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By: Max Arthur Macauliffe (1841-1913)

Book cover Sikh Religion: its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors, Volume 6

This is one of the first comprehensive books about the Sikh religion in the English language. Macauliffe had extensive access to manuscripts of the Sikh sacred writings , as well as support from Sikh scholars and leaders of the time. This volume covers Bhagats of the Granth Sahib.

By: Frank G. Carpenter (1855-1924)

Book cover Around the World with the Children

An introduction to world geography for young and old alike. Topics such as China, Japan, the American Indian, Europe and the oceans on a beginning level. Summary by BettyB

By: Various

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 066

Twenty short nonfiction works chosen by the readers. "Why Women Should Vote" is one of several selections devoted to women's interests, as are Martha Foote Crow's "The Young Woman on the Farm" , Alice Freeman Palmer's "Three Rules for Happiness," and Myrtle Reed's recipes for "Coffee Cakes, Doughnuts, and Waffles." Tradition and belief are treated in two selections from Kierkegaard, a letter from Japan , a creation myth , and an essay by Mark Twain on "Mental Telegraphy." Topics in history and political...

By: Carl Sandburg (1878-1967)

Book cover Chicago Race Riots, July 1919

Carl Sandburg's succinct reporting on and reflections upon the race riots that broke out In Chicago in July 1919. - Summary by KevinS

By: Esther Singleton (1865-1930)

Book cover Flowers of Shakespeare

A lovely collection of information about those flowers that appear in William Shakespeare's work. The brief chapters are categorized by the four seasons in which the flowers first appear. - Summary by KevinS

By: Hendrik van Loon (1882-1944)

Book cover Golden Book of the Dutch Navigators

This is a story of magnificent failures. The men who equipped the expeditions of which I shall tell you the story died in the poorhouse. The men who took part in these voyages sacrificed their lives as cheerfully as they lighted a new pipe or opened a fresh bottle. Some of them were drowned, and some of them died of thirst. A few were frozen to death, and many were killed by the heat of the scorching sun. But what of it? It was all in the day's work. These excellent fellows took whatever came, be it good or bad, or indifferent, with perfect grace, and kept on smiling...

By: Robert James Manion (1881-1943)

Book cover Surgeon In Arms

Robert James Manion was a Canadian doctor who volunteered in the Canadian medical corps during World War I. This book is his memoir of the war. After the war he entered politics and served in several Canadian governments. The listener may note a lack of mention of the United States soldier; this is because the memoir was written before the entry of that country into the war. - Summary by David Wales

By: Various

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 067

Twenty short nonfiction works chosen by the readers. Two U.S. Presidents are remembered in "A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James Madison" and Washington's "Address to Congress on Resigning His Commission ." Other topics in history and political theory include two of George W. Ball's memos about the Vietnam War from 1965, "Irish Marriage Rites," "Celts and Celtophiles," Kropotkin on "Anarchism in Socialistic Evolution," a tragedy at sea , and a look back at "The Passing of the Sailing Ship." Religion and philosophy are represented with two selections from Kierkegaard's "Preparation for a Christian Life" and a sermon by Spurgeon ...

Book cover A to Zed Collection Vol. 001

A collection of pieces, both fiction and non-fiction, that have as its subject a word beginning with a specific letter of the English alphabet. Subjects can range from coffee to tea, animals to vampires, law to emotions.

By: Hendrik A. Lorentz (1853-1928)

Book cover Einstein Theory of Relativity

When Albert Einstein published his first paper on relativity theory, it caused a stir in the physicists' community. When more and more evidence was gathered to prove the theory correct, even laymen became interested in it. Since the theory of relativity uses involved higher mathematics, it is considered notoriously difficult to grasp, and at the time it was published, it was claimed that only 12 people in the world were able to fully understand it. One of these was the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz, who wrote the articles collected in this book for a lay audience...

By: Giovanni Verga (1840-1922)

Book cover House by the Medlar Tree

In a nineteenth century Sicilian fishing village, the Malavoglia family gambles everything on being able to profit from a cargo of lupin nuts. The cargo is lost at sea and a succession of misfortunes and tragedies assails the family. A masterpiece of social commentary hailed within Italy but neglected by the wider world, The House by the Medlar Tree ranks alongside the works of Zola, Dickens or Balzac among the great books of European literature. The book is the inspiration behind the 1948 film 'La Terra Trema' , one of the earliest works of the great Italian director Luchino Visconti. - Summary by Tom Denholm

By: Katharine Haviland Taylor (1891-1941)

Book cover Natalie Page

Natalie Page is coming to visit her aunt and uncle in New York. Of course they want her around, but every social engagement is more important, even when she is ill. So Natalie starts to focus on small mysteries like her stolen bracelet, and observe the people around her. She writes a lot about their norms, habits and deeds. Would she be able to frive during her stay or would she always remain in the shadow of her socialite aunt and cousins? Would she be able to find herself? - Summary by Stav Nisser.

By: B. F. Gandee

Book cover Artist

The Artist, or Young Ladies' Instructor in Ornamental Painting, Drawing etc. is a delightful art instruction book from 1835. Follow Charlotte as she teaches her cousin Ellen a range of art forms that were widely taught at the time, from painting in the Grecian and Japanese style, to Oriental and Mezzotinting, as well as Inlaying. A few simple projects with paper are mentioned at the end of the book. - Summary by Ava Cast: Mamma read by LCaulkins Ellen read by MrsHand Charlotte read by Availle Narration and Preface and Epilogue by ToddHW

By: Kenjiro Tokutomi (1868-1927)

Book cover Nami-ko

Nami-ko, a young woman of a noble Japanese family, has recently married the naval officer Takeo, the only heir of a friend of her father's. The couple is very happy together and Takeo is doing everything to create the perfect life for his wife, even more so when she contracts tuberculosis. Takeo's mother, however, sees Nami's illness as a threat to the survival of the family line. Egged on by Chijiwa, a spurned lover of Nami's and Takeo's cousin, she uses her son's absence to send Nami back to her family, thus effecting a divorce...

