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By: George (Henry George August) Hartmann (1852-1934)

Book cover Tales of Aztlan; the Romance of a Hero of our Late Spanish-American War, Incidents of Interest from the Life of a western Pioneer and Other Tales

By: George Manville Fenn (1831-1909)

Book cover The Silver Canyon A Tale of the Western Plains

By: George S. Harney

Book cover David Lannarck, Midget An Adventure Story

By: George W. Ogden (1871-1966)

The Duke of Chimney Butte by George W. Ogden The Duke of Chimney Butte

An exciting tale of gun play, brave deeds and romance as Jerry Lambert, the “Duke” tries to protect the ranch of the lovely and charming Vesta Philbrook from thieving neighbors and other evil doers.

Book cover The Rustler of Wind River
Book cover The Bondboy
Book cover The Flockmaster of Poison Creek
Book cover Claim Number One

By: Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton (1857-1948)

Book cover The Californians

By: Glenn D. Bradley (1884-1930)

The Story of the Pony Express by Glenn D. Bradley The Story of the Pony Express

The Story of the Pony Express offers an in depth account behind the need for a mail route to connect the eastern U.S. with the rapidly populating west coast following the gold rush of California, the springing up of lumber camps, and all incidental needs arising from the settling of the western frontier. Here we learn of the inception of the Pony Express, its formation, successes, failures, facts, statistics, combined with many anecdotes and names of the people who were an integral part of this incredible entity which lasted but less than two years, yet was instrumental in the successful settlement of two thirds of the land mass comprising the expanding country...

By: H. Irving Hancock (1868-1922)

Book cover The Young Engineers in Arizona Laying Tracks on the Man-killer Quicksand

By: Hal G. (Hal George) Evarts (1887-1934)

Book cover The Settling of the Sage

By: Hamlin Garland (1860-1940)

Book cover The Eagle's Heart
Book cover Money Magic A Novel
Book cover The Forester's Daughter A Romance of the Bear-Tooth Range
Book cover Main-Travelled Roads
Book cover Wayside Courtships
Book cover They of the High Trails
Book cover The Trail of the Goldseekers A Record of Travel in Prose and Verse
Book cover Cavanaugh: Forest Ranger A Romance of the Mountain West
Book cover The Moccasin Ranch A Story of Dakota
Book cover Prairie Folks
Book cover Other Main-Travelled Roads

By: Harold Bell Wright (1872-1944)

Book cover Mine with the Iron Door

Of all the stirring tales of this picturesque region of the Santa Catalinas, of all the romantic legends and traditions that have come down to us from its shadowy past, none is more filled with the essence of human life and love and hopes and dreams than is the tale of the Mine with the Iron Door. - Summary by The Author

By: Harold Bindloss (1866-1945)

Book cover The Gold Trail

By: Harry Hazelton (1848-1909)

Book cover Outlaw Jack

1850 - A year before, the Californian "gold-fever" broke out, a party of emigrants, numbering nearly one hundred under the command of Caleb Mitchell, felt fairly secure as they traveled the hard trail to find gold. However, security is marred by a sad accident in Mitchell's family early on. The quest for Gold can be complicated and dangerous, especially when it involves Outlaws! Can dreams prevail, or what and how much will be lost in this Western Outlaw tale? Note: The author of this book is Joseph Edward Badger, who also wrote under the pseudonym Harry Hazard...

By: Harvey Fergusson (1890-1971)

Book cover The Blood of the Conquerors

By: Henry Herbert Knibbs (1874-1945)

Book cover The Ridin' Kid from Powder River
Book cover Sundown Slim
Book cover Overland Red A Romance of the Moonstone Cañon Trail

By: Henry Inman (1837-1899)

Book cover Tales Of The Trail; Short Stories Of Western Life

This 1898 collection of thirteen previously published articles exhibits the acute perception of one of the most popular writers of the late 19th-early 20th centuries. “These "Tales of the Trail" are based upon actual facts which came under the personal observation of the author… and will form another interesting series of stories of that era of great adventures, when the country west of the Missouri was unknown except to the trappers, hunters, and army officers.” Henry Inman was an American soldier, frontiersman, and author...

By: Henry William Herbert (1807-1858)

Book cover Silent Rifleman: A Tale of the Texan Prairies

"Two, four, six, eight," he muttered to himself at intervals. "Yes, there are eight of them." Again he laid his ear to the ground and listened. "Yes, there are eight of them, sure enough," he again muttered; and then, after a pause, he added: "But two of them are mules, I think; and they are coming right down hitherward." Then he looked to his rifle lock, and cocked his piece. "Unless they turn aside when they reach the timber, they will be on me in five minutes; and if they know the forest, they will not turn, that's certain; for here's the only place where you can find hard bottom to ride in and out of the old Bravo, for ten miles up and down...

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