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By: Anonymous

Book cover Little Scenes for Little Folks In Words Not Exceeding Two Syllables
Book cover Little Frida A Tale of the Black Forest
The Two Goats and the Sick Monkey by Anonymous The Two Goats and the Sick Monkey
Book cover Cabinet Portrait Gallery of British Worthies Volume I
Book cover The Little Treasure of Prayers
Book cover Emerson Radio Model 39 Warranty Card
Book cover The Old Castle and Other Stories
Book cover Bird Stories and Dog Stories
Book cover The American Goliah
Book cover The Moravians in Labrador
Book cover The Young Carpenters of Freiberg A Tale of the Thirty Years' War
The Argentine Republic by Anonymous The Argentine Republic
Book cover Live to be Useful or, The Story of Annie Lee and her Irish Nurse
Book cover Carlo or Kindness Rewarded
Book cover Installation and Operation Instructions For Custom Mark III CP Series Oil Fired Unit
Book cover Susan and Edward or, A Visit to Fulton Market
Book cover A Classified Catalogue of Selected Works Published by George Bell and Sons November, 1892
Book cover The Life of Mr. Richard Savage Who was Condemn'd with Mr. James Gregory, the last Sessions at the Old Baily, for the Murder of Mr. James Sinclair, at Robinson's Coffee-house at Charing-Cross.
Souvenir Book of the Great Chelsea Fire April 12, 1908 Containing Thirty-Four Views of the Burned District and Prominent Buildings by Anonymous Souvenir Book of the Great Chelsea Fire April 12, 1908 Containing Thirty-Four Views of the Burned District and Prominent Buildings
Book cover The Story of the White-Rock Cove
Book cover Paulina and her Pets
Book cover The Twelve Tables
Book cover Wonders of Creation
Book cover A Treatise of Daunses Wherin It Is Shewed, That They Are as It Were Accessories And Dependants (Or Thynges Annexed) to Whoredome, (1581)
Book cover Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog
Book cover Jemmy Stubbins, or the Nailer Boy Illustrations of the Law of Kindness
Book cover The Ancient Banner Or, Brief Sketches of Persons and Scenes in the Early History of Friends
Book cover The True Life of Betty Ireland With Her Birth, Education, and Adventures. Together with Some Account of Her Elder Sister Blanch of Britain. Containing Sundry Very Curious Particulars
Book cover The Forest of Vazon A Guernsey Legend of the Eighth Century
Book cover An Answer to a Scurrilous Pamplet [1693]
Book cover Our Katie
Book cover The Great War and How It Arose
Book cover Critical Remarks on Sir Charles Grandison, Clarissa, and Pamela (1754)
Book cover Honoring Parents
Book cover The Book of Enterprise and Adventure Being an Excitement to Reading. for Young People. a New and Condensed Edition.
Book cover The Wreck
Book cover Boys their Work and Influence
Book cover Our Pets
Book cover The Annual Monitor for 1851 or, Obituary of the members of the Society of Friends in Great Britain and Ireland, for the year 1850
Book cover Young Soldier
Book cover Is Ulster Right?
Book cover Representation of the Impiety and Immorality of the English Stage (1704); Some Thoughts Concerning the Stage in a Letter to a Lady (1704)
Book cover Life of Venerable Sister Margaret Bourgeois
Book cover Gems Gathered in Haste A New Year's Gift for Sunday Schools
Book cover The Monkey's Frolic A Humorous Tale in Verse
The Laird o' Coul's Ghost by Anonymous The Laird o' Coul's Ghost
Book cover The Ghost of Chatham; A Vision Dedicated to the House of Peers
Book cover IBM System 360 RPG Debugging Template and Keypunch Card
Book cover The Mail Pay on the Burlington Railroad
Book cover Eight Stories for Isabel
Croquet As played by the Newport Croquet Club by Anonymous Croquet As played by the Newport Croquet Club
Reflections upon Two Pamphlets Lately Published One called, A Letter from Monsieur de Cros, concerning the Memoirs of Christendom, And the Other, An Answer to that Letter. by Anonymous Reflections upon Two Pamphlets Lately Published One called, A Letter from Monsieur de Cros, concerning the Memoirs of Christendom, And the Other, An Answer to that Letter.
Book cover The Village in the Mountains; Conversion of Peter Bayssiere; and History of a Bible
Book cover Our Saviour
Book cover Aunt Harding's Keepsakes The Two Bibles
Book cover A Letter to a Gentleman in the Country, from His Friend in London Giving an Authentick and Circumstantial Account of the Confinement, Behaviour, and Death of Admiral Byng, as Attested by the Gentlemen Who Were Present
Strive and Thrive or, Stories for the Example and Encouragement of the Young by Anonymous Strive and Thrive or, Stories for the Example and Encouragement of the Young
The Blind Beggar of Jericho by Anonymous The Blind Beggar of Jericho
The Child Who Died and Lived Again by Anonymous The Child Who Died and Lived Again
Book cover A Dialogue Between Dean Swift and Tho. Prior, Esq. In the Isles of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, On that Memorable Day, October 9th, 1753
Book cover Vocations Explained Matrimony, Virginity, The Religious State and The Priesthood
Book cover A Letter to Lord Robert Bertie Relating to His Conduct in the Mediterranean, and His Defence of Admiral Byng
Book cover The Medley
Florence Hanemann's Dance Revue Central School, Glen Rock, New Jersey, June 9, 1950 by Anonymous Florence Hanemann's Dance Revue Central School, Glen Rock, New Jersey, June 9, 1950
The Child's Book About Moses by Anonymous The Child's Book About Moses
Book cover The Royal Game of the Ombre Written at the Request of divers Honourable Persons—1665
Book cover Little Alice's Palace or, The Sunny Heart
Book cover Some Remarks on the Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Written by Mr. William Shakespeare (1736)
Book cover Theobald, the Iron-Hearted Love to Enemies
Book cover Fires and Firemen: from the Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science and Art, Vol XXXV No. 1, May 1855
Book cover The Quadrupeds' Pic-Nic
Book cover Modest Remarks upon the Bishop of London's Letter Concerning the Late Earthquakes
Book cover Notes on a Tour Through the Western part of The State of New York
Book cover The Soldier Turned Farmer
Book cover The Nation's Peril Twelve Years' Experience in the South
Book cover A Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena With Notes: In Answer to a Late Pamphlet Entitled, An account of the Expedition to Carthagena
Book cover Dangers on the Ice Off the Coast of Labrador
Book cover The Riverside Bulletin, March, 1910 Houghton Mifflin Books for Spring and Summer
Book cover The Poll for an Assistant Minister for the Parish of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich
Book cover Manners and Rules of Good Society Or Solecisms to be Avoided
Book cover Nell and Her Grandfather