By: Various

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 068

Twenty short nonfiction works in the public domain. "The Regulation of Time" and "Uniform Standard Time" are two of several readings which touch on social regulation, societal norms, and individual expression. Others examine dancing mania ; gender conformity ; race laws ; etiquette and social class "; "Opportunity" ; organized religion ; oratory and persuasion ; legal protection for original ideas ; and an exhortation to judge men by their deeds, not their names . Music and books are celebrated in "Fidelio;" "The Function of a National Library;" "Books in the Wilderness;" and Oscar Wilde's "To Read or Not to Read...

By: Louisa Lilias Plunket Greene (1833-1891)

Book cover On Angel's Wings

Louisa Lilias Plunket Greene was an Irish author of children's books. However, like any good book for children, this book is also for adults. Everybody knows Violet, the girl who always sits in the window and looks at any passerby, the girl who is just looking, and never playing outside. The children tell her she is a hunchback. The adults consider them cruel. This book is exactly about that conflict. How much to tell? How much to shelter a girl from a world she might never be able to join? Can Violet be happy with her lot, even in the face of trouble? This is a very touching book for those who want to learn about children, the adults who love them, and what it truly means to be different...

By: Jean Toomer (1894-1967)

Book cover Cane

Reading this book, I had a vision of a land, heretofore sunk in the mists of muteness, suddenly rising up into the eminence of song. Innumerable books have been written about the South; some good books have been written in the South. This book is the South. . . . . Part One is the primitive and evanescent world of Georgia. Part Two is the threshing and suffering brown world of Washington. . . . Part Three is Georgia again . . . this black womb of the ferment seed: the neurotic, educated, spiritually stirring Negro. From the Forward by Waldo Frank

By: Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942)

Book cover Christmas With Lucy Maud Montgomery: A Selection Of Stories

This work is a selection of Christmas stories of Lucy Maud Montgomery from different sources and different times. The focus is widened a bit to include a few works about Thanksgiving Day and New Year’s Day. LMM was a prolific Canadian author in the early 20th century whose works were very popular in her own country as well as the United States, and indeed around the world. Perhaps her most read novel was her first, Anne Of Green Gables. - Summary by david wales

By: Various

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 070

Twenty short nonfiction works selected by the readers. “Shall we ever be able to visit the moon?” queries journalist Charles Nevers Holmes in 1920. Holmes was hopeful. Technology had come a long way since 1862, when balloonist James Glaisher made a daring ascent to 37,000 feet above the earth and passed out for lack of oxygen [Travels in the Air]. Glaisher had to best-guess the altitude to which his balloon had climbed while he was unconscious. Technology requires a rational system of accurate measurement [A Metric America]...

By: Hugh Walpole (1884-1941)

Book cover Jeremy And Hamlet: A Chronicle Of Certain Incidents In The Lives Of A Boy, A Dog, And A Country Town

Hamlet is Jeremy’s dog. This 1923 book is Hugh Walpole’s second volume in his Jeremy semi-autobiographical trilogy , Jeremy at Crale ), about a ten-year-old English boy. One commentator wrote this of the first book: “With affectionate humor, Mr. Walpole tells the story of Jeremy and his two sisters, Helen and Mary Cole, who grow up in Polchester, a quiet English Cathedral town…. Mr. Walpole has given his narrative a rare double appeal, for it not only recreates for the adult the illusion of his own happiest youth, but it unfolds for the child-reader a genuine and moving experience with real people and pleasant things...

By: Henry Dawson

Book cover Trips in the Life of a Locomotive Engineer

Henry Dawson has written several vignettes of railroad men from the days of steam locomotives. His goal is to show the reader that they are not just rough men, but are also brave and heroic men through descriptions of divers dangers encountered on the tracks.

By: Various

Book cover Christmas Short Works Collection 2019

2019 collection of items with a Christmas theme containing traditional stories, Christmas traditions, Christmas cakes. We hope you will enjoy it.

By: Joseph Banks (1743-1820)

Book cover Endeavour Journal of Sir Joseph Banks from 25 August 1768-12 July 1771

In this Journal, Joseph Banks records almost daily observations of the journey of the ship the Endeavour on the first of James Cook’s voyages to the Pacific during the years 1768-1771. There are also more detailed accounts of the events, people, flora, fauna and geology of the places where they landed. They landed at Brazil, Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, Batavia, Cape Town and St. Helena. Joseph Banks was one of the naturalists on the Endeavour, appointed by the Royal Society. The joint Royal Society, Royal Navy journey of the Endeavour was overtly a scientific expedition with the stated purpose of observing the transit of Venus from Tahiti...

By: Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942)

Book cover Emily of New Moon (Version 2)

Orphaned Emily Starr is sent to live at New Moon Farm on Prince Edward Island with her aunts Elizabeth and Laura Murray and her Cousin Jimmy. She quickly befriends three other children named Ilse Burnley, Teddy Kent, and Perry Miller, each of whom are unique and special in personality. At home, however, Emily has trouble getting along with her strict, severe Aunt Elizabeth; the plot climaxes when Emily accidentally uncovers a dreadful secret about Ilse's mother. The story is told in a simple, yet endearing fashion by Anne of Green Gables author Lucy Maude Montgomery, and is truly a good book for children or children at heart.

