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By: James McKimmey (1923-)

Book cover George Loves Gistla

By: James Orton (1830-1877)

The Andes and the Amazon by James Orton The Andes and the Amazon

This book, with the subtitle "Across the Continent of South America" describes the scientific expedion of 1867 to the equatorial Andes and the Amazon. The route was from Guayaquil to Quito, over the Cordillera, through the forest to Napo, and, finally, on the Rio Napo to Pebas on the Maranon. Besides this record, the expedition - under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institute - collected samples of rocks and plants, and numerous specimen of animals. The scientists also compiled a vocabulary of local languages and produced a new map of equatorial America...

By: James Parkinson (1755-1824)

Book cover An Essay on the Shaking Palsy

By: James R. Hall

Book cover Am I Still There?

By: James Roxburgh McClymont

Book cover Essays on early ornithology and kindred subjects

By: James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)

Book cover My Garden Acquaintance

By: James Schmitz (1911-1981)

Legacy by James Schmitz Legacy

Ancient living machines that after millennia of stillness suddenly begin to move under their own power, for reasons that remain a mystery to men. Holati Tate discovered them—then disappeared. Trigger Argee was his closest associate—she means to find him. She's brilliant, beautiful, and skilled in every known martial art. She's worth plenty—dead or alive—to more than one faction in this obscure battle. And she's beginning to have a chilling notion that the long-vanished Masters of the Old Galaxy were wise when they exiled the plasmoids to the most distant and isolated world they knew....

By: James V. McConnell (1925-1990)

Book cover Life Sentence

By: James Weir (1856-1906)

Book cover Religion and Lust or, The Psychical Correlation of Religious Emotion and Sexual Desire

By: James Wilson Hyde (1841-1918)

Book cover A Hundred Years by Post A Jubilee Retrospect

By: James Young Simpson (1811-1870)

Book cover Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1

By: Jane Addams (1860-1935)

Twenty Years at Hull-House by Jane Addams Twenty Years at Hull-House

Jane Addams was the first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In a long, complex career, she was a pioneer settlement worker and founder of Hull-House in Chicago, public philosopher (the first American woman in that role), author, and leader in woman suffrage and world peace. She was the most prominent woman of the Progressive Era and helped turn the nation to issues of concern to mothers, such as the needs of children, public health and world peace. She emphasized that women have a special responsibility to clean up their communities and make them better places to live, arguing they needed the vote to be effective...

By: Jane Andrews (1833-1887)

The Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children by Jane Andrews The Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children

“You may think that Mother Nature, like the famous “old woman who lived in the shoe,” has so many children that she doesn’t know what to do. But you will know better when you become acquainted with her, and learn how strong she is, and how active; how she can really be in fifty places at once, taking care of a sick tree, or a baby flower just born; and, at the same time, building underground palaces, guiding the steps of little travellers setting out on long journeys, and sweeping, dusting, and arranging her great house,–the earth...

Book cover Child's Health Primer For Primary Classes With Special Reference to the Effects of Alcoholic Drinks, Stimulants, and Narcotics upon The Human System

By: Jane H. Newell

Book cover Outlines of Lessons in Botany, Part I; from Seed to Leaf

By: Jane M. (Jane Marie) Bancroft (1847-1932)

Book cover Deaconesses in Europe and their Lessons for America

By: Jason Kirby

Book cover The Floating Island of Madness

By: Jasper W. Rogers

Book cover Facts for the Kind-Hearted of England! As to the Wretchedness of the Irish Peasantry, and the Means for their Regeneration

By: Jean M. Thompson

Book cover Water Wonders Every Child Should Know

Water: essential for life and in much of the world, we take it for granted. In this work, Jean Thompson explains various aspects of the water cycle in simple terms, for the benefit of young readers with enquiring minds. Listeners are referred to the text for the microphotographs described.

By: Jean-Henri Fabre (1823-1915)

Book cover Social Life in the Insect World
Book cover The Wonders of Instinct Chapters in the Psychology of Insects
Book cover Bramble-Bees and Others
Book cover The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
Book cover Mason-Bees

This is more than a book about bees and their lives; the author talks about his cats, red ants, and insect psychology in general. Jean Henri Fabre also made waves in his native 19th Century France by insisting that girls be included in his science classes, so I dedicate this recording to certain young women who risk their lives or even the less important attentions of boys simply to learn.

Book cover Life of the Fly, With Which are Interspersed Some Chapters of Autobiography

The title tells all, along with other observations on insect life from the famed accidental entomologist of 19th Century France..

Book cover More Hunting Wasps
Book cover Secret of Everyday Things

The clearness, simpicity, and charm of the great French naturalist's style are nowhere better illustrated than in this work, which in its variety of subject-matter and apt use of entertaining anecdote rivals "The Story-Book of Science," already a favorite with his readers. Such instances of antiquated usage or superseded methods as occur in these chapters of popular science easily win our indulgence because of the literary charm and warm human quality investing all that the author has to say. -- Translator (Introductory Note).

Book cover Insect Adventures

This book is composed of selections from Alexander Teixeira de Mattos’ Translation of Fabre’s “Souvenirs Entomologiques,” retold for children. It's made up of first-person narratives, and using his exceptional observation skills, gives us a close-up peep into the world of insects, including bees, wasps, worms, beetles, moths, and spiders, to name a few. When Fabre first published this work, as the Preface indicates, he was criticized by some scientists in his field for writing a scientific book that was "too interesting." - Summary by Devorah Allen

By: Jerome Bixby (1923-1998)

Book cover Zen
The Slizzers by Jerome Bixby The Slizzers
Book cover Where There's Hope

By: Jerome Buell Lavay (1860-)

Book cover Disputed Handwriting

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