If you have heard of the Dickens novel, The Old Curiosity Shop, and remember Nell Trent, the beautiful and virtuous young girl of "not quite fourteen", an orphan, who lived with her maternal grandfather in his shop of odds and ends, then you will understand that these stories take place in the same time period as the book and have the same lovable and quirky characters. Not written by Dickens, of course, they try and succeed in my mind to carry on our enjoyment of hearing of the escapades of the people and England we love. - Summary by Phil Chenevert

Book cover Juvenile Bible

A collection of short poems describing every book of the Bible for young children to read in order to help them learn about the Bible.

Book cover Most Extraordinary Trial of William Palmer

John Parsons Cook was a 28 year old bachelor, from a good family but not in robust health. He studied to become a lawyer, but instead of following that career, turned to raising race horses. In November 1855, during a visit to the Shrewsbury races, he was taken violently ill. He was attended by the 80 year old local doctor Dr. Bamford, and Cook's friend and sometimes partner, Dr. Palmer. William Palmer was a physician and surgeon, a widower and father. His appearance instilled confidence and invited trust...

Book cover Theologia Germanica

This short, anonymous work is thought to have been written in the 1300s by a member of the lay-religious group called ‘The Friends of God.’ Its central teaching is that humans can become one with God by living a holy, selfless life in which our will is subsumed into God’s, of which Christ is the ultimate example. Martin Luther discovered, named, and published Theologia Germanica in 1516, declaring that, "Next to the Bible and St. Augustine, no book has ever come into my hands from which I have learnt more of God and Christ, and man and all things that are."

Book cover Unaddressed Letters

“I had a friend who loved me;” but he has gone, and the “great gulf” is between us. After his death, I received a packet of manuscript with these few words:—“What I have written may appeal to you because of our friendship, and because, when you come to read them, you will seek to grasp, in these apparent confidences, an inner meaning that to the end will elude you. If you think others, not the many but the few, might find here any answer to their unuttered questionings, any fellowship of sympathy in those experiences which are the milestones of our lives, then use the letters as you will, but without my name...

Book cover Life of Lazarillo de Tormes (Markham translation)

A whimsical collection of stories about a wandering street urchin, Lazarillo de Tormes is a classic of the Spanish Golden Age, even paid homage in Cervantes’ Don Quixote. Rendered homeless by the arrest of his father and poverty of his mother, the boy Lazarillo has no choice but to go out and find masters to serve. Unfortunately, each of his masters is worse than the one before, and in each case Lazarillo is cast upon his own wits in order to survive. Clever, hungry, and desperate, he always has a sharp eye for lessons on how to outwit the greedy and unscrupulous people who surround him...