By: Joseph Rogers (1821-1889)

Book cover Reminiscences Of A Workhouse Medical Officer

Joseph Rogers was an English physician, medical officer, and health care reformer in London. The system of poor-law dispensaries and separate sick wards, with proper staffs of medical attendants and nurses, was due to the efforts of Rogers and his colleagues. His memoir, published in 1889, contains an informative biography written by his brother. His career was not without conflict as his zeal sometimes offended governing boards. - Summary by David Wales

By: Annie Fellows Johnston (1863-1931)

Book cover Mary Ware in Texas

A continuation of the adventures of Mary Ware, the chum of the Little Colonel and the heroine of the tenth volume in the "Little Colonel" series. Mary Ware goes to Texas where during a winter with her mother and Jack in San Antonio and the hill country she has new and varied experiences which are entertainingly set down for the enjoyment of young readers.

By: Various

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 071

Twenty short nonfiction works chosen by the readers. "Suffrage for women will not usher in a millennium of peace and leisure" was the editorial opinion of the Boston Cooking School Magazine in May, 1914. [Woman's Problems]. Disillusionment with easy answers is the theme of several Vol. 071 readings [On Thinking for Oneself; Limitations of Truth-Telling; On Demagogues]. Rebellion and war, heroics and aftermath, are treated in Alexander at Gordium; Before Grant Won His Stars; Draft Riots in Wisconsin; The Truth About Greece; and Sophie Treadwell Interviews Pancho Villa...

By: Hannah Glasse (1708-1770)

Book cover Complete Confectioner

The original version of Hannah Glasse’s ‘The Complete Confectioner’ was first produced about 1760 but the publication referenced here is from the year 1800 with considerable additions and corrections made by Maria Wilson, who played a significant part in editing this version of the book. ‘The Complete Confectioner’ gives an insight not only into a diverse range of recipes for desserts, sweet confections and sweetmeats popular for the dining table in 18th & 19th century Britain but also numerous instructions for pickling and preserving fruit and vegetables as well...

By: Charles Hanson Towne (1877-1949)

Book cover Rise and Fall of Prohibition

Subtitle: "The Human Side of What the Eighteenth Amendment and the Volstead Act Have Done to the United States" From Chapter 1: "The strange phenomenon of Prohibition, after an appearance amongst us of over three years, is still non-understandable to the majority of a great, and so-called free, people. It is one of the most astonishing manifestations the world has ever witnessed. It came upon us like a phantom, swiftly; like a thief in the night, taking us by surprise. Yet the Prohibitionists will tell you that no one should be amazed, since for years—for almost a century—quiet forces have been at work to bring about this very thing." - Summary by Charles Hanson Towne

By: Percival Lowell (1855-1916)

Book cover Mars and Its Canals

In the days before telescope photography, astronomers had to draw what they thought they saw through the eyepiece throughout the long dark nights. Sometimes they saw saw more than there really was to see, and a bit over 100 years ago Percival Lowell published books on what he was sure were canals on Mars, signs of intelligent civilization. by Alfred Russel Wallace.) - Summary by ToddHW

By: W. L. Hunter

Book cover Jesus Christ Had Negro Blood in His Veins

This short work attempts to establish that Jesus had black ancestry dating back to Ham, the son of Noah, who had been made black-skinned as a punishment for having seen his father naked. Furthermore, Canaanites are here also identified as being black, and according to the author, several important Jewish figures and ancestors of Jesus had children by this group of people. - Summary by Jim Locke

By: Martha Finley (1828-1909)

Book cover Mildred and Elsie

Mildred returns home from visiting her mother's relatives. She continues to grow in wisdom and beauty and receives many proposals of marriage. She is an ever-increasing blessing to her family and community. In-laws are added to the family, and they enjoy a visit from Horace Dinsmore and his daughter Elsie. - Summary by Amy

By: Ethel Hueston (1887-1971)

Book cover Leave it to Doris

The Reverend Mr. Artman is a widower of three years and is worried he might not be able to escape the clutches of Miss Carlton, his housekeeper, much longer. Luckily, if he dismisses her from his employ, he has Doris and three other daughters to run his household.

By: Various

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 072

Twenty short nonfiction works, individually chosen by the readers. "The ground rose and fell in successive furrows, like the ruffled waters of a lake, and I became bewildered in my ideas..." John James Audubon's vivid recollection of the 1812 New Madrid earthquake is one of several Vol. 072 selections with a scientific focus. Others include Luminous Plants; The Sunbeam and the Spectrascope; and biographies of two shipbuilders: Robert Fulton and Thomas Andrews. The emotive and rational sides of human nature are evinced in essays ; treatises ; and the records of two very different murder trials: John Kimber ; and James Sullivan ...

By: Oscar Micheaux (1884-1951)

Book cover Homesteader

The Homesteader is a semi-autobiographic novel about Jean Baptiste, an African-American homesteader in the Dakotas. He meets Agnes who he falls in love with, however as Agnes is presumed to be white, he is not allowed to marry her, so instead he marries the daughter of a black preacher, Orlean, which eventually, due to family issues, ends in a tragedy. Returning to his homestead, he finds Agnes again and discovers her upbringing and past, which brings the book to its conclusion.

By: Adelia B. Beard (1857-1920)

Book cover On The Trail: An Outdoor Book for Girls

Lina and Adelia Beard, co-founders of the first American girls' scouting group, originally called the Girl Scout Society, then the Girl Pioneers, and finally as the Camp Fire Girls, provide practical advice and encouragement to girls and young women who wish to explore a "free, wholesome, and adventurous outdoor life." - Summary by Christine Lehman, aka stoogeswoman

By: Edgcumbe Staley (1845-1903)

Book cover dogaressas of Venice: The wives of the doges

A series of biographies of the wives of the doges of the Venetian Republic. - Summary by Timothy

By: Frank G. Carpenter (1855-1924)

Book cover Carpenter's World Travels: Australia, New Zealand and Some Other Islands of the South Seas

Travel stories of the land "Down Under" from 100 years ago. Native life and scenery and commerce of islands such as Tonga and Fiji as well as the bustling city of Sydney. Summary by BettyB

By: Various

Book cover Frauds, Forgeries, and Fake News Collection

This collection showcases fabricated documents and stories throughout history, and the diversity of purposes and contexts they were deployed in.The "Awful Disclosures of the Hotel Dieu Nunnery of Montreal" is a fabricated anti-Catholic eye-witness account, published in 1836 and purporting to reveal the horrors of life in a convent. The Donation of Constantine is a forged imperial decree, supposedly enacting a perpetual transfer of authority over the western part of the Roman Empire from the emperor to the Pope...

