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Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion David Hume
The Right Way to Do Wrong Harry Houdini
Spurgeon's Sermons May 1858 Charles Spurgeon
Canyons of the Colorado, or The exploration of the Colorado River and its Canyons John Wesley Powell
Euthyphro Plato
Famous Men of Rome John H. Haaren
Up From Slavery Booker T. Washington
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin Charles Darwin
The Story of a Common Soldier of Army Life in the Civil War, 1861-1865 Leander Stillwell
The Symposium Plato
A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln John George Nicolay
Mysticism: A Study in Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness Evelyn Underhill
The Antiquities of the Jews Flavius Josephus
The Backwoods of Canada Catharine Parr Traill
Arabic Primer Sir Arthur Cotton
How to Listen to Music Henry Edward Krehbiel
Wage-Labour and Capital Karl Marx
Eusebius' History of the Christian Church Eusebius of Caesarea
Hints for Lovers Theodore Arnold Haultain
With Christ in the School of Prayer Andrew Murray
Thought Vibration, or The Law of Attraction in the Thought William Walker Atkinson
The Wars of the Jews Josephus
Foxe's Book of Martyrs, A History of the Lives John Foxe
Charles Dickens G. K. Chesterton
A Catechism of Familiar Things; Their History, and the Events Which Led to Their Discovery Anonymous
The Book of Lieh-Tzü Lieh-Tzu
Nature Ralph Waldo Emerson
Some Turns of Thought in Modern Philosophy George Santayana
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova Giacomo Casanova
Bill of Rights & Amendments to the US Constitution Founding Fathers of the United States
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus
Two Years in the Forbidden City Princess Der Ling
Language Learning Collection Various
The Theory of Social Revolutions Brooks Adams
Ion Plato
Bushido: The Soul of Japan Inazo Nitobe
Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus Francis Pharcellus Church
Aphorisms Oscar Wilde
Is Mars Habitable? Alfred Russel Wallace
Army Life in a Black Regiment Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill
History of the Christian church Samuel Cheetham
Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers Elizabeth E. Lea
Concerning Virgins Saint Ambrose
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution Peter Kropotkin
Queen Victoria Lytton Strachey
When Mother Lets Us Cook Constance Johnson
Adrift on an Ice-Pan Sir Wilfred Grenfell
A Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy Ida Laura Pfeiffer
Jo's Boys Louisa May Alcott
The Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle
The Spinster Book Myrtle Reed
The Critique of Practical Reason Immanuel Kant
Lectures of Col. R. G. Ingersoll Robert Green Ingersoll
Memoir of Jane Austen James Edward Austen-Leigh
Current Superstitions Fanny Dickerson Bergen
Boyhood Leo Tolstoy
Local Color Collection Various
Lewis and Clark: Meriwether Lewis and William Clark William R. Lighton
The Story of Abraham Lincoln Mary A. Hamilton