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By: Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)

The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri The Divine Comedy

The Divine Comedy (Italian: Commedia, later christened “Divina” by Giovanni Boccaccio), written by Dante Alighieri between 1308 and his death in 1321, is widely considered the central epic poem of Italian literature, the last great work of literature of the Middle Ages and the first great work of the Renaissance. A culmination of the medieval world-view of the afterlife, it establishes the Tuscan dialect in which it is written as the Italian standard, and is seen as one of the greatest works of world literature...

La Divina Commedia by Dante Alighieri (Italian) La Divina Commedia

La Divina Commedia, originalmente Commedìa, é un poema di Dante Alighieri, capolavoro del poeta fiorentino, considerata la più importante testimonianza letteraria della civiltà medievale e una delle più grandi opere della letteratura universale. È diviso in tre parti chiamate cantiche: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso; il poeta immagina di compiervi un viaggio ultraterreno. Il poema, pur continuando i modi caratteristici della letteratura e dello stile medievali (ispirazione religiosa, fine morale,...

Die göttliche Komödie - Die Hölle by Dante Alighieri (German) Die göttliche Komödie - Die Hölle

Inhalt:Die HölleDas FegefeuerDas Paradies Die Commedia, in späterer Zeit auch Divina Commedia ("Göttliche Komödie") genannt, ist das Hauptwerk des italienischen Dichters Dante Alighieri. Sie gilt als bedeutendste Dichtung der italienischen Literatur und als eines der größten Werke der Weltliteratur.

Die göttliche Komödie - Das Fegefeuer by Dante Alighieri (German) Die göttliche Komödie - Das Fegefeuer

Inhalt:Die HölleDas FegefeuerDas ParadiesDie Commedia, in späterer Zeit auch Divina Commedia ("Göttliche Komödie") genannt, ist das Hauptwerk des italienischen Dichters Dante Alighieri. Sie gilt als bedeutendste Dichtung der italienischen Literatur und als eines der größten Werke der Weltliteratur.

Die göttliche Komödie - Das Paradies by Dante Alighieri (German) Die göttliche Komödie - Das Paradies

Inhalt:Die HölleDas FegefeuerDas ParadiesDie Commedia, in späterer Zeit auch Divina Commedia ("Göttliche Komödie") genannt, ist das Hauptwerk des italienischen Dichters Dante Alighieri. Sie gilt als bedeutendste Dichtung der italienischen Literatur und als eines der größten Werke der Weltliteratur.

Book cover Canzoniere

Le Rime (in English, The Rhymes) are the collection of lyric poems written by Dante Alighieri throughout his life. While the rest of Dante's works were prepared by himself for publication, these poems were written by him in letters, as parts of other works or independently, but only collected and ordered much later, by modern critics. Among these is found the famous collection of Rime Petrose, a cycle of poems dedicated to a woman nicknamed Pietra (Stone) due to her insensibility to the poet's love. As the work of a whole life, the poems are varied, and mirror the many different moments of Dante's thoughts, both poetically and philosophically.

Book cover Divine Comedy (version 2 Dramatic Reading)

The Divine Comedy (in Italian, Divina Commedia, or just La commedia or Comedia) is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri in the first decades of the 14th Century, during his exile from his native Florence. Considered the most important work of Italian literature, the poem has also has enormous historical influence on western literature and culture more generally. Dante represents the three realms of the afterlife in his three canticles (Inferno--Hell; Purgatorio--Purgatory; Paradiso--Paradise) in a way that reflects and, at the same time, goes beyond Christian tradition of the 14th Century...

Book cover (Spanish) Divina Comedia

A la mitad del viaje de nuestra vida, me encontré en una selva oscura por haberme apartado del camino recto. ¡Ah! ¡Cuan penoso me sería decir lo salvaje, áspera y espesa que era esta selva, cuyo recuerdo renueva mi temor! Era tan triste que la muerte no lo es tanto. Pero para hablar del bien que alli encontré, revelaré las demás cosas que he visto... (del Canto primero del infierno). Manuel Aranda y Sanjuan (1845-1900) ha sido un prolífico traductor de obras técnicas, pero también literarias...