By: Frances E. W. Harper (1825-1911)

Book cover Sowing and Reaping

This novel is subtitled A Temperance Story, which identifies explicitly the focus of the work. Frances Harper is a Christian moralist and uses her writings for didactic purposes. Here she contrast two couples, one, Belle and Paul, who do not drink and whose lives are happier and more productive, and the other, Jeanette and Charles, who lives are destroyed by the demon rum.

By: Benjamin Hathaway (1822-1896)

Book cover 1001 Questions and Answers on English Grammar

A book for students interested in finding out how many things about the English language have changed, and how many have weathered the test of time. - Summary by jasonb

By: Robert G. Ingersoll (1833-1899)

Book cover Ingersoll on ABRAHAM LINCOLN, from the Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume 3, Lecture 3

Col. Ingersoll begins his popular lecture series on famous persons as follows: "It is hard to overstate the debt we owe to the men and women of genius. Take from our world what they have given, and all the niches would be empty, all the walls naked—meaning and connection would fall from words of poetry and fiction, music would go back to common air, and all the forms of subtle and enchanting Art would lose proportion and become the unmeaning waste and shattered spoil of thoughtless Chance." One...

By: Arthur Scott Bailey (1877-1949)

Book cover Tale of Paddy Muskrat

Enter Pleasant Valley, the home of the interesting and entertaining creatures and adventures born of American author Arthur Scott Bailey. The Tale of Paddy Muskrat is one of many works penned by Bailey that are part of his Sleep-Time Tales set intended for young children. Come enjoy the turns of luck and whims of the laziest member of the valley. - Summary by Bill Turns Prooflisteners: KevinS and MaryinArkansas

By: Robert G. Ingersoll (1833-1899)

Book cover Ingersoll on THOMAS PAINE, from the Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume 1, Lecture 3

Col. Ingersoll begins his lectures on famous people as follows: [i]"It is hard to overstate the debt we owe to the men and women of genius. Take from our world what they have given, and all the niches would be empty, all the walls naked—meaning and connection would fall from words of poetry and fiction, music would go back to common air, and all the forms of subtle and enchanting Art would lose proportion and become the unmeaning waste and shattered spoil of thoughtless Chance."[/i] One of the...

By: Martha Finley (1828-1909)

Book cover Mildred's Married Life

Mildred and Charlie Landreth begin married life together and enjoy many simple home pleasures. Together with Mildred's younger sister, they journey South to visit friends and relatives. - Summary by Amy

By: Various

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 073

Twenty short nonfiction works chosen by the readers. "Salve! ye dumb hearts. Let us be still and wait by the roadside." With these words, Kate Chopin decries the "crushing feet, the clashing discords, the ruthless hands and stifling breath” that power the “mad pace" of everyday life. Broadway: the Backbone of New York presents a more up-beat view of city life. Reflections on difficult times are the substance of several volume 073 readings ; while the clash of people and cultures is examined in Everyday Japan , the Passing of Princess Kaiulani, Inca Land, Northern Europe and the Swiss Confederation, the Struggle between the Teutonic Order and Poland, and Pan-Turanism...

By: A. Mouritz (1861-1943)

Book cover “The Flu”: A Brief History of Influenza in U. S. America, Europe, Hawaii

PREFACE This Booklet has been written and compiled for the use of any student or layman who seeks concise and clear information on the history of Influenza. Brief and salient facts are set forth relating to “Flu” epidemics and pandemics: other collateral features have also been discussed, connected with or bearing upon this subject. Honolulu, Hawaii, U. S. A., 1921. - A. Mouritz Notes: Much of the material in "The Flu" is still relevant today, like pandemic terminology, thoughts about causes and micro-organisms, the flu's relationship with pneumonia, the impact on society, and approaches to treatments "The Flu" is included in the Surgeon General's Library at the U...

By: Francis Edward Tourscher (1870-1939)

Book cover Work Of The Sisters During The Epidemic Of Influenza October, 1918

In 1918 over 2,000 Roman Catholic nuns left their convents in the Philadelphia area to nurse the sick and dying of the influenza epidemic. Twenty-three of the sisters died because of their ministrations. This is an account of their heroic work published in the American Catholic Historical Society Of Philadelphia, 1919. “Gathered and arranged from reports of personal experiences of the sisters and contributed by request of the compiler.” The compiler/author was an academic/priest at Villanova University in Pennsylvania. Since there are no chapter headings, this recording uses the section headings of the book. - Summary by David Wales and book's subtitle

By: Amy Levy (1861-1889)

Book cover Romance of a Shop

Praised by Oscar Wilde amongst other contemporaries, Amy Levy's first novel tells the story of the four Lorimer sisters, who decide to open their own photography business after the death of their father which has left them in poverty. The novel examines the opportunities and difficulties of urban life for the "New Woman" in the late nineteenth century. Not only was Levy unusual as a female novelist in this period, but she was also from an Anglo Jewish family. - Summary by Jane Gough

By: Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942)

Book cover Story Girl (Version 2 Dramatic Reading)

Carlisle on St. Edwards Island may appear to the outside world to be a quiet, rural farming town, but to a group of 8 teens and tweens, its forests, fields, and orchards are places of enchantment, wonder, and adventure! The Story Girl’s captivating tales toss Bev, Felix, Cecily, Felicity, Dan, Peter, Sara, and the Story Girl into mystical, magical, and spiritual worlds filled with princesses, sailors, mythological beings, and cosmological loves. The children find themselves running through ancient forests, shooting with the stars, sailing with treasure hunters, crossing rainbows with gods, spooking alongside the family ghosts, and discovering loves lost, loves found, and loves eternal...

