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By: Les Collins

Book cover Question of Comfort

By: Leslie J. Newville

Development of the Phonograph at Alexander Graham Bell's Volta Laboratory by Leslie J. Newville Development of the Phonograph at Alexander Graham Bell's Volta Laboratory

By: Leslie Stephen (1832-1904)

Book cover Social Rights and Duties, Volume I (of 2) Addresses to Ethical Societies

By: Lester Del Rey (1915-1993)

Badge of Infamy by Lester Del Rey Badge of Infamy

Shifting between Earth and Mars, Badge of Infamy focuses on the gripping tale of a former doctor who becomes a pariah due to being temporarily governed by emotion and compassion, rather than complying with the highly regarded rules established by the Medical Lobby. Furthermore, the novel covers numerous topics including justice, brutality, betrayal, ethics, political control, and lobbying. Set in the year 2100, the novel begins with the introduction of its protagonist, Daniel Feldman, an ethical man, who makes the terrible mistake of going against the fixed medical protocol and performing surgery to save the life of a friend...

By: Lester del Rey

Victory by Lester del Rey Victory

Lester del Rey (1915 – 1993) was a Golden Age science fiction author and editor closely connected to John W. Campbell Jr. and Astounding Science Fiction magazine. He also founded Del Rey Books, a popular publishing label he edited with his wife Judy-Lynn. Victory is the story of an undefended Earth in a warring galaxy. It appeared in the August 1955 issue of Astounding Science Fiction.

By: Lester Del Rey (1915-1993)

Book cover Dead Ringer

By: Lester del Rey (1915-1993)

Book cover Police Your Planet

Bruce Gordon looked at his ticket, grimaced at the ONE WAY stamped on it, then tore it into bits and let the pieces scatter over the floor. He counted them as they fell; thirty pieces in all, one for each year of his life. Little ones for the two years he'd wasted as a cop. Shreds for the four years as a kid in the ring before that--he'd never made the top. Bigger bits for two years also wasted in trying his hand at professional gambling; and the six final pieces that spelled his rise from special reporter helping out with a police shake-up coverage, through a regular leg-man turning up rackets, and on up like a meteor until...

By: Lester S. (Lester Snow) King (1908)

Medical Investigation in Seventeenth Century England Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, October 14, 1967 by Lester S. (Lester Snow) King Medical Investigation in Seventeenth Century England Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, October 14, 1967

By: Levi L. (Levi Leonard) Conant (1857-1916)

Book cover The Number Concept Its Origin and Development

By: Lewis Carroll

A Tangled Tale by Lewis Carroll A Tangled Tale

Lewis Carroll (1832-1896) is famous for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. It is less widely known that he worked as a lecturer for mathematics at Christ Church college, Oxford for 27 years. A tangled tale merges his two talents as storyteller and mathematician. It consists of ten short humorous stories which present one or more mathematical problems. The ten knots as they are called, were first published in The Monthly Packet magazine between April 1880 and March 1885, where readers were invited to solve the problems, and the solution was discussed in a later issue.

By: Lewis Terman (1877-1956)

Book cover Measurement of Intelligence

An explanation of and a completed guide for the use of the Stanford revision and the Simon Binford intelligence test - Summary by the soloist

Book cover Genetic Studies of Genius, Volume 1: Mental and Physical Traits of a Thousand Gifted Children

It should go without saying that a nation's resources of intellectual talent are among the most precious it will ever have. The study of the lives of gifted children initiated by Professor Lewis M. Terman, began in 1921, and has become the longest running longitudinal study in the field of psychology. Published over 5 volumes, the study is of historical significance to the field of educational science as well as psychology, for providing an insight into the nature of intelligence and achievement, but also challenging stereotypes of the personality of the gifted...

By: Lewis Webb Hill (1889-1968)

Book cover The Starvation Treatment of Diabetes

By: Library of Congress

Book cover Library of Congress Workshop on Etexts

By: Lilian Bell (1867-1929)

Book cover From a Girl's Point of View

By: Linnean Society of London

Book cover Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology

By: Lorin Low Dame (1838-1903)

Book cover Handbook of the Trees of New England

By: Lorne W. (Lorne Webster) Barclay (1885-)

Book cover Educational Work of the Boy Scouts

By: Lou Tabakow (1915?-1981)

Book cover Faithfully Yours

By: Louis Agassiz (1807-1873)

Book cover Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence

By: Louis Albert Banks (1855-1933)

Book cover White Slaves; or, the Oppression of the Worthy Poor

By: Louis Compton Miall (1842-1921)

Book cover History of Biology

A history of biology from ancient times to Darwin and Pasteur by Louis Compton Miall, Professor of Biology, Fellow of the Royal Society, Fullerian Professor of Physiology and Comparative Anatomy at the University of Leeds. This book covers all the major advances in botany and zoology through the mid-1800's and concludes with the impact that Darwin's "Origin of Species" and Pasteur's research into microorganisms will have on future generations of biologists. “Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.” – Louis Pasteur

By: Louis Dechmann

Book cover Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration

By: Louise DeKoven Bowen (1859-1953)

Book cover Colored People of Chicago

This book presents a summary of the findings conducted by the the Juvenile Protective Association in Chicago before the changes brought on by the war-time economy. The study's researchers were A. P. Drucker, Sophia Boaz, A. L. Harris, and Miriam Schaffner. Its author, Louise DeKoven Bowen was a well-known philanthropist and suffragist in Chicago. The summary makes no strong argument on its own, but presents simple facts and observations that would alert the reader to the need for social and economic reform in the city. - Summary by KevinS

By: Louise Stevens Bryant (1885-1959)

Book cover Educational Work of the Girl Scouts

By: Lowell Howard Morrow

Book cover Omega, the Man

By: Lucien Biart (1829-1897)

Book cover Adventures of a Young Naturalist

By: Lucius Daniel

Book cover Martians Never Die

By: Luigi Cornaro (1475-1566)

Book cover Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life Wherein is demonstrated, by his own Example, the Method of Preserving Health to Extreme Old Age

By: Luther Newton Hayes (1883-1978)

Book cover Chinese Dragon

The subject of this little book [1923] is of general interest to people who are acquainted with things Chinese. The dragon has played a large part in Chinese thought through four thousand and more years…. The author is peculiarly fitted to undertake this piece of work. He was born in China and speaks the Chinese language as a native. Thus, he has had the first-hand knowledge and the language to help him in his study. He has been studying on the subject of the dragon for fourteen years. In this time, he has traveled over more than one half the number of provinces of China…...

By: Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company

Book cover Food and Health

By: Lydia Estes Pinkham (1819-1883)

Book cover Treatise on the Diseases of Women

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