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By: Phillip Bennett Power (1822-1899) | |
Sick Man's Comfort Book
Amongst the many wonderful truths which are spoken of God in the Bible, one of the most wonderful and beautiful is that He is a "God of comfort." "Comfort" is such a soothing word in itself, that, the moment we hear of it in connection with God we are led to expect great things; some cheering, some lifting up, some refreshment, some ease, some lightening of our trouble, something very good.O Thou most worthy judge eternal, we have no comfort in ourselves, and unless Thou hadst revealed Thyself as a comforting God we could have had none in Thee... |
By: George William Cox (1827-1902) | |
The Crusades were a series of religious wars fought between 1096 and 1272 to recover the Holy Land from Islamic rule. According to the Latin Church, Crusaders were penitent pilgrims whose sins were forgiven. British historian, George Cox, writes of the churchmen, great and small, who inspired the Crusades, of the warriors who left families and lands behind, of the wily Venetian merchants and Byzantine emperors who exploited the knights, and of the valor of the Saracens. Here are accounts of sublime sacrifice and bestial ferocity, of dynastic conflict within the Crusader States, of sieges, starvation, pestilence, and ambush, and of the clash and interpenetration of two cultures... |
By: St. John Chrysostom | |
Homilies on Colossians
"Holy indeed are all the Epistles of Paul: but some advantage have those which he sent after he was in bonds: those, for instance, to the Ephesians and Philemon: that to Timothy, that to the Philippians, and the one before us: for this also was sent when he was a prisoner,… "But why do I say that these Epistles have some advantage over the rest in this respect, because he writes while in bonds? As if a champion were to write in the midst of carnage and victory; so also in truth did he. For himself too was aware that this was a great thing, for writing to Philemon he saith, “Whom I have begotten in my bonds... | |
By: Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) | |
Catena Aurea, St. Matthew - Vol 1, Part 3
The Catena Aurea presents the commentaries of the greatest theologians of the Church as if they were having a discussion on each verse of the Bible. St. Thomas Aquinas put this opus together from sermons and commentaries on the Gospels composed by over eighty early Church Fathers, providing their insights into each passage. The work shows his intimate acquaintance with the Early Fathers. The work was commissioned by Pope Urban IV, so that everyone could hold to the fundamental rule of the Church, that no one is to interpret Sacred Scripture contrary to the unanimous consent of the Fathers . |
By: Francis Asbury (1745-1816) | |
Journal of Francis Asbury, Volume III
As one of the first two bishops of the Methodist church in America and one of the most well-known circuit riders during the spread of Methodism, Francis Asbury kept a journal of his travels and activities. His journal begins with his prayerful decision to come to America in 1771 and continues to December of 1815, a few months before his death. In the meantime, we travel with Rev. Asbury across the ocean, over mountains, through rivers, and up and down the whole length of the fledgling United States of America. - Summary by Devorah Allen |
By: American Standard Version | |
Holy Bible (ASV), Complete
What can be said? It's the ASV Bible, copyrighted 1901 by Thomas Nelson & Sons. I have previously recorded the New Living Translation of the Bible and would now like to do this version in order to make the Holy Scriptures more available on. |
By: Osborne J. P. Widtsoe (1877-1920) | |
Restoration of the Gospel
An accounting of the need, purpose and events surrounding the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ though the Prophet Joseph Smith. - Summary by Wayne Cooke |
By: Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) | |
Fear and Trembling (selections)
"And God tempted Abraham and said unto him: take Isaac, thine only son, whom thou lovest and go to the land Moriah and sacrifice him there on a mountain which I shall show thee. Genesis 22:1" Soren Kierkegaard wondered how Abraham made the movement of faith that made him the father of faith mentioned in the New Testament . Fear and Trembling is the product of his wonder. Work out your salvation in fear and trembling . One-third of "Fear and Trembling" was translated in 1923 by Lee Hollander in the University of Texas Bulliten. This book has already been read in parts in the Short Nonfiction Collection but I think some might be interested in listening to it as a complete reading. |
By: Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) | |
Psychology of the Unconscious
Jung says in his subtitle that this work is a study of the transformations and symbolisms of the libido and a contribution to the history of the evolution of thought. |
By: Rev. Francois Xavier Schouppe (1824-1904) | |