By: Anthony Trollope (1815-1882)

Book cover Alice Dugdale

An ordinary village girl's plans for the future with her long-standing beau are threatened when he is seen to be an attractive prospect by a local noble family Trollope's novella works through the consequences with typical affection and sensitivity. - Summary by Anthony Ogus

By: Regina Maria Roche (1764-1845)

Book cover Children Of The Abbey

Published in 1796, this novel tells the trials and tribulations of Amanda and Oscar FitzAlan, brother and sister who have to navigate the world with no money or status, and hardly any connections. They find love, yet, again and again, things block the way to happiness and, worse, destroy Amanda's reputation. This is the story of abuse of power, loyalty, and, ultimately, love in many forms. - Summary by Stav Nisser.

By: Francis Rolt-Wheeler (1876-1960)

Book cover Science - History of the Universe Vol. 7: Anthropology & Medicine

Multi-volume work on science edited by Francis Rolt-Wheeler. The seventh volume is on Anthropology written by the editor himself and on Medicine written by Theodore H. Allen. An introduction to the Anthropology section was written by Frederick Starr. The section on Anthropology discusses its role in science, explains different human races, delved into prehistoric archaeology and further into the development of culture. The section on Medicine goes through medical knowledge from the ancients, Greeks, Romans, Arabians and all the way to the 17th to 19th century. It examined how these different eras affected the progress of medicine. - Summary by Sienna

By: James Parkinson (1755-1824)

Book cover Essay of the Shaking Palsy

This publication is said to be the first to present a systematic view of what was later named Parkinson's disease. Six case studies are described and some speculation is offered as to the causes of 'paralysis agitans,' the author's name for the observed disease or condition. Parkinson offered the essay as encouragement to those performing nosological work and physical pathology to address the malady. - Summary by KevinS

By: Margaret Sanger (1879-1966)

Book cover Margaret Sanger; an autobiography

Margaret Sanger, an advocate for birth control rights, chronicles the story of her struggles, including her times in jail and in exile, in order to legalize birth control options for women. She details the uphill battles of not only convincing lawmakers, but of doctors as well. Her relentless pursuit is told against the backdrop of courtrooms, her personal life, and her travels across the globe, giving a glimpse into the world during and post-WW I. This riveting account is a must read for those interested in a key moment in woman’s history and reform.

By: Various

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 074

Twenty-one short nonfiction works chosen by the readers. "We must learn to dignify common labor." Booker T. Washington spoke plain truth at an 1898 Lincoln Day commemoration. Recorded during months of pandemic virus lockdown, unemployment, and mass dependence on the "common labor" of grocery clerks and delivery persons, Volume 074 of the Short Nonfiction Collection reflects its readers' reactions to uncertain times. Religion and Philosophy figure in several selections .

By: Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Book cover Theory of Psychoanalysis

Jung says the following in his introduction: "in these lectures I have attempted to reconcile my practical experiences in psychoanalysis with the existing theory, or rather, with the approaches to such a theory." He goes on to say, "Here is my attitude towards those principles which my honored teacher Sigmund Freud has evolved from the experience of many decades." Some topics considered in this light are infantile sexuality, the conception of the libido, the unconscious, the dream, repression, and the etiology of neuroses.

By: Glenn Curtiss (1878-1930)

Book cover Curtiss Aviation Book

Glenn Hammond Curtiss, of Hammondsport, New York, won the Scientific American Trophy for the first pre-announced and officially witnessed airplane flight in North America when he flew his plane, the June Bug, 5,080 ft on July 4, 1908. In 1910, he was awarded permanent possession of that trophy when he made the first successful long-distance flight, 147 miles from Albany to New York City. He was the holder of the first US pilots' license ever issued, and opened the first flying school in the US. During WWI, most US military pilots got their training on the Curtiss JN-4, popularly nicknamed the "Jenny"...

By: Harriet Lummis Smith (1866-1947)

Book cover Pollyanna of the Orange Blossoms

Pollyanna marries sweetheart Jimmy Pendleton, and together they move to start their married life in Boston. The book follows their many adventures of marriage, setting up home in a new city, having visitors, and many other events, including Jimmy's signing up to fight during WWI. Throughout the uplifting book, Pollyanna continues to play her characteristic 'Glad Game' and tries to encourage others to do the same.

By: Harry Thurston Peck (1856-1914)

Book cover Twenty Years of the Republic 1885-1905

Excerpt: At the time when Mr. Cleveland was inaugurated there had been no Democratic President for a full quarter of a century. A whole generation had been born and had grown to manhood and to womanhood without ever having lived under any but Republican rule. This long continuance in power of a single party had led many citizens to identify the interest of that party with the interests of the nation. The democrats had been so invariably beaten at the polls as to make Republicans believe that the defeated party had no decent reason for existence, and that is was composed only of wilful obstructionists or of persons destitute of patriotism...

By: Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)

Book cover Law

"The law perverted! The law—and, in its wake, all the collective forces of the nation. The law, I say, not only diverted from its proper direction, but made to pursue one entirely contrary! The law becomes the tool of every kind of avarice, instead of being its check! The law guilty of that very inequity which it was its mission to punish! Truly, this is a serious fact, if it exists, and one to which I feel bound to call the attention of my fellow-citizens." —Frédéric Bastiat

By: Various

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 075

Twenty short nonfiction works chosen by the readers. Is the sound of a dripping faucet music? According to Aldous Huxley, "The music of the drops is the symbol and type of the whole universe... asymptotic to sense, infinitely close to significance, but never touching it." . Sensory and psychological exploration define several recordings in Vol. 075 . Narrative history and biography apply a more traditional approach to questions of motivation . Lastly, the importance of critical and scientific observation are highlighted in Velocities Expressed in Meters per Second; The Original Hudson Tunnel; and The Peruvian Earthquake of 1868...

