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By: Alexander Roberts (1826-1901) | |
![]() This collection is first in a series of writings from the ante-Nicene Fathers' works. This first collection includes all the so-called Infancy narratives from the New Testament Apocrypha. - Summary by KevinS |
By: Mary E. Mannix | |
![]() A biography of Saint Joan of Arc, geared towards children, but also can easily be enjoyed by adults. |
By: François-Xavier Gautrelet (1807-1886) | |
![]() François-Xavier Gautrelet was a French Jesuit priest whose legacy survives as being the inspiration and originator of the Apostleship of Prayer in 1844. In this volume he gives an extensive spritual and practical guide to nurses and others who minister to the sick and dying. The translator, John Mason Neale, was a British Anglican who served as warden ot Sackville College, an almshouse at East Grinstead for many years. In 1854 he co-founded the Society of Saint Margaret, an order of women in the Church of England dedicated to nursing the sick... | |
By: Francis Asbury (1745-1816) | |
![]() As one of the first two bishops of the Methodist church in America and one of the most well-known circuit riders during the spread of Methodism, Francis Asbury kept a journal of his travels and activities. His journal begins with his prayerful decision to come to America in 1771 and continues to December of 1815, a few months before his death. In the meantime, we travel with Rev. Asbury across the ocean, over mountains, through rivers, and up and down the whole length of the fledgling United States of America. Summary by Devorah Allen |
By: Catherine Booth (1829-1890) | |
![]() Catherine Booth worked hand-in-hand with her husband William Booth to establish a fledgling mission in London, that eventually grew into a global ministry, The Salvation Army. Here she delves into the Biblical and theological foundation of their work and mission. In many ways she was the heart and soul of the Salvation Army and challenges the readers and listeners to a deeper commitment to Christ and his calling. - Summary by Larry Wilson |
By: John Henry Newman (1801-1890) | |
![]() As a rule, when Cardinal Newman's poetry is mentioned, people think of "The Pillar of the Cloud," better known as "Lead, Kindly Light." This lyric is only one of the many beautiful poems written by an author whose fame as a writer of the finest modern prose in the English language has eclipsed his reputation as a poet. Nevertheless, he wrote a very great poem, "The Dream of Gerontius"—a poem which the intellectual world admires more and more every year, and which yields its best only after careful study and consideration... |
By: Frank W. Boreham (1871-1959) | |
![]() Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of editorials during his lifetime, with no sign of slowing down, even up until his death at age 88. He wrote with a distinctive style, seeming to be able to draw a spiritual lesson out of any conceivable topic.In this volume, Boreham characterizes each chapter as neither sermons nor essays, but simply, as he calls them, "outbursts" or "wayward notions," and he presents them to us as if we were all gathered around a comfortable fire together. - Summary by Devorah Allen |
By: Cyril of Alexandria | |
![]() Book 12 of Commentary on St John's Gospel covers John 18:24-21:25. |
By: Eva March Tappan (1854-1930) | |
![]() This is the ninth volume of the 15-volume series of The World’s Story: a history of the World in story, song and art, edited by Eva March Tappan. Each book is a compilation of selections from prose literature, poetry and pictures and offers a comprehensive presentation of the world's history, art and culture, from the early times till the beginning of the 20th century. Part IX deals with the first part of the history of England, from the early times till the reign of the Tudor kings and queens... |
By: Andrew Murray (1828-1917) | |
![]() Andrew Murray wrote this volume as a sequel to his well-known devotional book "Abide in Christ". It is sub-titled "Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Conformity to the Son of God". In his preface, Murray states two objects he had in mind in writing the book. The first was to portray the Son of God as a pattern of what God the Father wants believers to be, in such a way that we can see that being like Jesus is immensely attractive in awakening love, inspiring hope and strengthening faith. The second was to show how likeness to Christ is not a mere ideal, but something very real in life of believers as we reflect His image amid the trials and duties of daily life... |
By: Thomas G. Crippen (1841-1930) | |
![]() For above forty years I have been a diligent collector of history, tradition, legend, custom, or folklore, whether from familiar or unfamiliar sources, relating to the festival of the Holy Nativity. Moreover, I have gathered copiously from scarce pamphlets of the 17th and 18th centuries, from old chapbooks, newspaper paragraphs, and magazine articles old and new, and from contact with rustics in several counties. The fruits of my gathering are briefly summarized in the following pages, in the hope that they may conduce to that "joy and pious mirth" wherewith we ought, all of us, to commemorate the best and greatest Gift of God to man. - Summary by from the Preface |
By: Pope St Pius X (1835-1914) | |
![]() During his eleven year pontificate Pope St. Pius X wrote 16 encyclicals. The subjects ranged from saints, The Immaculate Conception, The Restoration of All Things in Christ, Catholic Social Action, and more. This is collection of 14 out of the 16 encyclicals that he authored. His most well known encyclical, Pascendi, has been recorded separately, and can be found at this link here: Pascendi Dominici Gregis |
By: Nathan Solomon Joseph (1834-1919) | |
![]() A series of short readings for Jewish youth and others. This book ought not to be viewed as a kind of catechism, but the author and editor offer helpful perspectives on Jewish belief. - Summary by KevinS |
By: Young's Literal Translation | |
![]() An English translation that holds as closely as was possible to the original languages and idioms. - Summary by KevinS | |
