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By: Dane Coolidge (1873-1940)

Book cover Hidden Water
Book cover Rimrock Jones
Book cover Wunpost

By: David Belasco (1853-1931)

Book cover The Girl of the Golden West

By: David Wynford Carnegie (1871-1900)

Book cover Spinifex and Sand

By: Earl Wayland Bowman (1875-1952)

Book cover The Ramblin' Kid

By: Edward C. Taylor

Book cover Ted Strong's Motor Car Or, Fast and Furious
Book cover Ted Strong in Montana Or, With Lariat and Spur

By: Edward Stratemeyer (1862-1930)

Book cover Dave Porter in the Gold Fields or, The Search for the Landslide Mine

By: Edward Sylvester Ellis (1840-1916)

Book cover Two Boys in Wyoming A Tale of Adventure (Northwest Series, No. 3)

By: Edwin L. Sabin (1870-1952)

Book cover Desert Dust

By: Emerson Hough (1857-1923)

Book cover The Sagebrusher A Story of the West

By: Ernest Thompson Seton (1860-1946)

The Preacher of Cedar Mountain A Tale of the Open Country by Ernest Thompson Seton The Preacher of Cedar Mountain A Tale of the Open Country

By: Eva Wilder Brodhead (1870-1915)

Book cover A Prairie Infanta

By: Evelyn Raymond (1843-1910)

Book cover Dorothy on a Ranch

By: Florence Finch Kelly (1858-1939)

Book cover With Hoops of Steel
Book cover Emerson's Wife and Other Western Stories
Delafield Affair by Florence Finch Kelly Delafield Affair

New Mexico's hot, dry winds are taking their toll: cattle suffer long treks to get food and water. But it is not just a hard time for them. Lucy Bancroft has sought a milder climate so she can recover from typhoid fever. She and her father stop to see Curt Conrad, a rancher, on their way to their new home. The two men discuss politics (some of it crooked) at the state level. they also talk about an easterner, a man named Delafield, who years earlier cheated Conrad's father out of his considerable wealth. Curt has vowed to seek revenge on Delafield if he can ever find the crook. thus begins a harrowing tale of determined search and blossoming love in the hot, dry climate of New Mexico.

By: Francis Lynde (1856-1930)

Book cover The Taming of Red Butte Western
Book cover Branded

By: Frank Gee Patchin (1861-1925)

Book cover The Pony Rider Boys in Texas

Yee-hawww! The Pony Rider Boys are on the trail again! In the second book of this series, Professor Zepplin has taken the young men to San Diego, Texas, to experience the life of a cowboy. The cattle drive will take them across the great state of Texas, where they will meet many dangers and adventures.

Book cover The Pony Rider Boys in Montana

Yee-Haaw! The Pony Rider Boys are on the move again! In this book, the 3rd of the series, the boys have decided that they want to explore the north country. They also want to make their own arrangements for the adventure, with the approval of Professor Zepplin, of course! So they have arrived in Forsythe, Montana, to try their luck in the mountains.

Book cover Pony Rider Boys in New Mexico

Yee-Haw!! The Pony Rider Boys are on the move again! This time they are on their way to Bluewater, New Mexico, ready for whatever adventure they can find. But this time, trouble spots them on the train. Will the Pony Rider Boys be able to handle whatever comes their way?

Book cover Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers

Yee-Haw!! The Pony Rider Boys are on the move again. This time the boys at Delaware Creek, dead in their saddles. They had been riding long and hard into Texas, looking forward to their next adventure. But, trouble finds them once again, this time Stacy Brown may have been shot! What will happen next is anyone's guess. Previous book in the series: The Pony Rider Boys in Grand Canyon Next book in the series: The Pony Rider Boys on the Blue Ridge

Pony Rider Boys in the Alkali by Frank Gee Patchin Pony Rider Boys in the Alkali

Yee-Haww! The Pony Rider Boys are on the move again! This time the boys are in the desert of Nevada, discovering the beauty and perils in 100 degree heat. It should be another thrilling ride that Professor Zepplin has taken them on!

Book cover Pony Rider Boys in the Ozarks

Yee-Haw!! The Pony Rider Boys are on the move again! This time the boys are in the Ozark Mountains in Missouri. With Joe Hawk, or Eagle-eye, guiding them, Professor Zepplin and the Pony Rider Boys are sure to find many adventures in this action-packed, fourth book of this series by Frank Gee Patchin.

By: Frank H. Spearman (1859-1937)

Book cover Nan of Music Mountain
Book cover The Mountain Divide

By: Frederic Remington (1861-1909)

Book cover Crooked Trails

By: Frederick Marryat (1792-1848)

Book cover Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet
Book cover The Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet in California, Sonora, and Western Texas

By: G. A. Henty (1832-1902)

Book cover Redskin and Cow-Boy: A Tale of the Western Plains

The central interest of this story is found in the many adventures of an English lad who seeks employment as a cowboy on a cattle ranch. His experiences during a "roundup" present in picturesque form the toilsome, exciting, adventurous life of a cowboy; while the perils of a frontier settlement are vividly set forth in an Indian raid, accompanied by pillage, capture, and recapture. The story is packed full of breezy adventure.

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