Book cover A to Zed Collection Vol. 002

This is a collection of 26 selections, both fiction and nonfiction, in which each topic begins with a different letter of the alphabet.

By: Richard M. McMurry

Book cover Road Past Kennesaw: The Atlanta Campaign Of 1864

“…there can be little doubt that the Federal drive on Atlanta, launched in May 1864, was the beginning of the end for the Southern Confederacy…. The Atlanta Campaign had an importance reaching beyond the immediate military and political consequences. It was conducted in a manner that helped establish a new mode of warfare. From beginning to end, it was a railroad campaign, in that a major transportation center was the prize for which the contestants vied, and both sides used rail lines to marshal, shift, and sustain their forces…...

By: Pliny the Elder (23-79)

Book cover Natural History Volume 6

Naturalis Historia is an encyclopedia published circa AD 77-79 by Pliny the Elder. It is one of the largest single works to have survived from the Roman empire to the modern day and purports to cover the entire field of ancient knowledge, based on the best authorities available to Pliny. The work became a model for all later encyclopedias in terms of the breadth of subject matter examined, the need to reference original authors, and a comprehensive index list of the contents. The scheme of his great work is vast and comprehensive, being nothing short of an encyclopedia of learning and of art so far as they are connected with nature or draw their materials from nature...

By: Ada Barnett

Book cover Man On The Other Side

Ruth never expected to have a house of her own. Raised in an orphanage, she is forced to work for her living. She chooses to work in a book store, until the Great War. She serves in France and then marries. But what would she do with power? Would she be contented to settle down as a happy country wife? How would her husband take their very different backgrounds? - Summary by Stav Nisser

By: Samuel Hopkins Hadley (1842-1906)

Book cover Down In Water Street

Written by the Superintendent of the Jerry McAuley Water Street Mission, "Down in Water Street" is intended to share some of the experiences the writer had during his sixteen years of service to the Mission. Hadley's intent was to show "how some success has been achieved, and also mention some of our defeats; for we found long years ago that we often learn more in defeat than in victory." - Summary by Kristin Hand with a quote from the Preface

By: Various

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 076

Twenty short nonfiction works chosen by the readers. "Our constitution is color-blind... the law regards man as man and takes no account of his surroundings or of his color when his civil rights...are involved." Justice Harlan's eloquent defense of equal rights for Black citizens in his 1866 dissent to Plessy v. Ferguson is one of several Vol. 076 selections which explore social issues and politics: John Adams; Gettysburg Address; Civil Rights Bill ; First Philippic of Demosthenes; Manifesto of the Humanitarian League; and Acadian Reminiscences...

By: Lydia Le Baron Walker (1869-1958)

Book cover Homecraft Rugs: Their Historic Background, Romance of Stitchery and Method of Making

A tour de force of the history, construction, preservation, and beauty of all types of rugs, with chapters on braided, needlepoint, woven, crocheted, tapestry, and embroidered rugs and other lesser-known types of floor coverings. - Summary by Joanne Turner

By: D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930)

Book cover Widowing of Mrs Holroyd

Mrs. Holroyd is married to a loutish miner, who drinks, apparently patronizes prostitutes, and apparently brutalizes her. When a gentlemanly neighbor makes romantic advances to her, she wishes her husband dead. - Summary by Michele Eaton Cast List: Stage Directions: Scarbo Jack: silverquill Clara: Dtcastid Blackmore: MrsHand Mrs Holroyd: EltonTheSnowman Holroyd: alanmapstone Minnie: shreyasethi Grandmother: Availle Manager: ToddHW Rigley: alanmapstone First Bearer: Salvationist Laura: LaurenEmma3 Second Bearer: ChuckW

By: Francis Whiting Halsey (1851-1919)

Book cover Great Epochs in American History, Volume III

This is the third volume in ten volume series of great epochs in the history of the United States, from the landing of Columbus to the building of the Panama Canal. In large part, events composing each epoch are described by men who participated in them, or were personal eye-witnesses of them. Volume III describes the French war and the Revolution and covers time period from 1745 to 1782. - Summary by Kikisaulite

By: John Clay Coleman

Book cover Jim Crow Car; Or, Denouncement of Injustice Meted Out to the Black Race

"My opposition to injustice, imposition, discrimination and prejudice, which have for many years existed against the colored people of the South, has led to this little book. In many parts of America the press has been furnished with “matter” for defending the colored people, through the medium of “Coleman’s Illustrated Lectures.” By request of my many auditors, some of whom being leading elements of the Northern States and Canada, this volume is published. Many persons interested in the welfare of the negro, have sought a more elaborate book on the Southern horrors...

By: Various

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 077

Twenty short nonfiction works chosen by the readers. President Theodore Roosevelt, in a 1903 speech, declared that "The future welfare of our nation depends upon the way in which we can combine...decency and strength," and opined that being "loose and foul of tongue" was incompatible with good citizenship. Personal and public morality, ethical and religious questions figure in several vol. 077 recordings: . Serious students of literature will relish Literary History of the Arabs. Nature and travel enthusiasts will be informed by The Bittern in the Norfolk Broads, Montenegro: The Smallest Capital in Europe, Ten Types of Clouds, and Controlling Japanese Beetles...

By: F. J. Foakes-Jackson (1855-1941)

Book cover Social Life in England 1750-1850

In 1916, the Cambridge historian, F.J. Foakes-Jackson braved the wartime Atlantic to deliver the Lowell Lectures in Boston. In these wide-ranging and engaging talks, the author describes British life between 1750-1850. There are John Wesley's horseback peregrinations over thousands of miles of English countryside. Next, Foakes-Jackson introduces the mordant rural poet, George Crabbe, who began life as a surgeon apothecary and ended up as a parish rector who made house calls. He gives us a female convict, assorted Cambridge University dons, Regency fops and rakes, and Victorian slices of life from Dickens and Thackeray...

