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By: Mark Phillips (Randall Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer) | |
Brain Twister
“Mark Phillips” is, or are, two writers: Randall Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer. Their joint pen-name, derived from their middle names (Philip and Mark), was coined soon after their original meeting, at a science-fiction convention. Both men were drunk at the time, which explains a good deal, and only one has ever sobered up. A matter for constant contention between the collaborators is which one. Originally published as That Sweet Little Old Lady, Brain Twister follows the adventures of FBI agent Kenneth J... |
By: Mark Wicks | |
To Mars via The Moon An Astronomical Story |
By: Martha Meir Allen (1854-1926) | |
Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say | |
By: Mary Proctor (1862-1957) | |
Stories of Starland
Henry asks his sister Mary about the sky. She tells him all about the Sun, the Planets, the Moon, Comets and Meteors, and Stars. Mary tells her brother about mythologies people believed about the earth and sky along with true scientific information. |
By: Mary Earle Hardy (1846-1928) | |
Sea Stories for Wonder Eyes
Water is fascinating! Which child is not delighted by the sea shore, by rivers, even by puddles in the street? This little book explains to children that a river can cut through rock to weave its way to the sea, how sand is made, and how fish can breathe underwater. Grown-ups may learn some new things, too! - Summary by Carolin |
By: Mary Ellen Richmond (1861-1928) | |
Friendly Visiting among the Poor A Handbook for Charity Workers |
By: Mary Everest Boole (1832-1916) | |
Philosophy and Fun of Algebra
Mary Everest Boole (1832-1916) was born Mary Everest in England and spent her early years in France. She married mathematician George Boole. She was the author of several works on teaching and teaching mathematics in particular. This short book, Philosophy and Fun of Algebra, is meant to be read by children and introduces algebra and logic. She uses the word “algebra” broadly, defining it as a “method of solving problems by honest confession of one’s ignorance”. Using this definition, Boole introduces, in a conversational manner, the concepts of logic and algebra, illustrating these concepts with stories and anecdotes, often from biblical sources... |
By: Mary F. Porter | |
Applied Psychology for Nurses |
By: Mary Huestis Pengilly | |
Diary Written in the Provincial Lunatic Asylum
Mary Pengilly was taken to a Lunatic Asylum by her sons where she kept a diary, which this book is taken from. Mary records the harsh conditions and treatments received at the hands of the nurses during her stay. Once Mary is released she takes it upon herself to make the authorities aware of the situation at the Provincial Lunatic Asylum. |
By: Mary L. Day (1836-) | |
The World As I Have Found It Sequel to Incidents in the Life of a Blind Girl |
By: Mary Marcy (1877-1922) | |
Stories of the Cave People
"In this little book I have sought, in a series of stories or sketches, to present only the first steps in human progress. Man has risen from a stage of lowest savagery, little higher than the apes, buffeted by the hand of Nature, dependent upon the wild game he might kill or the food he found ready to hand, a fearing and a furtive creature of the forests and of the plains, preyed upon by a thousand stronger foes, to a being able to provide warmth and clothing and shelter against the rains and the cold and food against the seasons... |
By: Mary Roberts Rinehart (1876-1958) | |
Why I Believe in Scouting for Girls |
By: Mary Shauffler Labaree (1868-1954) | |
Child in the Midst: A Comparative Study of Child Welfare in Christian and Non-Christian Lands
Chapters follow the progression of a child from birth through working years.Thus, Chapter 1 traces the child from newborn to toddler stage in the home. It includes assumed rights of children and mothers, superstitions, diseases and treatments, and what missions are contributing. Continuing on, Chapter 2 compares homes in various countries, explains the need for teaching the mothers, and delves into roles of fathers and missions. Other chapters explore the importance of play, the clash between play and work, views on education, and the role of worship. |
By: Mary Somerville (1780-1872) | |
Personal Recollections, from Early Life to Old Age, of Mary Somerville |
By: Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) | |
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Regarded as the one of the earliest examples of feminist philosophy, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman is written as a direct response to Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, a French politician who delivered a report to the French National Assembly suggesting that women should only receive domestic education and additionally encourages women to stay clear of political affairs. In her treatise, Wollstonecraft avidly criticizes this inadequate perception of women as an inferior sex and attacks social inequality, while also arguing for women’s rights in the hope of redefining their position both in society and in marriage... | |
Vindication Of The Rights Of Men, In A Letter To The Right Honourable Edmund Burke; Occasioned By His Reflections On The Revolution In France
Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Men attacks aristocracy and advocates republicanism. It was published in response to Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France , which was a defence of constitutional monarchy, aristocracy, and the Church of England, and an attack on Wollstonecraft's friend, the Rev Richard Price. Hers was the first response in a pamphlet war that subsequently became known as the Revolution Controversy, in which Thomas Paine's Rights of Man became the rallying cry for reformers and radicals... |
