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By: Various

Book cover Age of the Puritans Volume 1

This volume of The Age of the Puritans begins with William Perkin's concise summary of Christian doctrine written in response to popular misconceptions of the time and Robert Rollock's scheme for logically dividing doctrine into key topics. Rollock then explains the relationship between the written Scriptures and what he terms the "lively voice" heard in other ages, pre-empting what would later become the Quaker-Puritan debates. B.B. Warfield gives a 'best of' John Arrowsmith's Armilla Catechetica ...

By: Rev. H. G. Hughes (1868-1943)

Book cover Seven Last Words on the Cross

A course of Lenten sermons on the seven last words of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross.

By: Origen of Alexandria (184-253)

Book cover Against Celsus Book 4

Against Celsus, preserved entirely in Greek, is a major apologetics work by the Church Father Origen of Alexandria, written in around 248 AD, countering the writings of Celsus, a pagan philosopher and controversialist who had written a scathing attack on Christianity in his treatise "The True Word". Among a variety of other charges, Celsus had denounced many Christian doctrines as irrational and criticized Christians themselves as uneducated, deluded, unpatriotic, close-minded towards reason, and too accepting of sinners...

By: John Gresham Machen (1881-1937)

Book cover Christianity and Liberalism

The purpose of this book is not to decide the religious issue of the present day, but merely to present the issue as sharply and clearly as possible, in order that the reader may be aided in deciding it for himself...In the sphere of religion, in particular, the present time is a time of conflict; the great redemptive religion which has always been known as Christianity is battling against a totally diverse type of religious belief, which is only the more destructive of the Christian faith because it makes use of traditional Christian terminology...

By: John Calvin (1509-1564)

Book cover Scripture Texts with Expositions and Sentence-prayers from Calvin's Commentaries on the Minor Prophets

The prayers of John Calvin, however, have received little attention, as compared with the fame which crowns his theological writings. His commentaries upon Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the minor prophets were originally delivered in the form of lectures, each followed by appropriate petitions. Both lectures and prayers were extemporaneous. In his epistle dedicatory, prefaced to the commentary upon the minor prophets, and addressed to the King of Sweden, Calvin says: "Had it been in my power I would rather have tried to prevent the wider circulation of that extemporaneous kind of teaching, intended for the particular benefit of my auditory, and with which benefit I was abundantly satisfied.

By: English Revised Version

Book cover Bible (ERV) NT 02: Mark

The Gospel according to Mark, also called the Gospel of Mark, or simply Mark, is the second of the four canonical gospels and of the three synoptic Gospels. It tells of the ministry of Jesus from his baptism by John the Baptist, his Transfiguration on a mountain, his describing of the Greatest Commandments, to his death, burial, and the discovery of his empty tomb. There is no miraculous birth or doctrine of divine pre-existence, nor, in the original ending, any post-resurrection appearances of Jesus...

By: William G. T. Shedd (1820-1894)

Book cover Dogmatic Theology - Soteriology

A systematic exposition of the doctrine of salvation from one of America's most notable theologians of the 19th century. - Summary by InTheDesert

By: Frederick Denison Maurice (1805-1872)

Book cover Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament

This is a collection of twenty-seven sermons on the Old Testament kings, from Saul to Zedekiah, and the prophets who spoke to them, from Samuel to Ezekiel. Moving in chronological order of the biblical events, this book could be a useful aid to studying this portion of the Bible. - Summary by Devorah Allen

By: Hermann Witsius (1636-1708)

Book cover Conciliatory or Irenical Animadversions on the Controversies Agitated in Britain under the Unhappy Names of Antinomians and Neonomians

The Antinomian-Neonomian controversy of the 17th century was initiated by the republication of a set of sermons by Tobias Crisp entitled "Christ alone exalted" which were accused of antinomianism by Richard Baxter who in turn was accused of 'neonomianism', "the idea that Christ has, by his atonement, so lowered the requirements of the law that mere endeavor is accepted in room of perfect obedience." "The name antinomianism is a comparatively modern designation of several types of ethical thought in which hostility to the Mosaic law and to the principles therein embodied has led to immoral teaching and practise...

By: Dom Bede Camm (1864-1942)

Book cover Voyage of the Pax

An amazing allegorical story about the journey to Heaven, using the image of a journey across the water in a ship named The Pax. St. Benedict's Rule helps to keep the travelers faithful to their goal. They encounter storms, monsters, and enticing islands along the way... if you were in the ship, would you stay the course through all the temptations?

By: Louis Gaston de Segur (1820-1881)

Book cover Familiar Instructions and Evening Lectures on All the Truths of Religion, Volume 1

Brief instruction on numerous subjects pertaining to the Catholic faith, the Sacraments, the Ten Commandments and more.