By: Rai Bahadur A. Mitra

Book cover Bubonic Plague

Dr. Rai Bahadur A. Mitra who was the Chief Medical Officer in Kashmir presents a short treatise on the bubonic plague. The book ranges from a short history of the bubonic plague, including an account of the great 1665 plague in London, through description of the disease, treatment and prevention. - Summary by Larry Wilson

By: George Sand (1804-1876)

Book cover Marquis de Villemer

Caroline is a very intelligent woman. She received a good convent education until her father lost his fortune in a failed venture and died soon after. While her sister marries, Caroline has to go to Paris to support herself as a lady companion. In Paris, she is exposed to a privileged world she cannot dream to take part in. Or can she? Can her love for the good Marquis of Villemer win over social class and prejudice? - Summary by Stav Nisser.

By: Benjamin N. Cardozo (1870-1938)

Book cover Nature of the Judicial Process

Benjamin N. Cardozo, one of the most influential American justists of his era, served as the New York Court of Appeals Chief Justice, before joining the Supreme Court. His 1921 book The Nature of the Judicial Process, now considered a legal classic, was compiled from The Storrs Lectures delivered at Yale Law School earlier that year. In it he analyzes various factors underlying judicial decisions, and how these decisions in their turn influence the development of law, contrasting abstract ideals with court practice, and comparing American and English common law with legal systems of continental Europe...

By: Henry Mayhew (1812-1887)

Book cover London Labour and the London Poor Volume III

Subtitled, "A Cyclopaedia of the condition and earnings of those that will work, those that cannot work, and those that will not work." "The history of a people from the lips of the people themselves .. their labour, earnings, trials and sufferings, in their own unvarnished language, and to portray the condition of their homes and their families by personal observation of the places ..." "My earnest hope is that the book may serve to give the rich a more intimate knowledge of the sufferings, and the frequent heroism under those sufferings, of the poor ...

By: James Moores Ball (1862-1929)

Book cover Andreas Vesalius, The Reformer of Anatomy

Vesalius is one of the foundation stones of modern medicine. Forsaking the study of anatomy by reading the ancients, he instead dissected bodies and drew detailed illustrations of his observations. He was enormously influential in the development of modern medicine. This 1910 biography opens up his life admirably. The printed book contains many illustrations taken from his works. The listener will want to be aware that modern historians of medicine are much more positive about the contributions of medieval Arabic medical teachers than the author of this book. - Summary by David Wales

By: Robert R. Moton (1867-1940)

Book cover Finding a Way Out: An Autobiography

He says about this work: "I have tried to record the events that have given character and colour to my own life, and at the same time to reflect upon the impressions made upon my mind by experiences that I could not always reconcile with what I had learned of American ideals and standards." - Summary by author in the preface

By: John Flavel (1627-1691)

Book cover Divine Conduct, or the Mystery of Providence

Shows God's providence in every aspect of our lives. - Summary by RuthP

By: Francis Rolt-Wheeler (1876-1960)

Book cover Science - History of the Universe Vol. 8: Mathematics

Multi-volume work on science edited by Francis Rolt-Wheeler. The eighth volume is on Pure Mathematics written by L. Leland Locke and on Mathematical Applications written by Dr. Franz Bellinger. An introduction was written by Professor Cassius J. Keyser with a special section on the Foundation of Mathematics. The Pure Mathematics section discusses numbers - its conception and calculations, as well as different areas of mathematics - algebra, geometry, trigonometry. The last section goes into the different applications of mathematics. - Summary by Sienna

By: Walter Libby (1867-1955?)

Book cover Introduction to the History of Science

A highly accessible introductory history of the development of scientific thought, method, and application from the first practical concepts of time and space to the development of the first successful heavier-than-air flying machine and the discovery of radioactivity . - Summary by Steven Seitel

By: Elizabeth Balcombe Abell (1802-1871)

Book cover Recollections of Napoleon at St. Helena

In this memoir written by Betsy Balcombe, who was a precocious 14 year old at the time of events, we are provided with a rare account of the character, the moods and humanity of Napoleon Bonaparte. She recalls her initial shock and fear at the arrival of the famous, exiled prisoner on the remote Island of St. Helena where she and her family resided. And how surprised she was when Napoleon decided he wanted to live with them at "the Briars" until his home in Longwood would be made ready for him. She relates from memory how she came to think of him as a friend, a delightful companion, and a remarkable man. - Summary by Celine Major

By: Claude Grahame-White (1879-1959)

Book cover Aeroplane in War

"Although it is still a crude machine—in view of the perfected apparatus which is the aim of thoughtful designers—the aeroplane has demonstrated, in a conclusive way, its value as an instrument of war." - Summary by Authors

By: Velley Lester (1871-1926)

Book cover Mob Violence and the American Negro: My Experience in the Sunny South

According to the author of the Preface, "Mr. Lester is also zealous to bring about a better relation and a better understanding between the white and black races. His denunciation against mob violence is bitter, but pleads for just treatment and a fair deal in court and equal protection from the authorities of the law."

By: Various

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 079

"It was about the month of May...that I received information ...that two photographs of fairies had been taken in the North of England under circumstances which seemed to put fraud out of the question." . Differing foundational beliefs and the varied ways men and women seek truth, whether through science, faith, philosophic speculation or political involvement, are highlighted in the selections for vol 079: The Cottingley Fairies; Scientific Ghosts; Matter and Memory; A Village Discussion; The Early Narratives of Genesis; The Connection Between Church and State; The Prince; Miss Morrison's First Visit to the Petit Trianon; The Scientific Work of Miss N...