By: Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley | |
The Last Man
The Last Man is an early post-apocalyptic science fiction novel by Mary Shelley, which was first published in 1826. The book tells of a future world that has been ravaged by a plague. The plague gradually kills off all people. Lionel Verney, central character, son of a nobleman who gambled himself into poverty, finds himself immune after being attacked by an infected “negro,” and copes with a civilization that is gradually dying out around him. |
By: Mary Wood-Allen (1841-1908) | |
What a Young Woman Ought to Know | |
Almost A Man |
By: Mason Long (1842-1903) | |
Save the Girls
Save the Girls is an 1880 American anti-white-slavery book by reformed gambler Mason Long. In it, the author crusades against the social evil of prostitution by presenting a series of pathetic portraits of young women from various social classes who are brought low by such temptations of city life as the theater, the racecourse, and street flirtations. Included are vignettes of vice like "The Evils of Dancing - Sad Results of a Public Ball," in which innocent Marie, out for a good time, falls prey to the type of 'sporting men' who prowl such events in search of a partner for more than just The Glide or the Boston Dip. |
By: Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society | |
The Act Of Incorporation And The By-Laws Of The Massachusetts Homeopathic Medical Society |
By: Maude Ward Lafferty (1869-1962) | |
A Pioneer Railway of the West |
By: Maurice Leblanc (1864-1941) | |
The Tremendous Event |
By: Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949) | |
The children's Life of the Bee
Buzz, buzz, buzz. A fascinating and beautifully written explanation of the life of the honey bee. Is the queen the master of the hive or just a hard working servant? What is the purpose of the drones? Why do bees make honey? Do bees ever sleep? Why do bees swarm? Maeterlinck, who won the Noble Prize for Literature, wrote a more scholarly work called The Life of the Bee but then rewrote it in simpler terms so that children could appreciate what goes in a hive. The book describes in simple language the inner workings of a hive from its beginning with a swarm to the fully functional hive with thousands of workers, drones and a queen busily building, repairing and gathering. | |
The Life of the Bee | |
Our Friend the Dog |
By: Maurice Nicoll (1884-1953) | |
In Mesopotamia | |
The Blue Germ |
By: Max Birnbaum (1862-) | |
Prof. Koch's Method to Cure Tuberculosis Popularly Treated |
By: Maxwell T. (Maxwell Tylden) Masters (1833-1907) | |
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants |
By: Mayne Reid (1818-1883) | |
Quadrupeds, What They Are and Where Found A Book of Zoology for Boys |
By: Meriel Buchanan (1886-1959) | |
Recollections of Imperial Russia
In this memoir, Meriel Buchanan links the history of Russia to powerful, lingering memories of her years living there. She was the daughter of the man who turned out to be the last British ambassador to Imperial Russia. As a young adult, in her role as the ambassador’s daughter, she had regular access to the court of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, providing her with unusual experiences and impressions. She describes first hand the sights, sounds, and some of the activities she remembers from this elevated and sheltered vantage point. The family left Russia in 1918, and the author’s memories are filled with nostalgia and longing for the Russia she experienced. - Summary by Jan M. |
By: Michael Faraday (1791-1867) | |
The Chemical History of a Candle
The Chemical History of a Candle is a series of 6 lectures on chemistry presented to a juvenile audience in 1848. Taught by Michael Faraday - a chemist and physist, and regarded as the best experimentalist in the history of science - it is probably the most famous of the Christmas Lectures of the Royal Society. Taking the everyday burning of a candle as a starting point, Faraday spans the arc from combustion and its products, via the components of water and air (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon), back to the type of combustion that happens in the human body when we breathe... | |
On the Various Forces of Nature
A non-mathematical survey of the fundamental forces of nature and some relationships among them. This is a series of lectures aimed at young people. He starts off with the most fundamental and familiar forces of all: Gravity and Heat. Then by a progression of examples and experiments goes on to describe atomic/molecular adhesion in solids, liquids and gases, which he groups under the rubric of "Chemical Affinity". And, no collection of Faraday's theories could omit his discoveries in Electricity and Magnetism. |
By: Michael Husted | |
The Fibonacci Number Series |
By: Michel Verne (1861-1925) | |
In the Year 2889 |
By: Miguel Saderra Masó (-1939) | |
Catalogue of Violent and Destructive Earthquakes in the Philippines With an Appendix: Earthquakes in the Marianas Islands 1599-1909 |
By: Miles John Breuer (1889-1945) | |
The Einstein See-Saw |
By: Miron Elisha Hard (1845-1914) | |
The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise Its Habitat and its Time of Growth |
By: Montagu Browne | |
Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction |
By: Morris Hershman (1920-) | |
Spacemen Never Die! |
By: Mrs. (Jane Haldimand) Marcet (1769-1858) | |
Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments |
By: Murray F. Yaco | |
No Moving Parts | |
Unspecialist |
By: Murray Leinster (1896-1975) | |
The Aliens