Purgatory by FX Schouppe, SJ, a french Catholic theologian who died in November, 1904 details the place where saved souls go before Heaven. Think of it as a temporary cleaning or purging place for those who aren't going to Hell. Fire, burning and intense pain for various lengths of time make up the experience of Purgatory. The author details eyewitness accounts and blood chilling stories from the perspective of a number of saints who went through it. We can pray, give alms and have Masses said for the souls in Purgatory to shorten their and our time there. This book really turned me around! Purgatory will scare the Hell out of you! |
By: Mary Sidney Herbert (1561-1621) | |
Psalmes of David (Sidney Psalms)
A poetic version of the Psalms by Sir Philip Sidney and his sister, Mary Sidney Herbert, the Countess of Pembroke . "It is possible that the original Autograph manuscript of Sir Philip Sidney may still exist in the library at Wilton. It would have been desirable to have ascertained this, as it might prove which were versified by him, and which by his sister. This I have not been able to accomplish." Some of the Psalms may have been written by a third party. The Christian Remembrancer magazine for June, 1821 contains a paper by Dr... |
By: Allan Kardec (1804-1869) | |
Spirits' Book
The Spirits' Book, published in French in 1857, is considered the most important book in the Spiritist philosophy. It contains the bases for that philosophy and all important points in its doctrine: the belief in God, reincarnation and the survival of the soul after death, the fact that it is through reincarnation that the soul learns and moves closer to perfection. The work is the first of a five book canon, and it is organized in the form of questions and answers, with commentary by the codifier, Allan Kardec, a pseudonym of Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail. |
By: Cyril of Alexandria | |
Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Sermons 81-95
Sermons 81 through 95 cover the Gospel According to Luke 11:19 to 12:59. |
By: Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) | |
Catena Aurea, St. John - Vol 4, Part 1
The Catena Aurea presents the commentaries of the greatest theologians of the Church as if they were having a discussion on each verse of the Bible. St. Thomas Aquinas put this opus together from sermons and commentaries on the Gospels composed by over eighty early Church Fathers, providing their insights into each passage. The work shows his intimate acquaintance with the Early Fathers. The work was commissioned by Pope Urban IV, so that everyone could understand the established meaning of the Gospels from the teaching of the early Fathers. |
By: Matthew Henry (1662-1714) | |
Commentary on Acts of the Apostles
An exhaustive verse-by-verse study of Acts, integrating it with both the Gospels and the Old Testament, by one of the more unconventional theologians of his day. - Summary by Joanne Turner |
By: Myles Endicott | |
Stories of the Bible, Volume 1: The People of the Chosen Land
Brief Bible stories from the Old Testament, many accompanied by poems. - Summary by Larry Wilson |
By: Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430) | |
Expositions on the Book of Psalms Vol. 2 - Psalms 37-52
These sermons on the Psalms of the Holy Prophet and King David are as poetic as the Psalms themselves. They are well-suited for inspirational and devotional listening. - Summary by The Reader |
By: Frank W. Boreham (1871-1959) | |
Uttermost Star, and Other Gleams of Fancy
Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of editorials during his lifetime, with no sign of slowing down, even up until his death at age 88. He wrote with a distinctive style, seeming to be able to draw a spiritual lesson out of any conceivable topic.In this volume, Boreham invites us to enter his book and his thoughts as if we were honored guests entering his home, with an evening of hospitality and fellowship before us. - Summary by Devorah Allen |
By: Various | |
Seven Roads to Hell
No one goes to hell by committing sin in the abstract, sin in general. Our character traits, talents and dispositions, our experiences — everything about us points out to us a particular road to hell — one of the seven that are called the capital sins. For us, this or that particular one is the fastest and easiest because of who we are, what we are, where we find ourselves. And the road sign will read either pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy or sloth. The seven capital sins are called capital because they are the sins of primary importance and inevitably spawn a whole litter of other sins... |
By: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) | |
Concerning Grace and Free Will
The subject of the treatise was suggested, as is plain from the text itself, as the result of a public, or at any rate semi-public, discussion with some person unknown in which St. Bernard, strongly commending the work of grace, had seemed to lay himself open to the charge of unduly minimizing the function of free will. There is about the treatise the fragrance of mystical theology; not the mystical theology of the esoteric, but that of the simple Christian living in the world. It is wonderful how this ascetic, this cloistered recluse, touches his subject with the hand of one who knows the pulsations of average humanity. |
By: Saint Clement of Alexandria | |
Who is the Rich Man That Shall Be Saved?