By: Charlotte Maria Tucker (A. L. O. E.) (1821-1893)

Book cover Precepts in Practice; or, Stories Illustrating the Proverbs

Fifteen short stories that are full of morals and wisdom, warmth and comfort, charm and wit—all inspired by the book of Proverbs. Each of the stories are recapped with perceptive poems. This special collection of tales are sure to influence listeners of all ages with godly lessons to heed and help draw nearer to His Word.

By: Various

Book cover Reformation Collection Volume 3

This volume of the Reformation collection, begins with John Calvin's summary of the contents for the Bible from the preface to the Geneva Bible. Catherine Parr, last wife of Henry VIII, contributes her "Prayers or Meditations", intended as a shortened Protestant equivalent to Thomas à Kempis' The Imitation of Christ. Next come accounts of trials and martyrdoms: Walter Mill, the last martyr of Scotland, John Bradford, an anonymous account of Protestants in Norfolk and Suffolk to commissioners sent by Mary I, Hugh Latimer's examination as an old man and the execution of Henry Grey, father of Lady Jane Grey...

By: Theodoret of Cyrus

Book cover Commentary on Romans

Theodoret was born at Antioch, A.D. 386. His studies were pursued under Theodore of Mopsuista and Chrysostom, from the works of the latter of whom the present commentary is by many esteemed little more than an abridgement. This, however, on comparing the writings of both those Fathers, can hardly perhaps be admitted in its fullest sense. "Of all the Fathers, who have composed works of different kinds, Theodoret is one of those who has been very happy in every one of them. There are some who have been excellent writers in matters of controversy, but bad interpreters...

By: John Calvin (1509-1564)

Book cover Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans

Of all commentators I believe John Calvin to be the most candid...He was no trimmer and pruner of texts. He gave their meaning as far as he knew it. His honest intention was to translate the Hebrew and the Greek originals as accurately as he possibly could, and then to give the meaning which would naturally be conveyed by such Greek and Hebrew words: he laboured, in fact, to declare, not his own mind upon the Spirit's words, but the mind of the Spirit as couched in those words. Dr. King very truly says of him, "No writer ever dealt more fairly and honestly by the Word of God...

By: Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430)

Book cover Expositions on the Book of Psalms (Vol. 4 - Psalms 76-101)

These sermons on the Psalms of the Holy Prophet and King David are as poetic as the Psalms themselves. They are well-suited for inspirational and devotional listening. - Summary by The Reader

By: Benjamin B. Warfield (1851-1921)

Book cover B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 3

This volume showcases the diversity of Warfield's interests: as a systematic theologian, New Testament scholar, historian and churchman. Included are all the articles Warfield wrote for the journal Bibliotheca Sacra in the year of his death on John Humphrey Noyes and the Oneida Community. The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 1 The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 2 The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 4

By: Louis Gaston de Segur (1820-1881)

Book cover Familiar Instructions and Evening Lectures on All the Truths of Religion, Volume 2

Brief instruction on numerous subjects pertaining to the Catholic faith. In this second volume of two, it continues on with the Commandments of the Church, virtues, prayer, the Mass, stories from Our Lord's life, saints and more!

By: Young's Literal Translation

Book cover Bible (YLT) NT 18: Epistle to Philemon

Philemon is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the man of the same name, a leader in the church at Colossae, upon the return of his runaway slave, Onesimus. In it, Paul tells Philemon that Onesimus has become a Christian, mentions that he would like to have kept Onesimus with him as a helpful fellow-worker, and requests that Philemon treat him as a brother in the faith. It's a beautiful picture of how Christians are to treat those who have wronged us. - Summary by TriciaG

By: Various

Book cover Christmas Miscellany 2021

Seven chapters involving Christmas from different books. Plus part 8 which is twelve verses about Christmas and part 9 which is four Christmas carols by Christina Rossetti. - Summary by David Wales

Book cover Christianity in the 18th and 19th Century, Volume 1

The 30 works in this volume are arranged thematically around the following headings: materialism or anti-supernaturalism , church and state or politics , the office of the pastor , sermons and miscellaneous pieces . Note: "Receipt" in the title of section 2 means "recipe". - Summary by InTheDesert Christianity in the 18th and 19th Century, Volume 2

By: Frank W. Boreham (1871-1959)

Book cover Silver Shadow, and Other Day Dreams

Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of editorials during his lifetime, with no sign of slowing down, even up until his death at age 88. He wrote with a distinctive style, seeming to be able to draw a spiritual lesson out of any conceivable topic. Boreham admits that this volume is but a collection of his reflections on things. But he hopes that by viewing the reflections, we will be more apt to take notice of the things themselves than if we had looked directly at them in full light of day. - Summary by Devorah Allen

By: Young's Literal Translation

Book cover Bible (YLT) NT 11: Epistle to the Philippians

Young used the Textus Receptus and the Masoretic Text as the basis for his translation. He wrote in the preface to the first edition, "It has been no part of the Translator's plan to attempt to form a New Hebrew or Greek Text—he has therefore somewhat rigidly adhered to the received ones."

