social Justice Without Socialism |
By: John Beatty (1828-1914) | |
The Citizen-Soldier or, Memoirs of a Volunteer |
By: John Blakman | |
Henry the Sixth A Reprint of John Blacman's Memoir with Translation and Notes |
By: John Brown (1830-1922) | |
History of the English Bible
The celebration of the Tercentenary of the Authorized Version of the English Bible of 1611 has called into existence the little book here presented to the reader's notice. It is the brief repetition of a story beginning in 670 A.D. and reaching on for twelve hundred years to 1879. It takes us back to the Monastery of Whitby where Caedmon the monk paraphrased Scripture story in Saxon song, and brings us through the centuries to the Abbey of Westminster where a distinguished body of English scholars met in 1870 and commenced that Revision of the Scriptures which first saw the light in 1881. |
By: John Buchan (1875-1940) | |
Last Secrets
The author, John Buchan, maintains that "the main lines of the earth's architecture have been determined" during the first two decades of the twentieth century, and all that remains is but "amplifying our knowledge of the groyning and buttresses and stone-work." In this history of exploration, he tells of nine of those momentous final discoveries that placed the earth's last big secrets firmly on the map, from the mysterious "cloud city" of Lhasa, to the slopes--but not yet the summit--of Mount Everest. - Summary by Steven Seitel |
By: John Buffa (-1812) | |
Travels through the Empire of Morocco |
By: John Burroughs (1837-1921) | |
Birds and Bees, Sharp Eyes, and Other Papers
Probably no other American writer has a greater sympathy with, and a keener enjoyment of, country life in all its phases—farming, camping, fishing, walking—than has John Burroughs. His books are redolent of the soil, and have such "freshness and primal sweetness," that we need not be told that the pleasure he gets from his walks and excursions is by no means over when he steps inside his doors again. As he tells us on more than one occasion, he finds he can get much more out of his outdoor experiences by thinking them over, and writing them out afterwards... | |
Under the Maples | |
Ways of Nature | |
Winter Sunshine | |
Wake-Robin | |
Camping with President Roosevelt | |
The Wit of a Duck and Other Papers |
By: John C. Hutcheson | |
Fritz and Eric The Brother Crusoes |
By: John Cadwalader (1742-1786) | |
Nuts for Future Historians to Crack |
By: John Caius (1510-1573) | |
Epidemics of the Middle Ages
Justus Friedrich Carl Hecker was a German physician and medical writer, whose research focused on the history of epidemics, in a broad sense of the term that included pandemics like the Black Death as well as the group of social phenomena known as dancing mania. The Epidemics of the Middle Ages comprises three of his works -- The Black Death, The Dancing Mania, and The Sweating Sickness -- translated by the English epidemiologist Benjamin Guy Babington. Despite what the name of the book may suggest, the events it describes are not limited to the Middle Ages... |
By: John Carr (1772-1832) | |
The Stranger in France or, a Tour from Devonshire to Paris Illustrated by Engravings in Aqua Tint of Sketches Taken on the Spot. |
By: John Charles Dent (1841-1888) | |
The Story of the Upper Canadian Rebellion, Volume 1 |
By: John Charles Frémont (1813-1890) | |
The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains |
By: John Charles Van Dyke | |
A Text-Book of the History of Painting
A TEXT-BOOK OF THE HISTORY OF PAINTINGBY JOHN C. VAN DYKE, L.H.D.PREFACE.The object of this series of text-books is to provide concise teachable histories of art for class-room use in schools and colleges. The limited time given to the study of art in the average educational institution has not only dictated the condensed style of the volumes, but has limited their scope of matter to the general features of art history. Archaeological discussions on special subjects and aesthetic theories have been avoided... |
By: John Clark Ridpath (1840-1900) | |
James Otis, the pre-revolutionist |
By: John Clay Coleman | |
Jim Crow Car; Or, Denouncement of Injustice Meted Out to the Black Race
"My opposition to injustice, imposition, discrimination and prejudice, which have for many years existed against the colored people of the South, has led to this little book. In many parts of America the press has been furnished with “matter” for defending the colored people, through the medium of “Coleman’s Illustrated Lectures.” By request of my many auditors, some of whom being leading elements of the Northern States and Canada, this volume is published. Many persons interested in the welfare of the negro, have sought a more elaborate book on the Southern horrors... |
By: John Cowper Powys (1872-1963) | |
Suspended Judgments Essays on Books and Sensations |
By: John Crombie Brown (-1879?) | |
The Ethics of George Eliot's Works |
By: John D. (John Denison) Baldwin (1809-1883) | |
Ancient America, in Notes on American Archaeology |
By: John D. Shortridge | |
Italian Harpsichord-Building in the 16th and 17th Centuries |
By: John Davenport (1789-1877) | |
Aphrodisiacs and Anti-aphrodisiacs: Three Essays on the Powers of Reproduction |
By: John David Hills | |
The Fifth Leicestershire A Record Of The 1/5th Battalion The Leicestershire Regiment, T.F., During The War, 1914-1919. |
By: John De Morgan (1848-1926) | |
The Hero of Ticonderoga or Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys |
By: John Dee (1527-1608) | |
The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee And the Catalog of His Library of Manuscripts |
By: John Dennis (1825-1911) | |
The Age of Pope (1700-1744) |
By: John Denton Pinkstone French (1852-1925) | |
1914 |
By: John Denvir (1843-1916) | |
The Life Story of an Old Rebel |
By: John Dewey (1859-1952) | |
China, Japan and the U.S.A. Present-Day Conditions in the Far East and Their Bearing on the Washington Conference |