This short treatise by St. Clement's is an exposition on the words of Jesus Christ to the young rich man, recounted in the gospels. In the account, the man asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. First, Jesus advises the man to obey the commandments, then Jesus adds: "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." However, when he heard this, "he became very sorrowful because he was very wealthy.... |
By: Father John Gerard (1564-1637) | |
During the Persecution: Autobiography of Father John Gerard
Fr. John Gerard was an English Jesuit priest who operated covertly in England during the Elizabethan era, during which the Catholic Church was subject to persecution. Gerard notably not only successfully hid from the English authorities for eight years before his capture but also endured extensive torture, escaped from the Tower of London, recovered and continued with his covert mission. After his escape to the Continent, he was instructed by his Jesuit superiors to write a book about his life... |
By: Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) | |
Catena Aurea, St. John, - Vol 4 part 2
The Catena Aurea presents the commentaries of the greatest theologians of the Church as if they were having a discussion on each verse of the Bible. St. Thomas Aquinas put this opus together from sermons and commentaries on the Gospels composed by over eighty early Church Fathers, providing their insights into each passage. The work shows his intimate acquaintance with the Early Fathers. The work was commissioned by Pope Urban IV, so that everyone could understand the established meaning of the Gospels from the teaching of the early Fathers. - Summary by ancientchristian |
By: John Calvin (1509-1564) | |
Sermons upon the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Ephesians
While many of Calvin's sermons are now lost after they were sold by weight by the library of Geneva, his sermons on Ephesians have been preserved, having been translated into Early Modern English by Arthur Golding . Arthur Golding's claim to fame is that his translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses influenced Shakespeare. A comparison with Calvin's commentary on the same letter shows that Calvin saw preaching as no mere explanation of the text - the sermons work consecutively through the text but circle round on the point many time with brief illustration and continuous application to the hearers... |
By: P. T. Forsyth (1848-1921) | |
Marriage: its ethic and religion
The expansion of a lecture delivered in connection with the National Council of Public Morals |
By: James Frazer (1854-1941) | |
Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. Part 3. The Dying God
The fourth volume in Frazer's seminal 12 volume set on anthropology and traditional systems of belief. With this third part of The Golden Bough we take up the question, why had the King of the Wood at Nemi regularly to perish by the hand of his successor? Topics investigated include the practice and intention of human sacrifice, the mortality of gods, the regular killing of divine kings and spirits, and the superstitions surrounding the succession of the soul. - Summary by Leon Harvey |
By: G. A. McLaughlin (1851-1933) | |
Saved and Kept: or How to Get Saved and How to Keep Saved
This little volume is by no means intended to be a theological work. Nor does it attempt to show the details of the Christian life. The author seeks to point out the principal means by which sincere souls may be saved and keep saved. It is intended to be a simple, direct exposition of the way of salvation, put in every-day language, with the earnest desire that ‘‘he that runneth may read,"’ and that the reader may be helped in reaching the goal, and in finding an abundant entrance into the City of God. With this single aim we launch this little book, praying that it may be helpful to some soul who seeks to know what God has for him. - Summary by G. A. McLaughlin |
By: Sister M. Josephine | |
Ways of St. Anthony
Saint Anthony of Padua is especially invoked and venerated all over the world as the patron saint for the recovery of lost items and is credited with many miracles involving lost people, lost things and even lost spiritual goods. The names and places in these stories are fiction; the incidents, however, are real. They were sent to the Editor by clients of the Saint in their accounts of thanksgivings for favors received through St. Anthony's intercession and for which most of them had promised publication. The writer has simply woven these accounts into readable stories. |
By: John Flavel (1627-1691) | |
Divine Conduct, or the Mystery of Providence
Shows God's providence in every aspect of our lives. - Summary by RuthP |
By: Cyril of Alexandria | |
Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Sermons 96-110
Sermons 96 through 110 cover the Gospel According to Luke 13:6 through 16:17. The conclusion of Sermon 96, the whole of 97, and the beginning of 98 have perished. Therefore, they have been replaced with text from Mai’s Nov. Bib. Pat. Vol. ii. pp. 315-321; and Cramer, ii. 107, where some of the following extract is given anonymously; and from the Aurea Catena, p. 201. ed. Venet. 1775. |
By: John Owen (1616-1683) | |
Cases of Conscience Resolved
Questions and answers delivered at church meetings on various subjects, particularly relating to personal holiness, grace and sin, belonging to the genre of Purtian casuistry. |
By: Caroline Atwater Mason (1853-1939) | |
Woman Of Yesterday
Anna is the daughter of a clergyman in a small town in Vermont. She is very happy with her lot. But when she goes to nurse a woman in the big city, she starts to discover the world. She sees new places, meets new people, and falls in love. This will test all the resolutions she once held dear. - Summary by Stav Nisser. |