![]() An English translation that holds as closely as was possible to the original languages and idioms. | |
![]() An English translation that holds as closely as was possible to the original languages and idioms. | |
![]() An English translation that holds as closely as was possible to the original languages and idioms. - Summary by KevinS | |
![]() An English translation that holds as closely as was possible to the original languages and idioms. - Summary by KevinS |
By: J. C. Ryle (1816-1900) | |
![]() This book is subtitled “Being Plain Statements on Some of the Weightier Matters of Christianity". The main title comes from the writings the old testament prophet Jeremiah, who refers to the old paths where the good way is, which if people walk in it they will find rest for their souls . Bishop Ryle wrote this book at a time when many in the church were forsaking the old paths of evangelical Christianity in favour of liberal ideas. In Ryle’s day the old doctrines held by the apostolic Christians and reformers had started to be sneered at in certain quarters as being old-fashioned and worn out, and that something more modern was needed... |
By: Young's Literal Translation | |
![]() An English translation made as closely as possible to the language and idioms of the original languages. - Summary by KevinS |
By: Hester Travers Smith (1868-1949) | |
![]() Hester Dowden, who wrote under the name Hester Travers Smith, was an Irish spiritualist medium. She claimed to have communicated with the spirits of various celebrities. In Oscar Wilde from Purgatory, she reproduces the text of her "conversations" with the Irish poet and playwright, conducted via a Ouija board and automatic writing. Wilde proves just as talkative after death as he was in life. His spirit revels in the complements paid to his work by Travers Smith and her colleagues, describes how it feels to exist without a body, and pronounces James Joyce's recently published novel Ulysses a "great bulk of filth"... |
By: Young's Literal Translation | |
![]() An English translation made as closely to the original languages and idioms as possible - Summary by KevinS | |
![]() A literal translation of the Epistle to Titus from the New Testament translated as closely as possible to the language and idioms of the original. - Summary by KevinS | |
![]() A literal translation that holds closely to the original language and idioms. |
By: Rev. M. P. Hill | |
![]() A popular vindication of Christian beliefs and practices against the attacks of modern criticism. Ninety-eight topics, in alphabetical order, giving an explanation of the Catholic teachings on the subjects. |
By: Cyril of Alexandria | |
![]() Sermons 1-11 cover the Gospel of St Luke 1:1 - 3:23. - Summary by the Reader |
By: Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) | |
![]() Johanne Fichte published The Destination of Man in 1799. It was translated into English in 1846 by Jane Sinnett and then again in 1848 by William Smith. Fichte says his book is designed to "raise [the reader] from the sensuous world, to that which is above sense." Francis Bacon said, in The Advancement of Learning, "the two ways of contemplation are not unlike the two ways of action commonly spoken of by the ancients; the one plain and smooth in the beginning, and in the end impassable; the other rough and troublesome in the entrance, but after a while fair and even... |
By: Pope St Pius X (1835-1914) | |
![]() During a relatively short pontificate Pope Pius X devoted much of his time to dealing with issues related to the rapid spread of secularism in the early Twentieth century. Pius eschewed the liberal approach of his immediate predecessor, Leo XIII, favouring instead the strict doctrinal guidelines established by Pope Pius IX in the Syllabus of Errors . Pius X defined the root cause of the decline of the influence of the Catholic Church to be Modernism, a philosophical and artistic movement which came to prominence in the later Nineteenth Century... |
By: Frank W. Boreham (1871-1959) | |
![]() Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of editorials during his lifetime, with no sign of slowing down, even up until his death at age 88. He wrote with a distinctive style, seeming to be able to draw a spiritual lesson out of any conceivable topic.In this volume, Boreham invites us to view spiritual truths as we would look upon beautiful mountains in the distance, with a spirit of wonder and humility, rather than with meticulous reasoning and analysis. Summary by Devorah Allen |
By: Justin McCarthy (1830-1912) | |
![]() The fourth and concluding volume of this history of Victorian Britain opens with the brutal repression in 1865 of a rebellion by ex-slaves in Jamaica. Then in 1867, the Conservative Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, takes his celebrated "leap in the dark" with the passage of the most comprehensive expansion of manhood suffrage in British history. The Fenian movement agitates unsuccessfully for Irish independence. British trade unions win the right to organize. William Ewart Gladstone launches his great reform ministry by abolishing in Ireland the hated Anglican establishment and follows with a flood of bills reforming education, the British army, and poor relief... |
By: Frances E. W. Harper (1825-1911) | |
![]() This novel is subtitled A Temperance Story, which identifies explicitly the focus of the work. Frances Harper is a Christian moralist and uses her writings for didactic purposes. Here she contrast two couples, one, Belle and Paul, who do not drink and whose lives are happier and more productive, and the other, Jeanette and Charles, who lives are destroyed by the demon rum. |
By: William Paley (1743-1805) | |
![]() In this early nineteenth-century classic, William Paley assesses how our understanding of nature reflects characteristics of its creator. First published in 1802, the book went through more than twenty editions, remains in print, and is still a reference point in the ongoing conversation about evolution or creation as the better explanation for the appearance of order and design in our universe. - Summary by Barry Ganong |