Book cover New Life (La vita nuova)

One of Dante's earliest works, La vita nuova or La vita nova (The New Life) is in a prosimetrum style, a combination of prose and verse, and tells the story of his youthful love for Beatrice. The prose creates the illusion of narrative continuity between the poems; it is Dante's way of reconstructing himself and his art in terms of his evolving sense of the limitations of courtly love (the system of ritualized love and art that Dante and his poet-friends inherited from the Provençal poets, the Sicilian poets of the court of Frederick II, and the Tuscan poets before them)...

Book cover Convivio

Convivio (The Banquet) is a work written by Dante Alighieri roughly between 1304 and 1307. This unfinished work of Dante consists of four trattati, or "books": a prefatory one, plus three books that each include a canzone (long lyrical poem) and a prose allegorical interpretation or commentary of the poem that goes off in multiple thematic directions. The Convivio is a kind of vernacular encyclopedia of the knowledge of Dante's time; it touches on many areas of learning, not only philosophy but also politics, linguistics, science, and history...

Book cover Monarchia

The De Monarchia is one of the main works by Dante Alighieri. It is a treatise on secular and religious power, and more specifically on the relationship between secular authority (represented by the Holy Roman Emperor) and religious authority (represented by the Pope). The work is composed of three books, in which Dante condemns the theocratic conception of the power elaborated by the Roman Church and defends that both the Pope and the Emperor derive their power from God, and, that being so, God gave to each power in one certain area of life, which means they should not interfere with each other's power and one should not be considered above the other.

Book cover Epistolae, the letters of Dante

This volume contains the thirteen letters of the poet Dante Alighieri translated from their original Latin, including the famous and controversial letter to his patron Cangrande della Scala. The letters provide a good deal of context for the reader of Dante regarding his political and philosophical positions. In the final letter, the authenticity of which has been hotly contested by scholars, the author dedicates the Paradiso to the Veronese Cangrande, explains his Divine Comedy's title (then just Comedy), and discusses much of the work's content.

Book cover Vulgari Eloquentia

De vulgari eloquentia (On Eloquence in the vernacular) is a short essay written by Dante Alighieri in Latin. The work remains incomplete; only one and a half books are extant. It is believed to have been composed during Dante's exile, probably at some point between 1302 and 1305. The work revolves around the relationship between Latin and vernacular, and the need for a literary language, with an excourse on the poetic forms in vernacular.

Book cover (Italian) Rime

Le Rime sono una raccolta messa insieme e ordinata da moderni editori, che riunisce il complesso della produzione lirica dantesca dalle prove giovanili a quelle dell'età matura. Le rime giovanili comprendono componimenti che riflettono le varie tendenze della lirica cortese del tempo, quella guittoniana, quella guinizzelliana e quella cavalcantiana. Tra questo gruppo di testi Dante aveva scelto quelli che dovevano entrare a far parte della Vita Nova. N.B. Questa edizione contiene alcune poesie che gli studiosi non attribuiscono più a Dante, come per esempio la ballata "Fresca rosa novella" di Calvalcanti. Le includiamo comunque per mantenere l'integrità del volume.

Book cover (Italian) Divina Commedia - Il Paradiso

Il Paradiso è la terza e ultima cantica del poema di Dante, che dopo aver attraversato l'inferno e il purgatorio nelle due cantiche precedenti, giungerà ad attraversare i nove cieli che compongono il Paradiso, accompagnato da Beatrice fino ad arrivare alla visione della Trinità - Summary by Pier

Book cover (Spanish) Divina Comedia - Infierno

La Divina Comedia es un poema teológico escrito por Dante Alighieri. Se desconoce la fecha exacta en que fue escrito aunque las opiniones más reconocidas aseguran que el Infierno pudo ser compuesto entre 1304 y 1307–1308, el Purgatorio de 1307–1308 a 1313–1314 y por último, el Paraíso de 1313–1314 a 1321 . La primera parte narra el descenso del autor al Infierno, acompañado por el poeta latino Virgilio, autor de la Eneida, a quien Dante admiraba. Acompañado por su maestro y guía, describe los nueve círculos en los que son sometidos a castigo los condenados, según la gravedad de los pecados cometidos en vida...

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