Book cover Book Of Jasher

Jasher The Hebrew title may be translated Sefer haYashar - "Book of the Upright" - but it is known in English translation mostly as The Book of Jasher following English tradition. The book is named after the Book of Jasher referenced In Joshua 10:13; 2 Samuel 1:18; And 2 Timothy 3:8.Jasher is an historical text that covers the time period from Creation through Israel's journey into Canaan. - Summary by CJ Plog.

Book cover Manners and Rules of Good Society; Or, Solecisms to be Avoided by a Member of the Aristocracy

The title of this work sufficiently indicates the nature of its contents. The Usages of Good Society relate not only to good manners and to good breeding, but also to the proper etiquette to be observed on every occasion. Note: The abbreviation viz. is short for the Latin videlicet, which itself is a contraction of the Latin phrase videre licet, meaning "it is permitted to see".

Book cover Taste of New Mexico Kitchens

From the New Mexico Magazine comes a selection of recipes unique to this region, selected from two cookbooks previously published. Sample, "Stacked enchiladas topped with an egg and smothered in pungent red sauce, tender sopaipillas, rich and meaty posole stew, green chile, and blue corn tortillas" among others. - Summary by Larry Wilson

Book cover Shri Dnyaneshwar - A Sketch Of His Life And Teachings

An overview of the life of Shri Dnyaneshwar and his devoted family. Dnyaneshwar was a 13th-century Indian poet and yogin. He commentated the Bhagavad Gita in a timeless manner while in his teens, and wrote an original book of verse. He was an inspirational speaker with many followers. - Summary by Czandra

Book cover Incidents of Childhood

Short stories for children that hide practical lessons within charming glimpses of life in England in the Early 19th Century.

Book cover Please Buy My Verses

volunteers bring you 10 recordings of Please Buy My Verses by Anonymous. This was the Weekly Poetry project for November 18, 2018. ------ PLEASE BUY MY VERSES. PRICE: WHAT YOU PLEASE The Bearer Lost His Eyesight While Blasting in December, 1868. - Summary by text

Book cover Merry Christmas : two early birds

volunteers bring you 11 recordings of A Merry Christmas : two early birds by anonymous. This was the Weekly Poetry project for December 11. 2018. ------ This Christmas pamphlet, dated 1890, from The Mail and Empire, a Toronto newspaper, solicits Christmas donations for the newspaper delivery boys. - Summary by David Lawrence

Book cover Santa Claus, Kriss Kringle or St. NIcholas

volunteers bring you 14 recordings of Santa Claus, Kriss Kringle or St. NIcholas by Anomymous. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for December 16, 2018. ------ This poem was published in booklet form with illustrations in 1897. - Summary by David Lawrence

Book cover Book of Jubilees

The Book of Jubilees, sometimes called Lesser Genesis , is an ancient Jewish religious work of 50 chapters, considered canonical by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church as well as Beta Israel , where it is known as the Book of Division . Jubilees is considered one of the pseudepigrapha by Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox Churches. It is also not considered canonical within Judaism outside of the Beta Israel. - Summary by Wikipedia

Book cover Heroic Life and Exploits of Siegfried the Dragon Slayer

This is the prequel of the Nibelungenlied. It tells the tale of Siegfried as a young man when he sets forth to earn a name for himself so he will be able to stand proudly with his ancestors. - Summary by Fritz

Book cover Holy Koran

The Koran is divided into 114 Surahs. It re-tells the stories of most of the previous prophets. It also covers Marriages, Inheritance, Banning, Pilgrimage, etc. Special thanks to catharmaiden for Proof-Listening some of the Surahs. And thanks to Kitty for being the MC and DPL. We're grateful for your help and support. - Summary by SaraHale

Book cover Constitutions of the Holy Apostles (Books 1 to 3)

The Apostolic Constitutions are made up of eight treatises on Early Christian discipline, worship, and doctrine, which was intended to act as a manual of guidance for the clergy, and laity. It claims to be composed by the Twelve Apostles who received these instructions from Jesus Christ, although most scholars believe it to be a 4th-century work.The structure of the work is as follows: Books 1 to 6 are a re-writing of the Didascalia Apostolorum. Book 7 is based largely on the Didache, with Chapters 33-45 containing prayers similar to existing Jewish ones. Book 8 has a treatise on charismata, along with, what are known as, the Canons of the Apostles.

Book cover St. Clair's Defeat 1791

St. Clair's defeat was a battle fought between the United States and the Western Confederacy of Native Americans on November 4, 1791, during the Northwest Indian War. Out of a US force of roughly 1000 men and officers, only 24 escaped unharmed. It has been cited as the most decisive defeat in the history of the American military and its largest defeat ever by Native Americans. This pamphlet is a compilation of three articles published in 1847, 1851 and 1864.

Book cover Cottage Cheese Recipe Book

This short recipe book from the Borden Company has a full range of recipes including Appetizers, Salads, Salad Dressings, Breads, Main Dishes, and Desserts. - Summary by Larry Wilson

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