By: Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909)

Book cover Crime, Its Causes and Remedies

Published as the third volume in the Modern Criminal Science Series, Cesare Lombroso, renowned Italian criminologist, collected a wealth of information regarding the incidence, classification, and causes of crime. Crime calendars, the geography of crime, unusual events and circumstances leading to more frequent crime, political motivations and associations of criminal enterprise and an assessment of the real value and effectiveness of prisons and reform programs are all included in this three part volume. - Summary by Leon Harvey

By: Josephine Turck Baker (1864-1942)

Book cover Art of Conversation: Twelve Golden Rules

Many of us find it challenging to speak to other people, for various reasons. Some of us are afraid of being called a bore. Others are worried that we will be accused of hogging attention. Many of us simply don't know what to talk about. This book is an entertaining and enlightening manual that may be able to help. Through a series of twelve dialogues between a man and a woman, we are introduced to twelve "golden rules" that will help us navigate the waters of interpersonal communication. He: Read by KevinS She: Read by Devorah Allen

By: Dorothy Canfield Fisher (1879-1958)

Book cover Home-Maker

The Knapp family seems as though they ought to be happy, yet hidden frustrations are tearing them apart under the surface. As the family breadwinner, Lester Knapp drags himself reluctantly to his job each day, miserable in the harsh world of commerce and business, longing for a quiet life at home with his books. Meanwhile, Evangeline Knapp is admired as an excellent housewife, yet the limited challenges of that life are driving her to perfectionism and boredom. The Knapp children are affected by their parents' unhappiness, the youngest child acting out in frequent tantrums, and the two older children tense and nervous...

By: Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Iss

Book cover Safeguarding children: pediatric medical countermeasure research

Safeguarding Children: Pediatric Medical Countermeasure Research is the response from the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues to a request from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. In January 2012 Secretary Sebelius asked the Bioethics Commission to study the question of anthrax vaccine trials with children after receiving a recommendation from another federal committee that such research be initiated, pending ethical review. In this report the Bioethics Commission concluded that the federal government would have to take multiple steps before anthrax vaccine trials with children could be ethically considered...

By: Various

Book cover First Chapter Collection 008

The first chapter of a book is often the hook to draw a reader in. It could make you eager for more or realize it isn't for you. In this, the 8th First Chapter Collection, we offer you old favorites, such as Pride and Prejudice and The Call of the Wild. We tour the world, with Mexico and The Natural History of Selbourne, contemplate philosophy with Knowing and Being and relax with a Dissertation on Oriental Gardening with a side of Cakes and Cookies.

By: Magdalene Horsfall (1884-1936)

Book cover Fairy Latchkey

Philomene Isolde is a good little girl, but has been very lonely since the death of her mother. Playing make-believe in the garden, Philomene is surprised when she meets a little man in a green suit who invites her to Fairyland.

By: Margaret O. Oliphant (1828-1897)

Book cover Hester: A Story of Contemporary Life, Volume 1

Catherine Vernon has a firm hand on her family and on the family business. Her plans for her young protege Edward, whom she loves like a son, are disturbed by the arrival of Hester, a 14-year-old girl who is just as strong willed. The conflict between Catherine and Hester is resolved through their mutual love for Edward. On one level a love story, Hester is unusual for its time in its portrayal of women in business. - Summary by Anne Erickson

By: Frank Webb (1828-1894)

Book cover Garies and their Friends

The book which now appears before the public may be of interest in relation to a question which the late agitation of the subject of slavery has raised in many thoughtful minds, viz. — Are the race at present held as slaves capable of freedom, self-government, and progress. The author is a coloured young man, born and reared in the city of Philadelphia. This city, standing as it does on the frontier between free and slave territory, has accumulated naturally a large population of the mixed and African race...

By: Various

Book cover American Bee Journal. Vol. XVII, No. 11, Mar. 16, 1881

The American Bee Journal is the “oldest bee paper in America established in 1861 devoted to scientific bee-culture and the production and sale of pure honey. Published every Wednesday, by Thomas G. Newman, Editor and Proprietor” In this issues are topics from Colchian Honey and Honey-Producing in California to Early Importations of Italian Bees and Tardiness in Fecundity. - Summary by Larry Wilson

By: Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797)

Book cover Original Stories from Real Life

Mary Wollstonecraft was one of the early promoters of gender equality long before other crusaders took up the cause. She is perhaps best known for her books, “A Vindication of the Rights of Women” and “A Vindication of the Rights of Men” . But she also wrote widely on education and used fiction formats to promote her progressive views. This book using the genre of didactic children’s stories, was written the same year as her “Mary: A Fiction” 1788, but was first published anonymously...

By: James W. S. Marr (1902-1965)

Book cover Into the Frozen South

James Marr was a Boy Scout selected to go along with Sir Ernest Shackleton aboard the Quest in 1921 for the Shackleton–Rowett Expedition to Antarctica. This book provides a description of what would be Shackleton's last exploration due to his untimely death en route. - Summary by mleigh

By: Various

Book cover Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 080

Twenty short nonfiction works chosen by the readers. "Not one of us actually thinks for himself, or in any orderly and scientific manner. The pressure of environment, of mass ideas, of the socialized intelligence... is too enormous to be withstood." The individual and society were central to several vol. 080 reads: The Genealogy of Etiquette; A Lounge on the Lawn; Alexander Pushkin; Princess Zizianoff; The Hanseatic League; and The Limits of Atheism. Science and the inventive mind were covered in "On the Science of Experiments; Coffey's Science of Logic; Medicine and It's Subjects; How a Fast Train is Run; and The Telephone...

By: Martha Finley (1828-1909)

Book cover Mildred at Home: With Something About Her Relatives and Friends

Book 5 of the story of Mildred Keith by Martha Finley. We join Mildred as she settles into home life as wife and mother. We also see the rest of the Keith children begin to make starts of their own - some near to home, and others far away and perhaps lost forever. The Dinsmore cousins continue to be part of the story as well. - Summary by Michelle Hannah

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