This story starts with space ships scouring the universe in an interplanetary game of tag. The humans know there are “Aliens” out there. But so do the Aliens. As each tries desperately to make the phenomenal discovery, they secretly hope that the other will not turn out to be the enemy. Humans call them “Plumies” because of the feathery plumes they inscribe on silicon-bronze tablets and cairns they have left behind on their intergalactic travels over the last thousand years. The search goes on, till one day somewhere in outer space, a Plumie ship collides with the one manned by humans... | |
Operation Terror
An unidentified space ship lands in a Colorado lake. Equipped with a paralyzing ray weapon, the creatures begin taking human prisoners. A loan land surveyor and a journalist are trapped inside the Army cordon, which is helpless against the mysterious enemy. Can they stop the aliens before it is too late? | |
Space Tug
Joe Kenmore heard the airlock close with a sickening wheeze and then a clank. In desperation he turned toward Haney. “My God, we’ve been locked out!” Through the transparent domes of their space helmets, Joe could see a look of horror and disbelief pass across Haney’s face. But it was true! Joe and his crew were locked out of the Space Platform. Four thousand miles below circled the Earth. Under Joe’s feet rested the solid steel hull of his home in outer space. But without tools there was no hope of getting back inside. Joe looked at his oxygen meter. It registered thirty minutes to live. | |
The Pirates of Ersatz
Bron is the offspring of infamous space pirates but instead of following in the family footsteps he decides to become an electronic engineer. Unfortunately, every time he tries to get out, something pulls him back in. This is a tongue-in-cheek space adventure along the lines of the Stainless Steel Rat by Harry Harrison. It was originally published in the FEB-APR issues of Astounding Science Fiction in 1959. | |
This World Is Taboo
Calhoun is an Interstellar Medical Serviceman, and he's needed on Dara. Trouble is: Dara is forbidden. Taboo. And breaking quarantine will make Calhoun a presumed plague-carrier and subject to being shot on sight by anyone from Weald. But hey! If he did the smart thing, we wouldn't have a story!But why are men from Dara shooting at him? | |
Talents, Incorporated
Bors felt as if he'd been hit over the head. This was ridiculous! He'd planned and carried out the destruction of that warship because the information of its existence and location was verified by a magnetometer.But, if he'd known how the information had been obtained--if he'd known it had been guessed at by a discharged spaceport employee, and a paranoid personality, and a man who used a hazel twig or something similar--if he'd known that, he'd never have dreamed of accepting it. He'd have dismissed it flatly! | |
The Hate Disease
Dr. Calhoun and his pet tormal Murgatroyd work for the Interstellar Medical Service making routine public health inspections on far-flung colonial planets. When they reach Tallien Three they are greeted with a rocket attack by the Paras, a mutated form of human rapidly replacing the “normals”. The normals think it’s a pandemic of demonic possession but Calhoun has his doubts. If he can keep from turning into a Para, or being assassinated by them he just might figure this thing out. – The Hate Disease was first published in the August 1963 edition of Analog Science Fact and Fiction magazine. | |
The Runaway Skyscraper
Arthur Chamberlain has problems. His one-man engineering firm is faltering and his pretty secretary Estelle barely notices him. But these problems are put aside when his Manhattan office building falls into the fourth dimension. Madison Square is filled with wigwams and it’s up to Arthur to engineer a way to make his building to fall back to the future. – The Runaway Skyscraper first appeared in the February 22, 1919 issue of Argosy magazine. | |
Operation: Outer Space
Jed Cochrane is about to take off on man's first interstellar voyage. His mission: Make sure it's good television! (Introduction by Mark Nelson) | |
The Machine that Saved the World
They were broadcasts from nowhere--sinister emanations flooding in from space--smashing any receiver that picked them up. What defense could Earth devise against science such as this? In the far future of 1972, on a secret military installation, Staff Sergeant Bellews is an expert on the latest scientific discovery: a way for ordinary machines like vacuums and lawnmowers to gather experience in their jobs, becoming error free over time. Then the strange broadcasts began to blow up transmitters everywhere. Were they from space? Enemies? the future? He didn't care until they started messin' with his machines. Then he took it personally. (summary from the first chapter and Phil Chenevert) | |
The Ambulance Made Two Trips
Big Jake Connors is taking over his town through violence, inimidation and bribery but Detective Sergeant Fitzgerald can only grind his teeth in frustration. The gangsters seem to have everything going their way until the day that a little dry cleaning establishment declines their offer of 'protection' and strange things start to happen. Murray Leinster gives us another wonderful product of 'what if' from his limitless imagination to enjoy in this gem of a story. Listen and smile. | |
The Fifth-Dimension Tube | |
Space Platform
SPACE PLATFORM tells the exciting story of a young man helping to build this first station. With scientific accuracy and imagination Murray Leinster, one of the world's top science-fiction writers, describes the building and launching of the platform. Here is a fast-paced story of sabotage and murder directed against a project more secret and valuable than the atom bomb! | |
Long Ago, Far Away | |
Invasion | |
Attention Saint Patrick |