By: Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646)

Book cover Treatise of Earthly-mindedness

Of Earthly-mindedness, Wherein is shewed, 1. What Earthly-mindedness is. 2. The Evils of Earthly-mindedness. 3. Several Convincements of Earthly-mindedness. 4. Several Reasons of Earthly-mindedness. 5. Considerations to take off the heart from Earthly-mindedness. 6. Directions how to get our hearts free from Earthly-mindedness.

By: Various

Book cover Early Church Collection Volume 2

This collection begins with Augustine's response to the charge that Christians, unlike anyone else in the world, believe in things that cannot be seen, two works on christology from Athanasius and Augustine's exposition of the Apostles' Creed. Next come two responses from church leaders on what to do when Christians have participated in idolatry . After some shorter works including all the extant fragments from Papias, there are a large number of works from Rufinus: translator and editor of many of the works of Origen who suffered considerable censure for his labors as can be seen from the content of his prefaces...

By: Irenaeus

Book cover Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching

Eusebius in his Ecclesiastical History tells us that in addition to his great work Against Heresies, St Irenaeus wrote A Discourse in Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching. This work was entirely lost sight of: no one seems ever to have quoted a word of it. But it has quite recently reappeared in an Armenian manuscript together with Books IV and V of the greater work. The Armenian translation proves to be a fairly close rendering of the original Greek… What Irenaeus undertakes in the present...

By: Benjamin B. Warfield (1851-1921)

Book cover Plan of Salvation

Five Lectures Delivered at The Princeton Summer School of Theology, June, 1914. In these lectures, Warfield distinguishes between different conceptions of salvation: naturalistic vs. supernaturalistic, sacerdotal vs. evangelical, universalistic vs. particularistic which act as a kind of flow chart shwoing what is known in theology as 'the order of decrees'. On page 33 of the text , there is a table that places various branches of the Christian Church within this scheme. - Summary by InTheDesert

By: Charles Hodge (1797-1878)

Book cover Essays and Reviews

Charles Hodge, one of America's foremost theologians, founded the Princeton Review in 1825. Hodge took the opportunity to respond to many controversial issues in his day, touching theology, biblical interpretation, church controversy, missionary activity and social issues. The articles in this volume were collected by Hodge in 1857. Each section begins with a footnote stating the date of publication and the material to which he is responding. As with all historical texts, the language used in this volume should be interpreted within the context of the entire work and the cultural context of its publication.

By: Frederick William Faber (1814-1863)

Book cover Bethlehem

There are several ways in which we may treat of the mysteries of the Three-and-Thirty Years of our dearest Lord. We may look at each of them singly, as it is in itself, full of grace and beauty, and distinctively unlike any other. Secondly, we may gather them up into departments, and call them the joyful, the sorrowful, and the glorious mysteries, the three sets differing thus from each other, and, in the unity of each set, each mystery having its own distinctness. Or, thirdly, we may view them as clustering in constellations, and yet these constellations unities, as the Childhood, the Hidden Life, the Public Ministry, the Passion, and the Risen Life or Great Forty Days...

By: John Gresham Machen (1881-1937)

Book cover Literature and History of New Testament Times

There is a tendency in the modern Church to neglect the study of Bible history. Such neglect will inevitably result in a loss of power. The gospel is a record of something that has happened, and uncertainty about the gospel is fatal weakness. Furthermore the historical study of the apostolic age—that age when divine revelation established the great principles of the Church's life—is the best corrective for a thousand vagaries. Much can be learned from modern pedagogy; but after all what is absolutely fundamental, both for teacher and for student, is an orderly acquaintance with the Bible facts...

By: Young's Literal Translation

Book cover Bible (YLT) NT 12: Epistle to the Colossians (Version 2)

In 1887 Dr. Young issued a Revised Edition, of which two impressions are exhausted. The work has been subjected to a new revision, making no alteration on the principles on which the Translation proceeds but endeavoring to make it as nearly perfect in point of accuracy on its present lines as possible.

By: Augustus M. Toplady (1740-1778)

Book cover Observations and Reflections

These considerations by Mr. Toplady, and the extracts, are arranged under their respective heads. Diamonds never appear so splendid, as when set in a crown. However, when thrown in confusion, they are still jewels, and therefore worth the gathering. -- From these brilliants a bouquet is made up, for the gratification of the reader. - Summary by the Editor

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